Exploring Type Approval Exemptions for SRD's in Africa

Exploring Type Approval Exemptions for SRD's in Africa

As more African countries enact regulations governing the usage of short-range devices (SRDs) within their territories, some regulators have opted to exempt specific equipment, particularly SRDs, from the conventional type approval requirements. Below, we delve into the implications of such legislation on the approval activities through a brief Q&A session:

Q1. Which African countries have regulations exempting type approval?

A1. Among countries with established type approval procedures, those with clear exemptions for certain equipment categories, notably SRDs, include Botswana, Kenya, Mauritius, and Namibia.

Q2. What specifications are considered in Type Approval Exemptions?

A2. Specifications vary among countries embracing exemption regimes but typically revolve around frequency ranges, output power, modulation techniques, and relevant standards.

Q3. What steps should be taken if equipment falls under exemption criteria?

A3. It is advisable to refer to the exemption regulations of each country whenever equipment characteristics appear to meet the criteria for approval exemption of that country. For example, in Kenya and Mauritius, immediate action is not strictly necessary as declarations of compliance are mainly the responsibility of authorized dealers. However, in Botswana, despite the presence of exemption regulations, exempted equipment must still undergo the standard approval procedure and obtain approval based on different evaluation criteria. At the same time, Namibia requires the equipment to enter on the exemption registry upon the issuance of an exemption letter addressed to the customs authorities. On the other hand, in Kenya, possessing a voluntary exemption confirmation letter issued by the regulator can expedite the clearance process for shipments.

Q4. Why are exemption confirmation letters from regulators necessary for qualified equipment when the existing regulation is clear about exemption?

A4. While not mandatory in all countries with exemption regulations, exemption confirmation letter from the regulator serves as supplementary evidence that equipment falls within the exempted category. As suggested above, this document aids in port clearance formalities, saving enforcement authorities time for verifying the exemption status.

Q5. Is type approval exemption a prevailing trend across African countries?

A5. While most African countries align with EU recommendations regarding SRD usage, the prevailing trend sees each regulator, if not already in place, working towards establishing tailored SRD regulations specific to their jurisdiction. Still, while not yet widespread, more countries may move to exempt certain equipment categories from regular type approval requirements, with however virous approaches on handling the exemptions as discussed earlier.

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