Extreme Heat
The Sun in Mexico City This Week. Marco Ugarte/Associated Press

Extreme Heat

It's very hot in the Northern Hemisphere, and summer hasn't even started yet. The high temperatures are significantly affecting the region.


In Miami, a record heat index, which combines temperature and humidity, was recorded. This worries experts and authorities, as the high Atlantic temperatures mean a more intense hurricane season is expected.


The intensity of storms increases with global warming. Hot air retains more moisture, increasing the storms' capacity to carry precipitation. For this reason, some insurers have withdrawn from Florida, while others have increased protection premiums.


Further south, in the Caribbean region, including Costa Rica, Colombia, Nicaragua, and Panama, unprecedented temperatures are being reported. These extreme temperatures put the survival of coral reefs at risk. “I hate having to keep using the term 'unprecedented,'” said the coordinator of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, “but this year we are seeing unprecedented patterns again.”


In southeastern Mexico, dozens of howler monkey deaths have been reported. Scientists believe that high temperatures, along with deforestation, logging, and recent fires, could be the cause.


For humans, high temperatures are not only annoying and physically dangerous but can also affect our mental health.

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