Exploring and stretching your limits
Stephanie Cristal D.
Risk Management, Done Right — From Excessive Paperwork and Slow Decisions to Insights That Power Your Strategic Edge
Why 'Hangry Wife'?
If you missed the Introduction to this Newsletter series, I highly recommend that you give it a read. It is available in the opening of the first episode.
Emotional wellness:
Stressed? Use this 1-min STAR technique
Outside of working hours, I turn off the work profile on my phone for one reason: I try to have more peace when I am out of the office.
But what to do when you are at work?
By the end of this article, you will learn the STAR technique that can set you free from your stress in less than 1 minute.
The story behind this simple but powerful STAR technique
Years ago, I started my first job. I knew stories of workaholics who lost their personal life slaving for their job, as how Jay Shetty put it.
So I decided earlier on that I didn’t want to be like that, and I would go home from work on time every day to prove that work-life balance is a choice.
Well, it didn’t take me long to become like most people at work - always stressed with work. Does any of these sound familiar to you?
Suddenly, I became super easily affected and stressed by my job and the people in the office. It was like a constant emotional and mental battle that I was never going to win at work.
Things quickly got worse when I started bringing these bad vibes from work into my personal life and my relationships.
That was when I finally stopped and asked myself:
"What’s going on in my life?"
I was so much happier when I was studying. There were many assignments and exams to stress me up too, what did I have in my uni life that was missing in my working life now?
If you have been stressed with work as I had, today I want to show you one powerful technique which has set me free from work stress for good.
And I know if you follow what I do, your life at work will begin to change from now on.
The STAR technique
Let me break this down so you know exactly what to do the next time you become stressed with work.
Phase 1: Stress triggered
Phase 2: Almost losing
Action: Release control
Imagine you are pulling a rope really hard in a tug-of-war game, and you feel like you are almost losing the rope to the strong pull at the other side.
That last bit of struggle holding on to the rope is so dreadful!
And to be pulled over to the other side while you’re clinging onto the rope is the worst feeling of defeat.
But now imagine you go for the other choice instead: When you are almost losing the grip, you just release it. How does that feel to you? Satisfaction! Free at last!
So, Stress triggered > Almost losing > Release control - that’s all you have to do to set yourself free from your stress.
This is an extract from the full article which continues on to cover the following sections:
Have you tried this first part of the STAR technique to manage your stress? Let me know your experience, or share other tips you have on managing stress with me in the comments of this newsletter or the original full article.
Insider skincare secrets:
Who drinks up most of your toner? Cotton pad? Your palm?
Many of us who have a daily skincare routine will highly likely own a type of 'toner'.
In the industry, the term ‘toner’ has been used when referring to cosmetic water 化妆水, softener 柔肤水, and Tonique 前导液, which are very different from each other.
The cosmetic water has a cleaning property and temporarily hydrates the surface of the skin, while the softener softens the stratum corneum (outmost skin layer) by removing the excessive aging keratin. Both of them provide hydration and nutrients to the skin, but these molecules stay on the skin's surface and can be easily evaporated, leaving the skin dry shortly after.
Tonique on the other hand, especially the V Magic? Vigor Tonique, creates channels for deep-layer penetration and maximum absorption into the skin, which is very crucial especially for the skin to truly absorb the following serum application as part of effective skincare, stabilizing and restoring the skin structure.
Now that you understand what a toner could be, how are you applying toner to your face during your skincare routine?
When you pour your toner onto cotton pads and wipe it on your face, the cotton pads drink up most of your toner and leave just a little for your skin to absorb.
Or if you pour your toner onto your palms and tap them on your face, your palms drink up most of your toner and also leave just a little for your skin to absorb.
The correct way to apply Tonique for maximum absorption of its goodness into your face skin is by pouring it directly on your face.
Used twice daily in the morning and at night after your facial cleanser (and scrub), put two to three fingers of one hand on standby near your cheek. Then with your other hand, hold and tilt the bottle downwards towards your cheek, and use your standby fingers to gently sweep the toner across your cheek from inside outward and upward in a circular movement, across your nose and chin. Repeat for your other cheek and forehead. You don’t have to massage until it gets drier so that most of the toner goes into your skin instead of your hands.
I love empowering more people to take better control of their skincare choices by sharing new content under this dedicated Insider skincare secrets section in every newsletter episode.
If you are open to it, I would be happy to do a 1-on-1 facial skin consultation for my Newsletter Subscribers so don't be shy to reach out.
Now that you know the correct way to apply toner in your skincare routine, was there anything I shared that surprised you?
The Angry Wife Novel:
Episode 2: Throw it out the window
We were roaming around one of the scenic hilly roads on the outskirts of an industrial town one afternoon when my husband and I talked about how easy it had always been for me to be snapped or provoked to anger with the little things that he did or said, and I asked how he could always come back with big smiles like no argument just happened, while I was left being upset alone for a long time.
His reply taught me something really life-changing that afternoon. He said, "Don't hold on to it. When I catch any sense of anger, I throw it out the window immediately and do not let it affect me and us."
Of course, he didn't mean literally throwing anything 'out the window'. It was an easy, happy time roaming and chatting together, so I joked and said, alright I would try to throw any trigger of anger or upset out the window so I wouldn't let it grow into an argument or quarrel between us - which always happened starting with super small things that triggered me at the first place.?
We had a good laugh about it, and we went on chatting over other things along the good drive.
Not too long later, he said something which I didn't like, and having just talked about not holding on to it and just throwing it out the window, I literally turned down the car window for a few seconds and turned it back up after I had got it off my chest.
He turned to look at me, and I said, "I was throwing it out the window." Stunned for another second, he burst into laughter and asked, "Was that provoking to you? I didn't know it could make you upset." To be honest, I neither.?
Not too long after that, I couldn't recall what he said or did or joked about, but I turned down the window again for a few seconds to 'throw it out the window.' And it's shocking to me and him, that for the rest of the hilly sightseeing drive, I turned down the window over 20 times!?
For the first few times, we would laugh over it. But soon it got us serious - was I really that easily angered? And by the man whom I claimed to love so much?
When I noticed this realization, I felt so speechless, with mixed emotions. I felt disappointed at my low patience and grace for the man who loves me and whom I love so much, but on the other hand, I was so glad I actually 'threw all the anger triggers out the window' and didn't let them harbor anything into real anger or unnecessary hurt at the end of the road trip.
Courageous Husband:
Leverage your natural masculinity which she adores
Do you know that you have a superpower as a husband? It's your masculinity from within.
We women can try all we can to be good at anything, but on things that men are naturally good at, we can put in the same effort as men to learn and do them, and still yield lower results than men. Why is it? Because men and women were created uniquely. It’s that simple.
So here is a list of 5 ideas you can consider to fully optimize your advantage as a man, and be the husband your wife adores and can’t live without.
1. Polish your driving skill and aim to be the safest driver she has ever ridden with.
Whether you ride a motorcycle or drive a car or a lorry, always make sure you have a valid driving license with you all the time and that your vehicle is always well maintained.
And no matter how experienced you think you are at driving, always drive with all the good practices of a safe driver – carry your driving license with you, put on your seatbelt all the time and remind your passengers to do the same, use your signal lights timely even if there’s no vehicle in front or behind you, keep within the speed limit, never be reckless to speed pass a yellow traffic light or when overtaking other slower vehicles, be alert of your route and don’t switch lane last-minute just right before reaching the fork of the road, turn off your vehicle engine when you are refueling and don’t use your mobile phone at the petrol station, watch out for bumps and holes along the road – there are more safe practices than I could ever list out all here, but you get the point.
Even if you are confident you can make a turn without using the signal light, use it for her and for other less confident road users.
By the way, driving safely doesn’t mean driving slowly. You can increase your speed while still keeping your passengers feeling safe and comfy while riding in your fast-moving vehicle.
2. Pick up the basic repair skills for your household items.
The Internet is full of all forms of informative instruction to fix and repair basic household items like changing the burnt light bulb in the shower room, unclogging the clogged toilet bowl, repairing the broken pipe at the kitchen sink, re-wiring the short-circuited multi-plug extension code, etc., anything.
Just Google search or YouTube any of your questions and get a step-by-step tutorial or demonstration to solve these minor problems with household items.
This basic manly skill is so crucial that I have one whole module in my advanced program Mr. UpGrade Elite 360° dedicated to just going deep into upgrading husbands to be so excellent in this survival skill. Of course, my husband who is an expert in this is the coach for this module.
You see, it’s easy to say you don’t know how to fix the problem and just call up a plumber or an electrician, but it’s a whole different level of amazement to wow your wife by fixing these little things at home.
But be wise to discern when it’s necessary to hire a professional service provider to solve some big problem timely. You don’t want to risk fixing some wiring issue that you have no confidence in even after reading and watching tutorials online.
3. Be there for her when she is afraid.
If she has to attend a funeral of a relative and she is not comfortable going alone, make time to go with her and assure her there is nothing to be afraid of.
If she has to go somewhere requiring a long drive through an unfamiliar road, help her find an alternative to driving there alone on her own if you can’t be there for her, or make a reasonable arrangement for you to bring her there if it is doable at your side.
If she is going through a difficult season going in and out of the hospital for her sick parents, be there with her if it is actually possible for you, because your presence can help her reduce so much pressure and emotional burden that she is bearing alone.
4. Be confident to live your role as the husband.
You need to know that as a husband, you are called to be her head, to lead her. Be proactive and prudent in managing the overall finance of your household – your income as well as your wife’s income.
If you are earning less than your wife, figure out the reason for that – should you consider a better-paying job, are you underpaid, how you can negotiate for better pay, are you overspending, is there a way to reprioritize your household spending, etc.
Even if your wife is strongly opinionated, if she insists on something you believe is not wise after considering her rationale behind it, be courageous to tell her that you disagree with her request or plan, and then respectfully explain your rationale. If you communicate openly, your wife will be understanding enough to accept your point of view.
5. Be her spiritual leader.
Worship starts from home. Be intentional to pick a meaningful Scripture of the Day from the Bible and invite her to meditate with you over it together.
You can start with our favorites: 1 Peter 4:8, Philippians 4:6-8, Jeremiah 29:11-13, and Colossians 3:12-13.
As often as you can, invite her to pray together before you both sleep, for your marriage and family.
Here are some simple prayer points:
Here are some praise & worship songs to try:
Risk management bite:
Why you have not been achieving your Target Risk Rating
I have seen, prepared, and reviewed many risk performance reports for organizations of different sizes. There is a common pattern in most of them - they almost never achieved their Target Risk Ratings by the end of their timeline.
Does this sound familiar to you too? If so, have you ever wondered why you seldom achieved your planned or expected Target Risk Ratings by year-end? What might have gone wrong?
Here is a series of quick self-check exercises to discover the key areas you might have to look into:
Sometimes, you do have the right controls & mitigations, and they are being effectively implemented. But your risk exposure has not been reduced because the controls & mitigations in place serve to prevent the risk from escalating further rather than to minimize the risk exposure. This happens when the risk is somewhat inherent in nature.
As always, these are my personal take on risk management. I am keen to hear yours. Can you relate to any of these gaps in your current enterprise risk management?
Career bite:
Promo Lever 1: Build & protect work synergy with your boss
In the previous episode, I shared the top 3 common career-killing mistakes that most young professionals make at work, which have been quietly but surely delaying their career growth and job promotion.
This ultimately means they take longer than they have to to get each promotion, and every year of not being promoted could mean losing thousands of dollars for even an entry-level young professional. You can read it here if you missed it.
In this and the following six episodes, I will be sharing the 7 key Promotion Levers each with real-life examples, so that you can visualize how to apply them in your situation to accelerate your career growth and job promotion.
Promo Lever 1: Build & protect work synergy with your boss
There are generally several types of relationships you may have with your boss from time to time:
If you are not experiencing the first two types of work relationships with your boss (i.e. The Perfect Duo and?The Supportive Coach), you are missing out on a whole lot of career growth opportunities which you could have experienced with a career sponsor otherwise.
Here are the key actions you can take to build & protect the best work synergy you can have with your boss:
A Real-life Example (based on a true story)
Lately, Cherie senses that her boss' attitude towards her has changed as if her boss is not happy with her.
She checks herself and considers her recent encounters but still has no clue as to what might have upset her boss. So she decides to clarify things, and she casually invites her boss for lunch.
Over lunch, she talks about casual things with her boss to build up the rapport. Then when she senses that her boss appears to be more relaxed and in a better mood, she starts the reconciliation conversation.
In a respectful and humble tone, she says, "By the way, I just want to apologize if I have done or said anything that hurt you."
Her boss startles for a while, and slowly responds, "Why?"
"I just feel like the way you talk to me and work with me has changed lately, so I thought maybe it's because I have hurt you in some way that I didn't realize."
"Well, I guess it's just that we both have high expectations of each other as Christians at work," her boss starts to open up.
To avoid unnecessary guessing, Cherie tactfully probes further, "I would love to know what I have done that has hurt you. Because if you don't mind sharing with me what it was, you can help me to avoid repeating the same mistake the next time."
Finally, her boss shares a specific incident and what she said that raised her boss' misunderstanding. Now Cherie has a chance to clarify things from her perspective, resolve the misunderstanding, and restore peace in her working relationship with her boss.
Because of her humbleness and apology, her boss also asks for her apology and they get to work well together again after that reconciliation.
Another Real-life Example (also based on a true story)
The manual quarterly audit reporting cascaded by the Group has been extensive and tedious for the Upstream business units for years.
Fenny sees the opportunity to optimize the reporting process by system automation and proposes the project, which has later been approved and championed by the Upstream CEO.
When the time comes for Fenny's team to present the system demo and seek the Upstream leadership team's budget approval, the audit custodian from the Group announces their plan to automate the audit reporting with a new system.
Fenny proposes to her boss that the Upstream CEO needs to be informed about the Group's plan prior to the budget approval, so he could make a well-informed business decision and not unknowingly sanction a system that might later be replaced by the Group's system.
However, in the fear of having the project canceled - which means losing a big record of initiative for the team, Fenny's boss gets furious with her idea and insists to proceed with the budget request without having to mention the Group's plan to introduce a new system.
Tactfully but firmly, Fenny explains her stand to her boss, "I know this project is a major initiative for our team. I want it to be sanctioned and completed successfully more than any of you on the team because it's the biggest initiative under my performance appraisal this year. If he approves the budget for this system development, I want him to be well informed to make that business decision. For I believe this is the right thing to do. But I want you to know that I respect you as my leader, and I will honor whatever decision you make as a team."
Hearing her expression in a calm and respectful tone, her boss also calms down and becomes more open to consider her point.
By evening, her boss agrees to be transparent with the Upstream leadership team about the potential redundancy of the system.
The outcome? The Upstream leadership team agrees to proceed with the system development and commits to persuade the Group audit custodian to ride on the same system when they are ready to go digital.
Now Fenny's audit assurance system is used not only by the Upstream fraternity but across the Group by all business units.
Can you relate to any of these scenarios? I hope by sharing these stories, you can be inspired with ideas and ways to genuinely build and protect your precious work synergy with your boss, your team leader, and your manager.
Share your thoughts with me about this Promotion Lever, and stay tuned for the Key Promotion Lever 2 in the next episode.
Where to go, what to do:
What about making a U-turn up in the air?
My father-in-law has had a dream of becoming a pilot (by the way, the man sitting in the?lightsports aircraft with me in the picture is the instructor - not my father-in-law). He loves trying to fly a drone, and dreams to fly his own helicopter one day.
While planning for his recent visit to Australia with my mother-in-law, my husband came across a plane-flying experience and thought it could make an amazing memory for his father. And yes, we did make it happen.
We went to Inspire Aviation in Sunshine Coast. Upon arriving at the location, you can see there are many other neighboring flight training facilities.
You can purchase your trip from Groupon to book your slot upfront, or walk in to purchase directly at the Inspire Aviation facility and politely ask for the Groupon rate if there is any available spot left.
It was a memorable experience for me personally. I won't say I didn't feel nervous at all throughout the journey, but I am glad to have controlled almost the entire journey after taking off and before landing. And I did my own U-turn up in the air!
I thought everyone should give it a try especially if you don't have a fear of heights or other medical constraints.
Here are my key takeaways:
Most meaningfully, at the end of their Australia trip, my father-in-law wrote on his social media account sharing that his dream has come true. That means so much, especially to my husband.
Have you flown an aircraft? I would love to hear about your experience in the comment.
What to eat:
The $8.00 overpriced flatbread in Brisbane City
Let me tell you about this crazy flatbread story.
I came from Kapit, the largest division by land size in the state of Sarawak in Malaysia. Until the early 2020s when the construction of the last stretch of road from Kanowit district (Sibu division) to Song district (Kapit Division) was finally completed to allow traveling by land into the division, anyone wanting to come to Kapit had to travel by the river express boat - except if you could fly by your private helicopter to travel in by air.
Okay, that's all about the detour to the modes of travel to Kapit. Coming back to my original storyline: I grew up eating this crispy, flakey flatbread served with savory curry sauce and shrimp paste famously called, the Roti Canai.
From the local coffee shops and hawker stalls (franchised restaurants aside), Kapit was known to be selling one of the priciest Roti Canai in Sarawak, at MYR2.00 per roti at that time. The high price could have been driven by the scarcity of supply, being an isolated small town from other neighboring districts and divisions by the longest river in Sarawak - the Rajang River.
I remember as a teenager when I visited a town in Samarahan, another division near Kuching the capital of Sarawak, I felt like I hit the jackpot to find out that a piece of Roti Canai was sold at MYR0.40 at one of the coffee shops. To maximize my jackpot moment, I treated myself to eat as many pieces as I could. I ended up enjoying three pieces of super-yummy Roti Canai for the price of MYR1.20 - a true satisfaction for a foodie.
Of course, we can't get these prices nowadays in Malaysia. I have still been very much a Roti Canai fan. I still looked for coffee shops serving Roti Canai whenever we went out for breakfast in Malaysia. I have eaten enough Roti Canai to be able to tell when a roti dough is not made with the best ingredients.
Coming to Australia last year, when I first heard about Roti Canai which costs AU$8.00 per piece through my sister, I thought to myself, what a rip-off. That is about MYR24.00 by the average currency exchange rate!
One fine day earlier this month, we ended up eating at the Roti Place in Brisbane City. Someone on our table ordered a few flavors of Roti Canai to share. I reached out to try the original flavor with no expectations, but oh my that's a delicious dough!
So if you have not tried any Roti Canai before, here are some of my personal favorite flavors to start with:
While the Roti Tisu (mount roti) might look appealing and mouth-watering, I won't recommend it as it is really thin and crispy and you won't really get to taste the essence of the roti dough. Plus, it is super sweet with a sweet topping (choice of condensed milk, Nutella, or matcha dressing) AND lots of sugar. But again, it is an experience for some people so if you don't mind the overloaded sweetness, feel free to try and take some interesting pictures with the Roti Tisu.
If you are up for more Malaysian desserts, try the Sago Pudding or the Cendol.
If you have tried Roti Canai from Roti Place or yummier ones served at another restaurant in Australia, please let me know!
What to watch:
The financial makeover series by one of my life teachers
How do you define rich? If you think it's all about money, then you are in for a wealth of life-changing knowledge vault from Ramit Sethi. To introduce him as the author of "I Will Teach You To Be Rich" is super underrated.
I have personally been learning from him through his enriching online materials and courses since 2018, which have empowered me to embrace very different and precious perspectives about life.
This month on the 18th, his financial makeover series "How to Get Rich" was released on Netflix. I highly recommend you watch it on Netflix together with your family and make notes of what you learn from the series.
Have you been learning from Ramit's materials and courses as well? Let me know how he has impacted your life.
What to buy:
Customize your $mom skincare treat for moms this May
April is coming to an end, and that only tells us that the month to celebrate and honor moms is fast approaching.
For most women, we pretty much stumbled through our skincare journey all the way since our teenage years.
For the blessed tiny percentage of us, we have found the right skincare products for our face and we stick to them for as long as they don't cause unwanted troubles like itchiness, redness, and acne breakouts, among others.
For the majority of us, we might not have found the right skincare products for our face after years, even decades, of searching and trying.
And then at some point, we convinced ourselves to accept any skincare products that (as long as they) don't make our skin condition worse as 'the right products' for us, even if we have not seen much improvement in our skin condition after a long time of using them.
As a responsible Biotech Skincare Adviser, I genuinely recommend you to give the V Magic? skincare products suite a try.
The beginning of V Magic? dated back to 2011 with the successful formulation of its first product, the?V Magic? Gel, in Taiwan.
The V in the name came from the V-shaped cosmetic surgery trend so highly sought after in Asia, and the word Magic?was inspired by the instant, magical lift that the V Magic? Gel gives - without cosmetic surgery.
The brand Founder, Michael Wang, was inspired to develop a biotech skincare products range after many years of interviewing over a hundred top beauty experts in the beauty media industry as an ex-Chief Editor of Beauty Magazine.
He stays focused on designing a range of powerful non-surgical products that capitalize on nature’s power and scientific technology. Today, V Magic? has over 30 effective skincare products formulated in collaboration with specialists around the world.
The brand has expanded its footprint from Taiwan to Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and now to Australia, where I am a trained Skincare Adviser and a V Magic? brand agent, currently based in Queensland.
In conjunction with the upcoming Mother's Day (on the 14th of May), I have specially curated three $mom for moms sets.
Set 1: She is HONED
This is a complete basic set for the mom who is always moving around outdoors, running errands. She is organized, her taste is refined in most things, and she likes orders. This set focuses on cleaning her face skin thoroughly from her sunscreen and the air pollutants from wherever she has been throughout the day while giving her skin sufficient hydration that penetrates deep down her skin. It finishes with a premium sunscreen formulated to give her skin the natural healthy glow of medium coverage without overly burdening her skin with the ingredients in makeup foundation.
Set 2: She is VENERABLE
This is a specially curated set for the mom who is worthy of respect and admiration as she ages gracefully. She is wise and she has accomplished amazing things in life, the lines on her face are proof of her meaningful living. This set focuses on restoring her skin's elasticity, stimulating collagen production, and improving her skin's firmness. It is the go-to set for addressing aging and wrinkled skin.
Set 3: She is WARM
This is a set curated for the mom who is loving and caring. She creates a positive and nurturing environment for her family, giving them her best support and encouragement, but sometimes forgets about caring for herself. This set focuses on accelerating the recovery of her damaged skin from UV, air pollutants, pressure, and an unhealthy lifestyle. It is made complete with effective cleaning and adequate protection.
Which of these sets touched your heart?
Are you a Honed, Venerable, or Warm mom? Or do you have an amazing mom at home you can pamper her for all her sacrifices and love for you and your children?
You still have some time to thoughtfully choose one of these safe and effective biotech skincare products suites. And does she deserve a treat? More than 100%.
If you have any questions, you can reach out to me for more consultation or to place your order.
To all the moms, blessed Mother's Day in advance!
What to listen to:
How would you rate my Hangeul pronunciation?
I have been missing to go back to Geoje in South Korea where we lived for over two years before the pandemic.
I miss the food, the people who have been like families to us there, the beautiful nature around all seasons, the rich culture, and our life there - it has been one of the most beautiful seasons in our marriage so far.
I also picked up Hanguel (the Korean language), not too much, just enough to order food via the phone - see, food is an important part of a hangry wife.
So, how good was my Hangeul? I know enough words to:
I have stretched it a little to learn to sing a few Korean songs too, so I picked one of my favorite OST covers to feature in this month's What to listen to, from Netflix's original drama Crash Landing On You.
You can listen to it here, and I hope you enjoy the little entertainment.
To my Korean friends, was my Hangeul pronunciation okay?
What to read:
A 6-week personal finance program for the 20-35s
Since we have talked about Ramit Sethi and his newly released How to Get Rich series on Netflix, let me complete it by also featuring his bestselling book this month, "I Will Teach You To Be Rich".
Some of what he wrote inside might be more relevant in the US, but the concept works the same with the appropriate adaptation to the equivalents in Australia or wherever you live.
You can find out more about this book here.
And as always, I love to hear your thoughts so share them with me in the comments.
Featured article:
Just washed your car and it rains
You have experienced that many times and it's frustrating, right?
One particular night many years ago, after juggling with my hectic schedule for so long, I finally got to wash our car thoroughly. I was excited to have that awesome feeling of driving a clean and shiny treasure the next day.
Then the next morning, just as I was departing from the cozy shelter, the rain came pouring down and stained our car..
As I was thinking about how disappointing this was on my way to work, I heard that still small voice whispering to my heart, that this is exactly how I always make Him feel. When I encountered Him and turned from my old ways, He washed me clean and gave me a whole new self. But as soon as the next morning, I would easily allow the devil to suggest thoughts to my mind, and eventually give in to the pleasure of this world and its temptation as if the encounter with Him never happened the night before.
That was a deep conviction to me, and it has become a regular reminder to me of God's greatness and grace to each one of us.
God so loves us amazingly, that He chose to die for us when we were still sinners.
Monthly themed devotionals:
Being a blessing
Our Scriptures this month are themed around making an effort to live as Jesus would and bearing fruits to bless the people around us.
If you are always on the go, put on your earphones and click here to listen to the Worship with Stephanie audio episodes expanded from the following 5 Scriptures, where you can join me as I:
Scripture 1: 1 Timothy 2:1-4
I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of truth.
Scripture 2: 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.
Scripture 3: Colossians 3:13-14
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
Scripture 4: Ephesians 4:29
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
Scripture 5: Matthew 28:18-20
Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
If you would like to share this month's themed devotional with someone, here is the full version from which the content here is extracted.
Birthday shout-out:
Happy blessed birthday to our April babies
Benjamin Heng. Chou Chee Chong. Victor Ooi. Lily Wan. Shirley Yeo-Ly. Stephanie Joyce Uy. Louisa Bundan. Avalon Chin Soon Mun.
Is it your birthday month, too? Join us and be part of the Salt Circle, don't forget to save your birth date.
As a birthday treat for each person in the Salt Circle, I am giving out 3x the Love Seeds (reward points) for every AU$1 you invested in any self-love products or services at Faithful Salt Solutions during your birth month or 20-day before or after your birth date.
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1 年Congratulations on a successful month of newsletters! Your content lineup looks engaging and informative. I'd love to connect and learn more about The Hangry Wife's Stories. Feel free to send me a connection request.
Risk Management, Done Right — From Excessive Paperwork and Slow Decisions to Insights That Power Your Strategic Edge
1 年Here's the content lineup for this second episode