Express Your Hues
Huesofthemind Mental Well-being Foundation
A non-profit organization to encourage mental wellbeing and awareness about mental health, we help you help yourself.
This is a question to the ones who claim to have a hold on life, who claim to have understood life, who claim to be in love with their life-
How has life been treating you??
Does it feel like lying on a bed of roses, as some say? Does it feel like walking over a fiery path, as others say?
Or, does it feel like scanning the stars on a full moon day- peaceful yet, erratic?
Far away from the atrocities of life, we continue glancing through the glasses of pain, pushing forward without truly expressing what goes on inside. Sipping our stress, we try to get lost in the hustle by letting the world dictate what we should or shouldn’t do. Watching the balloons and the caffeine take off, humming to Radiohead and filling our brains with the void, we keep our emotions to ourselves because we are fearful of the potential backlash our words or actions might create. It is very common for us to suppress our emotions because in our head, we are often ashamed and embarrassed for having them. We don't realise that disconnecting from our feelings makes us emotionally numb and places us on that "emotional rollercoaster", which we aren't much fond of, to be very honest. When we tend to do so, we feel like the stress, anxiety, depression, or anger within us starts controlling us. We often act impulsively, doing or saying things we know we shouldn’t, only to regret it later.?
This is what Emotional Intelligence is all about. By learning to keep stress and emotions in check, we’ll improve how to communicate with others and bring our lives into balance. As we develop the ability to better recognize and understand our own emotions, we’ll find it easier to understand better how others are feeling, thus improving our communication and helping our personal and professional relationships flourish. By bringing stress into balance and learning to tolerate difficult emotions, we’ll discover that our capacity for experiencing positive emotions has increased and intensified. Faking a laugh and switching places to sit won't be our go-to option anymore for coping with day-to-day stressors. By expressing ourselves better, it'll be easier for us to manage and relieve stress, help us stay balanced, focused, and further keep us in control, no matter what life challenges us with.
Cathartic Calling
Be somewhere where you are you.
Build a home, buy that poster.
Plant that sapling, greet that stranger.
Board that flight, admire that art.
Meet your people, love them hard.
Get into that traffic, shout out loud.
Rent all those books, cry till there’s no doubt.
Wear that dress, rock that karaoke treat.
Skip your yoga, dance through that street.
Bunk that meeting, follow your travelogue.
Spill that drink, adopt that dog.
Call that person, call them again.
Get that haircut, dye it orange.
Wish on that airplane, order your cheesecake.
Walk that extra mile, run till your legs ache.
Smell those tulips, count all those stars.
Ride that bicycle, get yourselves some scars.
Save that letter, treasure that hue.
Take that risk; not like anyone has a clue.
You Love Us. We Love You.?
Here is a surprise, ALL FOR YOU! ??
Like our HuesLetter? Tried something we suggested and liked it? Please write to us and share!
See you next month!?Until then, take care.??