EXPOSED! Here's The Real Tony Robbins
I am blessed that the LORD God has given me many Spiritual gifts.
One of them is hearing in the spirit EXTREMELY well with 100% accuracy.
Back in August 2019 it was the Spirit of God who revealed to me that Tony Robbins is a high level wicked satanist. I heard it clearly in the Spirit. As I heard his voice, it wasn’t actually his voice but the voice of satan and it came through with a screeching demonic frequency. That’s why I said it didn’t come from a benevolent place in a post I made on Facebook.
A human being didn’t tell me this. I didn’t learn about it reading it somewhere. It wasn’t “physical.”
IT WAS GOD WHO REVEALED AND EXPOSED HIM TO ME so I could then expose him to you. This was a supernatural revelation. God is exposing all wickedness and bringing it to light so the veil is removed and YOU can finally see reality as it TRULY is. You must see this for yourself in order to be set free. You must see how deceived and mind-controlled you’ve been all of your life. You must see for yourself that things you did, said or believed weren’t true at all. You must see for yourself how famous people you liked, loved and idolized are completely the opposite of what you think they are. You must see this for yourself to know that evil is real, wickedness is real, satan is real and God is real. You must start seeing this on your own so you can finally be set free from all mind-control and deception.
I know for a fact that Tony has raped babies and little children—very likely even eaten their flesh. This is the level of wickedness we are dealing with RIGHT NOW, people. This is a spiritual war. It is good vs evil.
Many people are still completely blinded, infatuated, and even run by false narratives made up by the wicked that you can’t even see what’s really happening or who they really are. Deceive and lie is EXACTLY what the devil does to people. (More on this soon.)
I posted that in August 2019 (see image above) then a few months later I saw this by Tiffany FitzHenry, in November 2019.
Look at who you REALLY you’ve been worshipping and idolizing. So disgusting. Some of you still like and comment on Tony’s posts. Some of you have bought his books and have attended his events.
All those famous people you idolize and worship are NOT who you think they are. I don’t yet know the specific details if he was born into this wickedness or willingly sold out into it for money, fame and “power.”
Some of you are bewitched and mind-controlled and you don’t even know it. God sent me to you to give you eyesight; to help you hear the truth; to set you free from captivity so you can live life more abundantly, peacefully, and be filled with His love.
Many of you are so gullible to deception because you don’t have the Supernatural protection of God. I can testify it truly works.
Have you seen a bunch of celebrities at Tony’s events when he promotes his stuff online? They’re ALL part of the same wicked and very evil networks who actually hate you and I. They hate everything that’s Good and of God.
Wanna know what Tony is actually doing with his message, books, and especially at his events?
The LORD GOD helped me see and understand what is truly happening there. What they are doing are demonic rituals to steal people’s mind and souls. Demonic entities are conjured up and sent out at these events to attack you, keep you in spiritual bondage & blindness and ALWAYS steer you away from the REAL blessings, gifts, purpose and destiny that God has for each one of you. They’re doing this to steal our power, authority and resources (including money) and to keep you away from knowing The TRUTH that Jesus Christ is very real.
Guess what I found out at the beginning of this month? Someone I know knows someone who had to do Deliverance on a bunch of people after they went to one of Tony’s events (after paying a ton of money to attend) because their minds literally got fucked up with demonic infestation. They are really doing this. With everything he does, including at his events, what he’s actually doing, as I mentioned, is unleashing demonic entities and spirits to steal your mind & soul, your creativity, and your Heavenly destiny. It was God who told me he’s a very wicked high level satanist.
That’s a second confirmation to what God told me, the first one was Tiffany's post. He always confirms with other people about the messages/revelations he gives me. I don’t necessarily need confirmations anymore because I am at a point that when the Spirit of God speaks to me I just know it IS the truth.
This guy is full of wicked bs. He’s literally sending demonic attacks against us to separate us from God and His love, peace and truth.
@TonyRobbins, you must repent right now. God let me know He is pissed off at what you’ve done to little children and His people. Repent now or be taken out. No mercy on you.
I know this is a bombshell revelation to most of you who have followed him. Buckle up because I have sooo much more about many other things!
Those of you have or are still following him, liking his posts and buying his stuff, you’re unclean and spiritually dirty. Your mind, heart and hands are dirty. You could very likely be infected with evil spirits. Demons and wicked spirits can definitely be conjured up and placed on books and basically anything to mess up people’s life’s.
Stop attending his virtual or in person events. If you have anything digital from him saved on your devices delete it. If you have any of his books, throw them out or burn them now. Say some prayers (Psalm 91 KJV) and repent. Some of you might even need Deliverance to clear out everything completely.
If you’re one of the people who’s gotten involved with his work, even just following him on social media or email, you gotta run back to God, purify yourself and repent right now!
“Lord God, I repent for worshipping and idolizing famous people including Tony Robbins. You said in your word not do that (1 John 5:21 KJV; Jonah 2:8 KJV; 1 Corinthians 10:14 KJV) yet that’s exactly what I did because I was deceived. I didn’t know he was an evil and wicked man. I worshipped and idolized someone who’s actually my enemy. I repent in the name of Jesus Christ. Please forgive me. Please open up my spiritual eyes so I can see the truth. Please give unto me the ability to hear in the Spirit so I can hear you and your guidance so I am no longer deceived. Send your spirit of Truth unto me right now. Lord God, I ask that you come into my life and show me the truth so I can live a righteous life filled with your love and peace and fulfill the purpose you have for my life.”
2 年Bro I think you are on the right track. I would like to hear more. Im a J.C. freak he is moving Holy Spirit is guiding the believers we must puch back the darkness or God will take America out!! Good job!