Extra Credit Wednesday

Extra Credit Wednesday

What's better than that friend who's a bit extra?? Extra Credit Wednesday from Learn21!

Google announced a new branding for Chromebooks, the?Chromebook Plus (https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Llvs7ZgrXqffCBEur-zvS3h8-p76vP9TW5bFE9t7B2IGuoavEM2AAgsTc3PG4WGYwJG0AQzNgZLs8ZIcPMSqPEipCVvFKRPwXYQjwgBpeQFAT0p_xQk8AgwSDvITkTArgBq_LsN029L5UJ-BrEoQZqpq5kOsxPnpGmfBEQMis6PNKtuoE7x-Tv_bYWMIZXe00NM_X8kbflo=&c=VLi6_2MCt7BfTB3mD08Wxhoq-OolkXr0xZfB8TKTmvIoch61l2Nk_A==&ch=LwsaQqLkr-a_WbISQ9SGQVbOsuKW6UK4wPiA_HYjuSAnh7RZiWUTgw==). A Chromebook Plus is a Chromebook with a faster processor, more memory, and more storage than what is normally in a Chromebook. Current Chromebook minimum specs include an Intel i3 12th gen (AMD Ryzen 3 7000 series), 8GB of RAM, 128GB of storage, a 1080P camera with temporal noise reduction, and a 1080 screen. These are the minimum specs, there will be Chromebook Pluses with higher end specs. The branding makes it easier for district to purchase machines for staff members knowing that the machines will be powerful enough to get the job done.

As Google giveth, it also taketh away. Google announced they are?stopping development of Google Jamboard, both the software and the hardware (https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Llvs7ZgrXqffCBEur-zvS3h8-p76vP9TW5bFE9t7B2IGuoavEM2AAgsTc3PG4WGYUSKVddKYOh7MuzJlV264Yt1cBniYDStYNbGAF5ufPk0QuNqLcIXDitSc8cXNQ9ZGjl_p3LxLs_b4ifm3LKimPZhR1Qf4cJJ8Oz2KwmdV_q3fuIpXuPsN3N1urieryV9fB1YQosiuerAWlDWQYA_ZnKL7bB7BPleN_VQmAN5QQKJGrqOKiQ_a4qtQ7I4DEhS9vT_2_zALpg4=&c=VLi6_2MCt7BfTB3mD08Wxhoq-OolkXr0xZfB8TKTmvIoch61l2Nk_A==&ch=LwsaQqLkr-a_WbISQ9SGQVbOsuKW6UK4wPiA_HYjuSAnh7RZiWUTgw==). This is unfortunate because I know a lot of teachers have been creating a ton of content in Jamboard. Google is working with Figma, Lucid and Miro to provide a migration path for these Jams to Figjam, Lucidspark, and Miro. I've been experimenting with Figjam and it is a fantastic piece of software.

Most of what I've read about authors and AI is that authors DO NOT like their material being used for training the large language models such as those that power ChatGPT. But here is an author?that doesn't really have a problem with it (https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Llvs7ZgrXqffCBEur-zvS3h8-p76vP9TW5bFE9t7B2IGuoavEM2AAgsTc3PG4WGY-vi2_Q9--BAn-O6GMhHmJiKsFQfiJt7AS64bK1fCLNa1Kgre3HXXj_1cXbyr53_dpOo4lDS0k-gOmcrirOzyMfMy_m2JPq_H9ALDg1pL7RrnWpDiDngXimQfUyfkN-k4QZt_ZT1RKKTYFU0KADzlKiJ4aAhhd4s0&c=VLi6_2MCt7BfTB3mD08Wxhoq-OolkXr0xZfB8TKTmvIoch61l2Nk_A==&ch=LwsaQqLkr-a_WbISQ9SGQVbOsuKW6UK4wPiA_HYjuSAnh7RZiWUTgw==). He dives deep into the Author Guild's letter calling out the

AI industry and its exploitation of writers.

This video is a?fascinating look into how people think in relation to time (https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Llvs7ZgrXqffCBEur-zvS3h8-p76vP9TW5bFE9t7B2IGuoavEM2AAgsTc3PG4WGY7cBK_RrJKCQFKr0EfvqQFcaNnrrJWG9-Y6oQT4c-PHh9pb9fQpwdNqiX0mdH141pIqJb_dTiDb8d0o-j2Ltb3EPXWOML9TsqwxRHc_LAkMGhb5Uj0KEdoQsj-a4KyI-7Wgq6Sm80UNk=&c=VLi6_2MCt7BfTB3mD08Wxhoq-OolkXr0xZfB8TKTmvIoch61l2Nk_A==&ch=LwsaQqLkr-a_WbISQ9SGQVbOsuKW6UK4wPiA_HYjuSAnh7RZiWUTgw==). When I was watching it I was struck by how the ideas about a person who thinks in present is very much a fixed mindset thinker, while those who are thinking in the future have a growth mindset.



