The exponential surge of Daily Positive Cases, likely due to Omicron, as seen in Southern Africa - A snapshot on 10th December 2021
Visual Data Analytics can create powerful stories to allow evidence-based decisions to be made
Using our solution which can take very low numbers and SHOW what is happening on the ground, even down to a Postcode or Local Government Region to allow better use of SCANT resources to allow EFFECTIVE action to take place, instead of being BLIND
Snapshot of Cases on 3rd December 2021 - South Africa, NOTE on the Chart - how you can see at a glance, the Waves of COVID-19
Snapshot of Cases in eSwatini - 2nd December 2021 - NOTE - you can track from very low numbers visually using either Bar-Charts or Heat Maps
What is the difference between a HEAT-MAP and GEO-BARS, below same data, two different ways of looking at DATA
Geo-Bars show the Magnitude of the Data