Express Yourself
Creative inspiration can come in many forms but listening to Dr Dre’s 1988 hit with N.W.A. (a cover of the 1970 Charles Wright classic), “Express Yourself” created the lightbulb moment I’d been searching for. It was the phrase that started me thinking of the importance of being free to share thoughts and ideas without fear of censorship. We're able to do just that but do we make the most of the opportunity?
To clarify and provide context this is not a call for a political cause but an appeal for us to think about how we might best express ourselves without creating a Twitter "pile on" or Facebook fued. I'm thinking of the term in relation to sharing something of our experience that might help others.
Like many of us I find it hard just to write for the sake of it, that in itself is a skill. The better pieces I’ve produced are those where I’ve been motivated, inspired, driven to tap out what’s spinning in my head.
I find the process cathartic and hugely rewarding because I’m aiming to give something back and take time to share my own creation rather than someone else’s. Being an originator of content supporting and helping others does leave you with a good feeling.
So in these terms how do you express yourself?
My Hemingway Moment
Ten years ago I was commissioned to write a business book. The deadline to produce my final chapter cut across our family holiday which caused some disruption to our plans, but yours truly embraced the moment. I relished the experience with glass of wine in hand, reviewing the final draft, occasionally distracted by the crashing waves of the Atlantic pounding the shoreline. No, we weren’t in Florida but the Algarve, a beautiful fishing village called Carvoeiro which quite appropriately has a bar called Hemingways!
My memory is so clear of those moments. I was wonderfully happy and felt fulfilled. The completion of a project I felt passionate about, albeit the title might not give that impression. It was a fantastically named publication, “Social Media Marketing for Law Firms” I know…but I was happy, and the book sold well for the publishers.
Why am I sharing this tale?
How many of us have set ourselves goals to achieve during Lockdowns, this enforced “reset” and period of reflection? One prominent item on the "to-do" list could well have been to write a book. It might only now be something you’re considering. Creating unique content for publication is one of the most common creative itches executives suffer from but all too often fail to scratch it due to work and life generally just getting in the way.
Many of you reading this will have considerable experience, knowledge, skills and unique insights notably in your chosen field. At this moment in our history we could do with finding a creative way to showcase and access those talents to better inform, support and boost business performance as we emerge out of the pandemic.
We can all tell a story, share tips or relay a case study that informs a grateful reader, listener to a podcast or viewer of a presentation.
We have the platform to help you Express Yourself, telling the wider world what you know and in so doing create something engaging, memorable and most importantly helpful for business owners in need.
If you’re interested or just mildly curious I’d encourage you to drop me a line via [email protected]