Jeff Ostroff
Experienced, Enthusiastic Producer and Interviewer/Host. I help people/organizations promote their Unique Selling Proposition via customized, audio/video "SEE YOU IN ACTION" interviews. This is my passion and my calling!
What's a former Dow Jones and Wall St. Journal pro have to say about the newspaper industry, how it's evolved, where it is now, where it may be headed, and what opportunities that portends? To find out, listen to my guest expert, Ken Herts, Chief Operating Officer of the Lenfest Institute for Journalism. Ken has spent more than 30 years in the news business... so he should know about these things! Hear Ken speak about what organizations like the Lenfest Institute, Google, Newsday, the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, the Dallas Morning News, Pro Publica, the Salt Lake City Tribune, and Tiny News Collective are doing to maintain or grow newspaper readership. Learn what newspapers in other countries, such as London-based, The Financial Times, and Norwegian-based, Schibsted, have done for that same purpose. Find out the keys to the U.S.-based national newspapers' success in dealing with a rapidly changing newspaper industry. And pay close attention to where Ken says there are OPPORTUNITIES to be found for those having the right set of skills in today's marketplace.
Looking Forward: THE podcast that focuses on major TRENDS, how they may affect YOU, and what OPPORTUNITIES they might offer YOU... or someone you care about.
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Please keep in mind the great and ridiculously INEXPENSIVE, ground-floor opportunity that exists for those who want to sponsor a specific episodes(s) that relates to what you sell or the image you want to convey to your customers and prospects. Looking Forward is upbeat, wholesome, futuristic, and informative, and connects with listeners around the world. Through our promos and posts to social media, on websites, podcast sites, and e-mails, Looking Forward's reach is impressive, and our episode shelf life is long. For more details, please contact us at www.jeff-ostroff.com Thanks!
Ken Herts, Newspaper Industry Expert, Chief Operating Officer, Lenfest Institute for Journalism