Exploring Your Niche through Mastery

Exploring Your Niche through Mastery

“At your birth a seed is planted, That seed is your uniqueness. It wants to grow, transform itself, and flower to its full potential. It has a natural, assertive energy to it.
Your life’s Task is to bring that seed to flower, to express your uniqueness through your work.”
Page: 26, “Mastery” by Robert Greene.

When I was glancing through the chapters, I found above metaphor resonates with the exploration of “Niche” through mastery.

As per the book, there were three main elements to attain mastery and those are: ?

?(1) Re-connect with your “Primary curiosity”

?(2) Value “learning” above everything else

?(3) Discover your “Niche”.

When I was recalling my memories, I found that I was fascinated of mingling with my friends by entertaining them. I still remember singing competitions had at the backyard just after the school. The fellow friends enjoyed my show and sometimes bulled me as well. Other than that, I was so curious about the thinking patterns of humans, whether the afterlife exists or whether “Ghosts” are real. These are the some of the manifestations that I recalled while reading this book and those puzzles were within my childhood.

Then due the pressure of family members, I selected “Mathematics stream” to proceed with advanced level and barely passed the examination to enter University of Kelaniya. Upon graduating, wanted to find the best career in my life and worked hard to fulfil my aspirations. At that time, the curiosity to explore the psychology of the mind or perform as a speaker almost erased from my mind and just persuaded my life to have better career.

At the age of 27, I discovered that I have training abilities and immerged as a trainer, a speaker, a mentor/consultant and finally NLP practitioner that enable me to discover how the mind and thinking patterns.

At the age of 40, all of these aspects seemed to be useless and wanted to find “Who I am”, “What’s the purpose of my life?” and “Why I’m existed in this planet?”. This is the time; I reconnected with “Transformative coaching” and it’s becoming the Quest of my life!

It’s a glimpse of my life and would like to reflect to the process laid in the book of “Mastery”. It’s obvious that my “Primary curiosity” was to search for questions relating to thinking in human mind as well as to be an entertainer to the audience. Due to the social and cultural pressure, my focus had changed to another. Unfortunately, I was selected a career that is not resonating with the instincts laid to my childish thoughts. However, it seemed that I somehow managed to get back into the track with what I love to do and wanted to explore more into different avenues. Another realization was that neglecting the value of learning because I wanted to learn based on the monitory benefits that had wiped out some of the opportunities.

The reading of the book was challenged emotionally, where I could have entered to a career with the same as curiosity so the exploration would be easy for my quest. If there weren’t any social pressure to move to this arena, then things could have changed. I’m still trying to find a career path which can cultivates the habit of my passion. Although reading of the book gave me a greater courage to follow the process and attain mastery because it clearly said, “Age doesn’t matter –You can attain mastery and find your own niche”. The sensation was so real when I was listening to the audio book and the concepts changed the way of my thinking.

Have you ever wondered that you’re lost yet there is something to hold on to with your “instincts”? Spend time to understand and learn without thinking of the monitory benefits that you’re getting out of it. Someday “Dots” will connect, and you’ll be able to discover your Niche.

By Nilantha Bandara

24th Aug. 2021


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