Exploring Soft Skills
Capability and competence in our chosen professions is commonly measured by our proficiency in the technical skills associated with our roles (such as IT, software/programming, analytics, design, finance).? However, these technical skills (often referred to as ‘hard’ skills) are only part of the professional portfolio and personal toolkit.? Our expertise in a range of ‘soft’ (or ‘human’) skills can make us truly effective and influential within our respective organisations.
This article provides a brief introduction to some important soft skills together with a selection of inspiring and educational resources on each subject.? This material is being shared to broaden awareness and highlight the importance of soft skills, and to provide practical advice and encouragement for individuals to develop positive habits, pursue a journey towards mastery, and to unlock their potential.
Active Listening
A fundamental part of effective communication is “active listening”.??
Active listening requires conscious effort and is demonstrated by being attentive to the verbal communication and non-verbal signals of the speaker.? Focusing on the presenter means avoiding interruptions and personal agendas, so that you maintain an open mind and create an environment where the person feels genuinely heard.? Any questioning should be employed sparingly and specifically to seek, clarify or show understanding.? The primary goals are to connect more deeply with colleagues and build trust.
The power of listening | William Ury | TEDxSanDiego (16 minutes)
Adaptability can be characterised as personal flexibility, ability to learn new skills, handle workplace challenges, adjust to new situations, take on new responsibilities and resilience to change.
Attention to Detail
Individuals who have naturally pay ‘Attention to Detail’ are careful, thorough, accurate, conscientious, rigorous, diligent, focused, and take pride in striving for perfection.? These attributes are desirable when seeking to give exceptional customer experience, to minimise the introduction of errors, and to avoid rework, the cost of correcting mistakes, and reputational damage.
Simple tools (such as check lists and note taking) can improve organisational skills, and establishing routines or quality control systems (such as Standard Operating Procedures, consistently performing standard checks, and carefully and repeatedly proof-reading deliverables/communications for context and completeness) can help identify and address defects.? Other practical steps such as minimising task switching, avoiding distractions, and using a support network or buddy to review tasks and provide feedback can elevate the professionalism and credibility of our work.?
Coaching is the process of using dialogue to support individuals to unlock their potential.? The coaching approach involves considered questioning and self-reflection so individuals think more deeply about and better understand their circumstances and options.? The goal is to help the coachee formulate an action plan to develop their skills and abilities, improve their performance and personal effectiveness, overcome issues / obstacles, or unstick a frozen mindset.
The value of a good Coach is in their ability to recognise an individual’s needs, and to create a non-judgemental and person-centric forum for discussion with trust and confidentiality at the core.? There are different coaching styles and models (e.g. GROW - Goal, Reality, Options, Way Forward) but they each employ incisive, open questioning, active listening and conversations that seek to move the person forward.?
There are many characteristics of Communication – such as style, language, brevity, clarity, structure, verbal & non-verbal signals, active listening - that determine the effectiveness of any engagement.
There are many personal characteristics and choices that can impair or strengthen our Confidence (such as self-belief, optimism, internal trust, self-esteem, growth mindset, ability to learn, willingness to change, perseverance, mental strength, tolerance, and ability to overcome insecurities).?
10 Psychology Tricks to Build Unstoppable Confidence (11 minutes)
Critical Thinking
Critical thinking and the nurturing of an analytical mindset are fundamental to the roles we perform across Business Informatics.? Practising our abilities to analyse & interpret data appropriately, uncover insights, recognise bias, ask relevant and probing questions, challenge assumptions, apply domain knowledge and systems thinking, select and apply appropriate (analytical) tools and techniques, and developing intellectual curiosity are key to cultivating our critical thinking.?
The adage may be ‘Curiosity killed the cat’ but without curiosity individuals and businesses would lack innovation and opportunities for betterment.? Research has demonstrated that, as children, we are naturally curious - posing questions to understand our environments.? However, as we progress through schooling and into business our appetite to enquire, and challenge conformity, can be discouraged.
There are many ways to reignite our powers of curiosity, creativity, and break the patterns of ‘group-think’.? Curiosity flourishes by engaging with the world around us and developing habits of continuous learning, unlearning, and relearning, and a thirst for knowledge.? Individuals achieve enlightenment by asking broad and open-ended questions, and repeatedly asking ‘why’ in order to achieve a deeper understanding.? Organisations benefit where questioning is encouraged – no questions are deemed stupid or considered off-limits.? The application of ‘Ideation’ - generating and evolving ideas and solutions through creative exercises (such as prototyping, brainstorming, workshops, ‘letting one hundred flowers bloom’) – facilitates original thinking.
Curiosity, inquisitiveness, and use of ‘what if’ questioning to explore different potential outcomes can lead to the discovery of new ideas, innovative ways of working, novel solutions to problems, service and product enrichment, and improved business performance.? Environments which are tolerant to questioning of the status quo can encourage greater workplace engagement and strengthen innovative skills.
Never Stop Exploring. Choose to be Curious (5 minutes)
Difficult Conversations
Where we encounter challenging situations with clients, colleagues, family or friends we may desire to address differences and find a resolution but - recognising this would involve a difficult conversation - are reluctant to act.? We naturally try to avoid highlighting problems or raising concerns due to our inability to handle discussions productively, to control our emotions, or out of fear of a reaction.? With guidance and experience these reservations can be overcome.
Experts advise progress can only be achieved by moving towards areas of conflict and disagreement.? They recommend pre-planning the conversation, setting objectives and rehearsing.? Assume you know nothing and use open questioning to achieve understanding of perspectives - avoid interrogating and don’t jump to conclusions.? Use active listening and reflect what you hear.? In order to maintain relationships remain calm, receptive, open-minded and compassionate.
Emotional Intelligence
In all our interactions with colleagues, Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a powerful personal characteristic that through understanding and application can radically influence relationships and outcomes.? Daniel Goleman conceived the model of EI comprising attributes such as:
·??????? Self-awareness (mindfulness, morality, interpretation)
·??????? Social Skills (Trust, Rapport, Working relationships, conflict management, self-confidence, learning skills)
Explore the additional resource which includes an online test for evaluating dimensions of your own Emotional Intelligence
Developing Emotional Intelligence As A Leader (11 minutes)
Facilitation is a professional craft that involves the management of group events and encourages collaboration with the aim of fostering consensus towards some end goal or purpose.
It comprises practical tools and steps (such as planning and preparing for meetings, establishing ground rules, boundaries and goals, managing the physical environment, and recording proceedings) … but it is the crucial blend of soft skills and personal traits that make an effective facilitator (including nurturing an inclusive and non-judgemental environment, managing group dynamics and politics, handling conflict, motivating teams, encouraging individual participation to elicit viewpoints, build cooperation and achieve consensus, thinking critically, questioning for understanding, and active listening).?
Practise is a great way to improve capability and develop mastery.?
How To Be A Great Facilitator - The 8 Facilitation Skills You Need (With Tips To Improve Them) (17 minutes)
When considering the attributes of an outstanding leader what comes to mind?? Leadership embodies so many qualities - some prominent, others inconspicuous.? Leaders are role models – they are often inspiring, passionate, visionary, trusting, approachable, courageous, and act with consistency, integrity, and empathy, while recognising the value of others.? They have excellent communication skills and a flexible mindset.? For a compelling study of Leadership listen to Simon Sinek’s views on the subject.
The ability to Negotiate effectively is useful in both business and our personal lives.? Negotiation can involve traits such as active listening, clear communication (an ability to express wants and needs), self-confidence, empathy, a growth mindset, critical thinking / assessing perspectives, strategising, persuasion and a willingness to compromise.? Negotiation is unusual as a soft skill in that there are structured frameworks and disciplines that can help deliver optimal outcomes.?
Self-motivation is the internal drive, energy or ambition that can make the pursuit of goals seem effortless and typically comes where there is strong alignment between an objective and an individual’s personal interests, values and passions.? This experience is commonly referred to as ‘flow’ or ‘being in the zone’.? This is different from will-power which is required when motivation stops.
Psychology explains that tasks are easier to tackle where an individual feels it is within their ‘locus of control’ (i.e. they are empowered, autonomous, competent and capable of performing the work), and the objective is perceived as important and worthwhile.? Intrinsic rewards – where pleasure is gained from the effort – is a greater motivator than extrinsic rewards (such as pay or praise).
Experts recommend a variety of tips and approaches that can develop motivational skills such as building self-discipline (controlling thoughts and actions), a growth mindset (belief abilities can improve through application), personal resilience, ‘habit stack’ (creating routines), self-encouragement and positive self-talk, celebrating small wins, using the ‘5 second decision window’, avoiding comparisons with your peers, and seeking training or coaching support.
Time Management
Everyone encounters task conflicts, work overload and distractions in our day-to-day lives which affect our effectiveness and ability to achieve our business and personal goals.? Recognising these problems and using techniques to plan & control your time can boost productivity, help with work-life balance, and lead to greater fulfilment.? There are a multitude of time management techniques that can help avoid procrastination or over-commitment, prioritisation of activities, and to maintain focus, such as:
Do It Now - The Core Principles For Mastering Time Management - Brian Tracy | Motivation (15 minutes)
Data Analyst/Scientist
1 年Thank you Neil! I'll definitely read it soon :)