Exponentials-What Do They Actually Mean?
Dillon Mitchell
The Engineering Partner For Electrical Contractors & Automating Electrical Design in Revit
A little while back I wrote about how difficult it is for us as humans to think in doubles. How hard it is for us to think in terms of exponentials. Because it’s not linear, which makes it difficult for us to think about.
It’s like the story of someone going broke and the other guy asking how it happened. Well, it’s gradual, then all of a sudden. This is how we see and perceive exponentials. It’s maybe easier to comprehend loss than it is gain. Mainly because we hate losing things. And we hate this more than gaining something else.
When we look at it this way and take the gain side of it we can see how hard the struggle can be. Let’s say that in year 1 you make 1 sale. Do 1 project. Have 1 customer. You can treat this 1 of 2 ways.
The first way you can look at this one sale is with depression. That you only got one. That it’s not much. That you should have done better.
The other way to look at this 1 sale is that you now have the opportunity and time to make their experience the best possible. That you can devote everything to this one person. That you are so lucky and grateful to have the opportunity to serve this one client with everything that you have.
Which do you think is the better path to follow. Which do you think we are naturally inclined towards? How should you treat that customer?
Now, 1 sale in year 1. Then 2 sales in year 2. 4 sales in year 3. 8 sales in year 4. 16 sales in year 5. 32 sales in year 6. 64 sales in year 7. 128 sales in year 8. 256 sales in year 9 and 512 sales in year 10.
Meaning that in 10 years you 51,200 % increased your business. That’s the power of compounding. It’s incredible when you look and see it this way. But going through it is something completely different.
Because when you are barely making. When times are hard. But you are making progress, it is hard to see. This is the “invisible progress” that I heard from Ed Mylett. When you look at it, you can see why it’s so difficult. Why going through that is so hard. Because it takes time to build the momentum to get these massive gains.
When in all reality, every year you are making massive gains. If you are doubling every year that is a massive gain. That’s a huge increase. It’s double! It’s taking that for granted and not seeing it for what it is that kills us. That hurts our progress.
All this is to say (as much in writing this for you as for me) is to keep going. Because that progress will lead to massive gains that are truly life changing. That the momentum you have the progress you’re making the people that you’re talking to will come around. It will happen for you, it’s just staying in the game long enough to have it all materialize.
There is gold just beneath you, you just have to keep at it.