Extension functions in Kotlin
Kotlin is an amazing programming language that brings a plethora of powerful features to developers. One standout feature is Extension Functions, which allow you to extend the functionality of existing classes without modifying their source code or inheriting from them.
Imagine adding your custom methods to predefined classes like Int, String, or List—this is exactly what extension functions enable! Let’s explore this concept with a practical example: determining whether a number is prime.
Without Extension Functions
Here’s how we would traditionally write a function to check if a number is prime:
fun main() {
val x: Int = 20
val y: Int = 11
if (isPrimeNum(x)) {
println("x is a prime number")
} else {
println("x is not a prime number")
if (isPrimeNum(y)) {
println("y is a prime number")
} else {
println("y is not a prime number")
fun isPrimeNum(num: Int): Boolean {
for (i in 2 until num) {
if (num % i == 0) {
return false
return true
In this code
With Extension Functions
fun main() {
val x: Int = 3
val y: Int = 12
if (x.isPrimeNum()) {
println("x is a prime number")
} else {
println("x is not a prime number")
if (y.isPrimeNum()) {
println("y is a prime number")
} else {
println("y is not a prime number")
fun Int.isPrimeNum(): Boolean {
for (i in 2 until this) {
if (this % i == 0) {
return false
return true
In this code
Some amazing things about the Extension function
like for example
class Base {
fun welcomeUser() {
println("Hello User") // This will be executed
// Extension Function
fun Base.welcomeUser() {
println("Welcome User") // This will not be executed
fun main() {
val base = Base()
base.welcomeUser() // Output: "Hello User"
This happens because extension functions are resolved statically (at compile time), while class methods are resolved dynamically (at runtime). During compile time, the binary code is generated for both the class method and the extension function. However, at runtime, the class method is prioritized because it is part of the class's intrinsic behavior.
To put it simply, imagine you have a main notebook and a sticky note. If both have content under the same title, you will naturally prioritize the content in the main notebook over the sticky note. Similarly, the program gives preference to the class method over the extension function when they share the same name.
class Base {
fun welcomeUser() {
println("Hello User") // This will be executed
// Extension Function
fun Base.welcomeUser(name: String) {
println("Welcome $name") // This will not be executed
fun main() {
val base = Base()
base.welcomeUser() // Output: "Hello User"
base.welcomeUser("Suresh") // Output: "Welcome Suresh"
Why does this run because during compiling byte code is generated in both cases but in this case, extension functions to overload member functions that have the same name but a different signature
for more learning read : https://kotlinlang.org/docs/extensions.html
In conclusion, extension functions are a great way to enhance predefined classes, allowing you to add functionality that can be easily accessed throughout the entire project.