Exploring Shopper Preferences: Hass Avocado Board Study Sheds Light on Bagged Avocado Attitudes and Usage Trends
Hass Avocado Board
The Hass Avocado Board (HAB) exists to help make avocados America’s most popular fruit.
The Hass Avocado Board (HAB) unveils critical findings from its recent qualitative study on consumer preferences for bagged and bulk avocados. Developed to explore evolving shopper behaviors, the “Attitudes and Usage Drivers for Bagged Avocados” survey engaged participants in discussions around purchase behaviors, attitudes, and the factors guiding their choices between bagged and bulk avocados.
Ripeness emerged as a key factor influencing preferences. Consumers typically perceive bagged avocados as less ripe, favoring individual avocados for immediate use. However, those planning to incorporate avocados into weekly meals or larger dishes showed a preference for bagged options. Value and convenience were also significant influencers, with bagged avocados perceived as a better value proposition particularly at mass retailers. Additionally, price dynamics may also play a role in consumers’ decisions between bagged and bulk avocados, swaying choices during grocery shopping.
Size and quantity preferences were discernible factors, with consumers expressing preferences based on household needs. Larger avocados were favored for special dishes like guacamole, while smaller ones were preferred for everyday use, especially in smaller households or among individuals as the sole avocado consumers.
The study doesn’t just uncover consumer insights but also offers actionable opportunities for businesses in the avocado industry. HAB encourages retailers and suppliers to leverage these findings to tailor their offerings, ensuring they align with the evolving needs of the market. For a more in-depth exploration of these insights and the opportunities they present, visit our Business Support Tools page.