Extra: The Third Reich Roots of the ‘Palestinian’ Cause
This may be the most controversial letter I’ve written yet—and that’s really saying something. Historical facts should not be controversial; but such are the times we live in. There is a man of history who was a close ally of Hitler. A despicable human being that wanted to achieve the extermination of Jews in the territory he came from. A man that led the Nazi propaganda campaign across the Middle East and North Africa to convince Arabs to side with the Axis and rise up to “slaughter the Jews”. And even after the Nazis were defeated, he never stopped trying to exterminate the Jews of Israel.
This man is Haj Amin al-Husseini, once-Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. He supported fascism against democracy. He supported Arab nationalism against Israel. Because his very existence undermines the entire ethos of the ‘Palestinian’ cause, you’ve probably never heard of him unless you’re a nerd like me that actively studies history. But study history, we must. Even the inconvenient truths.
It is no accident of history that the “marches” to “free Palestine” resemble with striking similarity Nazi rallies. There is a direct link between the “free Palestine” movement and Nazi Germany; more than one, actually. The Grand Mufti Husseini aligned himself ideologically with the Nazis from their rise to power in 1933. He even met with Hitler and presided over a number of projects in the Third Reich, including Berlin’s Central Islamic Institute inaugurated in 1942 and an official Arabic-language Nazi radio station based just outside of Berlin. Of course, he was also a raging antisemite and railed against the “common enemy” of Aryans and Muslims—the Jews—claiming Jews were the “bitterest enemies” of Islam. This is racist nonsense, but a lot of people especially at the time bought into it. An unfortunate number of people are still buying into it.
Strangely enough, Husseini was also a British ally for a time. It was they who appointed him Grand Mufti of Jerusalem during their rule over the former Ottoman territories in the Middle East, despite Husseini’s ties to Arab nationalism. That changed rather quickly when Husseini supported the Arab revolts of 1936-39. Husseini was forced into exile and eventually wound up in Iraq, where he would correspond directly with Hitler and secured Hitler’s written support if Iraqi Arabs were to take up arms against the British. They did take up arms, Hitler didn’t send a whole lot of military aid, the coup fails, and Husseini escapes again to—you guessed it—fascist Italy. From there, he would navigate to Berlin. He received assurances from Hitler in meeting that once the Jews of Europe were “dealt with”, worldwide Jewry including those of the Zionist project would be too.
Before all that though, Husseini cut his teeth as a “professional anti-Zionist” back home. Husseini was an advocate and agitator for the British closing off Jewish immigration into Mandate Palestine—a move that the British did implement, and thereby indirectly funneled approximately six million European Jews to their deaths. If Israel had then existed as the British initially promised with the Balfour Declaration of 1917, the Holocaust could not have happened. European Jewry would have had a place to escape to and at least make out with their lives. But they didn’t.
And even before Husseini’s exile from Jerusalem, he was meeting with Nazi leadership in the ‘Holy City’ to organize boycotts of Jewish goods. To people like Husseini, there was no difference between “anti-Zionism” and antisemitism. Husseini hated Zionists because they were Jews. Make no mistake: the bait-and-switch tactics of “anti-Zionists” today to hide their antisemitism is made all the more farcical in historical context.
Now, as someone that has done my research, it would be remiss of me to not address a common misconception among the very few that know of Husseini. It has been claimed that Husseini inspired the ‘Final Solution’, i.e. the extermination of the Jews of Europe. He did in fact meet with Hitler right before the ‘Wannsee Conference’ that formally organized the ‘Final Solution’. However, it is simply impossible that Husseini was the originator of the idea. The Nazis had already been moving towards the depraved final outcome of their virulent hate. The ‘Final Solution’ was simply the natural conclusion to their ideology. It didn’t need Husseini to bring it into being; it was there the whole time, just waiting.
In fact, the inspiration seems to have run the other way. Because in the years and decades after the fall of the Nazis, Husseini would be back in the Levant and Middle East organizing his own extermination campaign to “take back” Israel from the Jews; i.e. Husseini wanted Arabs to re-colonize the land, and too bad for the Jewish refugees from the Holocaust and 60 years of pogroms across Europe and the Middle East that formed the backbone of the Zionist movement. Husseini tried and tried again for his own “solution”, not understanding why or how “Zionists” could be so tenacious. He would die in 1974 in Beirut, not living long enough to see the handiwork of Hezbollah as they would wreak havoc on Lebanon in the name of “anti-Zionism”.
And here is the really tragic part. Because no matter how much death and destruction you inflict on a refugee with nowhere else to go, by virtue of the nature of their existence they will never give up and leave. For almost 80 years now the Arab and then the Palestinian ethos has been to drive out the Jews from their ancient homeland. But that is never going to happen—because they have nowhere else to go. Israel is their home. Their only home. You cannot “drive them out”. Israel and Israelis are here to stay.?
For God’s sake, learn the lessons of history. We don’t have to keep playing this record. I wish I could reach the people that have given into this hate all over again. It doesn’t have to be this way.
Anyway, that’s the story. I hope you learned something useful or at least interesting. I know I was a couple weeks late with this promised extra. Trust me though: there is a lot on the horizon for A Dose of Sanity. Stay tuned.
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2 周And…”Swords of the Vatican”.
Founder | Educator | Helping Podiatrists Master Functional and Regenerative Medicine to Improve Outcomes and Create Direct-Pay Practices Without the Burdens of Insurance-Dependency.
2 周It stands to reason that Husseini allied himself with Hitler, the world’s undisputed king of mass murder, to put himself in a position of power. He saw how Hitler created the perfect enemy of the motherland and how easy it was to get the population of Germany aligned with his diabolical plot to exterminate world Jewry. So to satisfy his own thirst for power and influence, there Husseini went. And, not surprisingly, he was able to get Arabs to align with him against the common enemy, the Jews. Genocide is always about a thirst for power and influence and arises from megalomania. And we have returned to the same dynamic as the Islamic Regime desires world domination, just like Hitler did. And people are too blind to see what’s right in front of their eyes.
I stand with Israel ! ????????
2 周Thank you for this brave post! Yhank you for your unwavering support, for researching and soeaking the truth!!
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