Extract from ‘Rich Dad poor Dad’

Extract from ‘Rich Dad poor Dad’

Last night while asleep, did you make any money?

? Here’s how…

Do you know what the difference is between being rich and being wealthy?

When I was a young boy, my rich dad told me about the difference between being rich and being wealthy…

“Many people think that being rich and being wealthy are the same thing,” said rich dad. “But there is a difference between the two…

…The rich have lots of money, but the wealthy don't worry about money."

What rich dad meant was that while the rich might have lots of money, they also might have lots of expenses keeping them up at night. Expenses like a mortgage, car payments, credit cards, and more…

Often if you're rich, you have a high paying job to pay for all these expenses. And you have to get up every morning and WORK HARD for your money. Worst of all, if you lose your job, like many are right now, the rich panic because they will run out of money soon. ??

Sometimes even within days! ??

So, while BEING RICH means, you might have lots of money, you don't have any real financial freedom. ?? ?? ??

BEING WEALTHY means you don't have any worries about money or a job. Simply put, being wealthy is your ability to sustain your lifestyle without having to work.

For example, if your monthly expenses are $2,000 and you have $10,000 available, your wealth is approximately five months. But if your expenses are $2,000, and you earn passive income that earns you $2,000 per month, your wealth is infinite.

Wealth is measured in time, not dollars. Financial freedom is essentially freedom of time…

And passive income is what gives you freedom of time. Passive income is income that keeps coming in whether you work or not.

You’re making money even while you sleep! ?? ?? ??

So, my question to you is…

In this current economic crisis and while we're all in lockdown due to COVID-19…

…how wealthy are you?

There are only so many hours in a day, so you will never work your way to financial freedom.

The wealthy have found a way to generate a ??% PASSIVE INCOME.

Is creating passive income a BIG SECRET that only the wealthy possess?



