Express yourself!
? Lisa Davies - Chief Inspiration Officer ?
Unleashing business leaders limitless potential through life changing retreats. Trainer | Speaker | Therapist |Author
Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself. ~ Bruce Lee
I was traveling the week before last ready for delivering Coaching training and had a reminder on the wall of my bedroom , the framed pictures next to my bed were of handwriting ( I suppose it was to represent Shakespeare, with a feather quill and a wax seal... pretty cool in fact... but a universal nudge that I hadn't written! oh dear... the Universe is always there with signs and symbols if only we notice)
Great news is, on my way home I heard the song "Express yourself"... how apt hey?
I love the lyrics .... "Whatever you do, do it good....Express yourself! It's not what you look like when you do what you do, Express yourself"
Which reminds me of another couple of quotes you may have heard before:
“You’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody watching, Love like you’ll never be hurt, Sing like there’s nobody listening, And live like it’s heaven on earth.” ~ William W. Purkey
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.” ~ Bernard M. Baruch
I guess what I'm trying to say is this, many people play it small, don't say what they really deeply desire to from the bottom of their heart, holding in their magnificence for fear of ridicule, mistakes, rejection..... of being different.
You know it's healthy for us as human beings to express ourselves.
Holding in our creative spark, dumbing down our brilliance and stifling our potential blocks our energy.... which in turn over a long period of time manifests in the body physically, as illness.
Maybe you feel it's just easier not to stand out from the crowd, to have your own souls longing realised?
Do the World a favour step into your miraculous self... Your family, friends, work colleagues will love you for it.(Of course it goes without saying, it's important to express yourself with loving intent and not to hurt others in the process)
Imagine if Shakespeare hadn't expressed himself? Or Van Gogh? Or Beethoven?...... Or Labrinth? ( You wouldn't be singing and bopping along to the video above.... oops sorry, is that just me then?)
I believe everyone has a song within them, or a book for that matter. I urge you, don't come to the end of the conveyor belt of life and look back over your life and say... what if? When you have no what if's left.
To paraphrase the late, great Dr Wayne Dyer ....Don't die with your song ( Or book ) still in you. Express yourself.
So today I challenge you to remember "whatever you do, do it good". Don't worry about how you look when you do what you do, just express yourself. Dance around your front room, paint the town red,Kick up your heels, sing at the top of your voice in the shower, write a poem, tell a story......
but most of all.... BE YOU. DO YOU!
Until next time,Make every moment count.
Lisa .
( It's nearly Easter right?.... Just expressing my inner Easter bunny!! )