In the world of academic publishing, Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) are two of the most recognised and reputable databases. These databases index scholarly articles across a wide array of disciplines, and for research scholars, being indexed in these databases is often a sign of quality and credibility. This article provides an overview of Scopus and Web of Science journals, focusing on how they are reviewed, indexed, and displayed in Scopus Author Preview. Additionally, the article will explore how journals can be identified as genuine and their relevance to the field of English Language Teaching (ELT).

Subsections of Web of Science Journals

Web of Science is a comprehensive database that categorises journals into various sub-sections or indexes, each corresponding to a specific area of study. The most prominent categories within Web of Science are:

1.??????? Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE): Covers journals in the sciences, including natural sciences, engineering, and technology.

2.??????? Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI): Includes journals focused on social sciences like psychology, sociology, economics, and education.

3.??????? Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI): Contains journals related to the humanities, including literature, philosophy, and the arts.

4.??????? Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI): Includes new or emerging journals that do not yet have enough citation history to be included in other indexes.

5.??????? Book Citation Index (BCI): Focuses on academic books, a resource particularly valuable for scholars working in disciplines where books are crucial academic resources.

6.??????? Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI): Includes citations from conference proceedings, which can be valuable for those researching cutting-edge developments in their fields.

Review Process of Web of Science Journals

The review process for Web of Science journals is rigorous and follows a systematic procedure to ensure the quality and reliability of articles. Journals are evaluated based on several factors:

·???????? Peer Review: Most journals in WoS adhere to a peer-review process, where experts in the field evaluate submitted manuscripts for accuracy, novelty, and quality. The peer review can be single-blind, double-blind, or open peer review, depending on the journal's policy.

·???????? Editorial Board: A journal’s editorial board plays a critical role in maintaining high standards. Reputed journals in WoS often have an international editorial board with well-known experts in the field.

·???????? Impact Factor and Citation Analysis: Journals are also assessed based on their impact factor and citation metrics, reflecting the significance and reach of the research published in them.

·???????? Reputation and History: Established journals with a long history of publishing quality articles are preferred for inclusion in Web of Science.

Indexing in Scopus and Author Preview in Scopus

Scopus is another premier abstract and citation database that indexes journals and other scholarly content across a wide range of disciplines. Journals indexed in Scopus are included after undergoing a comprehensive review process similar to that of Web of Science.

·???????? Indexing Process in Scopus: Journals are indexed based on criteria such as the relevance of their content to global academic discourse, citation frequency, editorial policies, and adherence to ethical publishing practices.

·???????? Scopus Author Preview: Once an author publishes in a Scopus-indexed journal, their profile can be displayed in the Scopus Author Preview. This section showcases the author's published works, citation metrics, and h-index. This tool helps scholars track their research impact and citation history, which is valuable for career advancement, academic networking, and grant applications.

Identifying Genuine Journals

For research scholars, it is crucial to identify genuine and reputable journals to ensure the credibility of their work. Here are several ways to identify such journals:

1.??????? Check Indexing: A genuine journal should be indexed in one of the recognised databases like Scopus or Web of Science. Researchers can check a journal's website for indexing details or search directly in these databases.

2.??????? Impact Factor and Citation Metrics: Although not a guarantee of quality, journals with a high impact factor are generally more reputable. Tools like Journal Citation Reports (JCR) can help assess a journal's influence.

3.??????? Peer Review Process: Verify if the journal follows a transparent peer-review process. Most reputable journals clearly outline their review process on their website.

4.??????? Editorial Board: Review the editorial board of the journal. An editorial board composed of experts in the field is often a sign of a reputable journal.

5.??????? Publisher Reputation: Journals published by renowned academic publishers (e.g., Springer, Elsevier, Wiley, Taylor & Francis) are often reliable.

6.??????? Avoiding Predatory Journals: Predatory journals lack transparency and exploit authors for publication fees. Resources like the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and Beall’s List of Predatory Journals can be used to avoid such journals.

Relevance to English Language Teaching (ELT)

English Language Teaching (ELT) is a dynamic and interdisciplinary field that spans linguistics, education, applied linguistics, and cultural studies. Both Scopus and Web of Science contain journals that focus specifically on ELT, including:

·???????? Applied Linguistics: Journals like TESOL Quarterly and Language Learning publish research on language acquisition, pedagogy, and teaching methodologies.

·???????? Language Education: Journals focused on language teaching techniques, curriculum development, and educational technology, such as Language Teaching Research and ELT Journal, are essential for scholars in ELT.

·???????? Interdisciplinary Journals: Journals like Journal of Second Language Writing and System publish interdisciplinary research that connects linguistics, education, and applied methodologies, critical for ELT scholars looking to explore a broader range of topics.

Being indexed in Scopus and Web of Science allows ELT journals to gain visibility, enhancing the dissemination and impact of research in the field. These journals often provide critical insights into language teaching practices, language acquisition theories, and educational innovations.

To cut a long story short, for research scholars, particularly those in the field of English Language Teaching, publishing in high-quality, indexed journals is a key to gaining recognition and making a significant impact. Scopus and Web of Science offer valuable platforms for researchers to share their findings with a global audience, helping to elevate the quality and reach of their work. By understanding the review processes, indexing mechanisms, and strategies to identify genuine journals, scholars can ensure their work is showcased in the right forums, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field of ELT.


Prajwal Sharma

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