Export Incentives
You are already aware that Government of India’s existing Export
Promotion Schemes like Duty Drawback, MEIS, SEIA and EPCG are being
challenged in the WTO by many countries including USA. Government of
India, has, therefore, contemplating seriously to replace these
schemes with a viable and WTO compliant Schemes. One of them could be
refund of hidden & embedded taxes viz taxes on transport, consumables,
petroleum products, machinery & equipment, construction, electricity,
etc. incurred by the exporters can be recommended for reimbursement.
It may be noted that there could be many types of central, state and
local taxes like the taxes in the other manufacture of goods meant for
It is requested that the inputs pertaining to your sector as to the
approximate percentage cost of embedded taxes in the export value of
the product, which remain non-refunded by any existing schemes by the
Central/State Governments may kindly be provided to –
[email protected]; eepcho@eepcindia;net;
[email protected] return mail.
Please treat it as VERY URGENT.
Details received will be compiled and will be taken up with Ministry
of Commerce & Industry, Government of India by tomorrow.