Extreme Behaviour SOS – Sensory Obtainable Solutions Training
“Pupils with special educational needs accounted for just under half of all exclusions”
Persistent disruptive behaviour in the classroom on a daily basis can have an extremely negative impact on both other children’s education and staff morale. Dealing with challenging behaviours can require a high level of support and result in staff feeling helpless when other approaches do not work. Consequently, school exclusion are unavoidable.
This course is designed to explain how sensory processing difficulties (SPD) can cause or contribute to extreme behaviours, aggression and anxiety in children
This course is designed to explain how sensory processing difficulties (SPD) can cause or contribute to extreme behaviours, aggression and anxiety in children
How it helps:
Understand how sensory interventions can help our bodies self-regulate to stay in a “ready state”. This equips staff with effective tools to calm and facilitate a child’s compliance – whether they have underlying SPD or not!
Integrating sensory motor programmes and routines into a child’s day is a proactive way of addressing many children’s difficulties whilst reducing behavioural incidents.
Our course is both theory and practical combined giving participants the opportunity to try basic techniques and discuss ways of adapting interventions to suit their situation, whether in a mainstream or special school. Educating and empowering teaching staff to create a more positive learning environment. Parents will also find this course very useful.
Cost: £70 per person
Date: Friday 7th June 2019
Time: 9.30am – 12.30pm
Venue: Myplace, Custom House, North Street, Middlesbrough, TS2 1JP