Exploring Salesforce Interview Questions: Ace Your Job Interview

Exploring Salesforce Interview Questions: Ace Your Job Interview

Salesforce is a leading cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) platform that has revolutionized the way businesses manage their interactions with customers and prospects. If you're aspiring to work in the Salesforce ecosystem or have a Salesforce job interview lined up, it's essential to be well-prepared. In this blog, we will delve into some common Salesforce interview questions, covering topics like Salesforce subsidiaries and different types of relationships in Salesforce.

What are the Salesforce subsidiaries?

The major Salesforce subsidiaries are Tableau, Pardot, Heroku, Mulesoft, Demandware Inc, and SalesforceIQ.

What are the different types of relationships available in Salesforce?

  • Master-Detail Relationship: Tightly bounded relationship. If we delete the master record then detail (Child) records are deleted. Roll-up summary field can be created.?
  • Look-Up Relationship: Loosely bound relationships. If we delete the master record then related records are not deleted. Roll-up summary field cannot be created.?
  • Junction relationship: It is a custom object with two master-detail relationships. It allows you to model a many-to-many relationship between two objects.

What are the different types of sandboxes?

There are four types of sandboxes in Salesforce:

  • Developer sandbox: It is a copy of the production organization, it copies all the information of an application and configuration to the sandbox. It is mainly used for the development and testing tasks in an isolated environment. This type of sandbox has limitations of up to 200MB of test or sample data. You can refresh a developer's sandbox once a day.
  • Developer pro sandbox: It copies all of your organization’s reports, dashboards, apps, price books, products, and customizations under setup. But it excludes all of your organization’s custom and standard object records, attachments, and documents. This type of sandboxes has limitations of up to 1GB of test or sample data. We can refresh developer pro sandboxes once a day.
  • Partial data sandbox: A partial data sandbox is a developer sandbox plus the data you define in a sandbox template, which is intended to be used only as a testing environment. It includes the reports, dashboards, price books, applications, products, and customizations under the setup (including all of your metadata). Additionally, these sandboxes can have your organization’s custom and standard object records, documents, and attachments up to 5 GB of data along with a maximum of 10,000 records per chosen object. A partial data sandbox is smaller compared to a full sandbox and has a shorter refresh interval. You can refresh partial data sandboxes every 5 days.?
  • Full sandbox: It is a replica of production including custom and standard object records, attachments, and documents and is used only as a testing environment. You can refresh full copy sandboxes every 29 days.

What are the hierarchy columns in Salesforce?

The Salesforce Account Hierarchy feature shows how Account records relate to one another, to represent parent companies and their subsidiaries (each represented by an Account). Accounts can be organized in a layered way as they are grouped based on criteria (e.g. Country, State, or perhaps by division).

What is the Salesforce order of execution?

The Salesforce Order of Execution is a set of rules that describes what events happen when a record is saved in Salesforce.

Loads Record-> Run System Validation -> Before Triggered Flows -> Before Triggers -> Custom Validation Rules -> Duplicate Rules -> Save records-> After TRiggers -> Assignment Rules -> Auto-response Rules -> Workflow Rules -> Escalation Rules -> FLow Automation -> Entitlement Rules -> After Triggered Flows -> Roll-up Summary/Cross-Object Workflow -> Grandparent Roll up Summary -> Criteria Based Sharing -> Commits DML Operations -> Post-commit Logic

What does a custom object permit the user to do?

Once the custom object is defined, the subscriber can perform the following tasks:

  • Create custom fields
  • Relate the custom object to other records
  • Track events and tasks
  • Build page layouts
  • Create a custom tab for the custom object
  • Analyze custom object data
  • Create dashboards and reports
  • Share custom tabs, custom apps, custom objects, and various other related components
  • None of these tasks can be accomplished until the custom object has a definition

Tell us the name of the Salesforce automation tools.

  • Quick Actions: Create a child record, update record, log a call, custom action
  • Workflows: Field update, task assigned, email sent, outbound API message
  • Process Builder: Create record, update a related record, post a chatter, auto launch flow, submit for approval, quick action, apex
  • Approval Process: Record locked, field update, task assigned, email sent, outbound API message
  • Flow: Create, update, lookup or delete records, submit for approval, apex

Explain the security model of Salesforce

  • Organization level: Trusted IP Ranges, login IP ranges, login hours
  • Object level: License, CRED permissions (via profile or permission set)
  • Record level: Role hierarchy, sharing rules, teams & manual sharing, organization-wide defaults (OWDs)
  • Field level: Field level security, page layouts

Explain the data security model of Salesforce

  • Organization-Wide Defaults: Locks down the baseline level of access
  • Role Hierarchy: Open up access vertically
  • Sharing Rules: Ownership or criteria based
  • Team Sharing or Manual Sharing: Account teams or opportunity teams

What delegated admin can do & can't do?

  • User Administration can create, edit and support users in specified roles and subordinates, often a specific team; reset passwords/ unlock users; assign specified profiles/permission sets/roles; create & manage public groups.
  • ?User Administration can't create/modify profiles/ permission sets; create/modify roles
  • ?Custom object Administration can create/amend/delete fields; change page layouts; create/amend/delete record types
  • ?Custom object Administration can't modify the data model (relationship fields)

What are the types of sharing settings in Salesforce?

  • Internal org-wide defaults: used for internal salesforce org users.
  • External org-wide defaults: used for external users; it's enabled by default for all orgs.

Note: The default external access level must always be more restrictive or equal to the default internal access. When you’re setting up your external org-wide defaults, you can’t give your community member more access to an object than you do to an internal Salesforce org user. A best practice is to always have external org-wide defaults set to private.

What are the access levels for any object in Salesforce?

  • Controlled by Parent: users can perform actions on the record on the detail side of a master-detail relationship.(for contacts, it should be controlled by the parent for both default internal and external access)
  • Private: Only users who are granted access by ownership, permissions, role, hierarchy, manual sharing, or sharing rules can access the records.
  • Public Read Only: All users can view all records for the object.
  • Public Read/Write: All users can view and edit all records for the object.

Can two users have the same profile?

The people who work under one department may be assigned the same profiles. Consider the case of sales profile, many people work under it and each person who works under this is assigned with the same profile. Hence we can say that any number of people can have the same profile.

How to create a roll-up summary field on lookup relation?

Not possible. Roll-up summary is enabled for only the Master-Detail relationship.

What are the different data types that a standard field record name can have?

A standard field record name can have a data type of either auto number or text field with a limit of 80 chars. For generating auto numbers, the format needs to be specified while defining the field and after that for every record that is added, the number will get auto-generated. For example, Sr No-{1}

Which fields are automatically indexed in Salesforce?

The following fields are automatically indexed in Salesforce:

  • Primary keys (id, name, and owner fields)
  • Foreign keys (master-detail or lookup fields)
  • Audit keys (Such as SystemModStamp)
  • Custom fields ( These fields Patent as an External ID or a unique area)

Can you have a roll-up summary field in the case of a master-detail relationship?

Yes, we can have a roll-up summary in the case of a Master-Detail relationship but not in the case of a Lookup relationship. This is because a roll-up summary field is used to display a value in the Master record based on the values of a set of fields in the Detail record.

What are global picklists?

Global picklist value sets let you share the values across objects. Base custom picklist fields on a global value set to inherit its values. The value set is restricted so users can’t add unapproved values through the API.?

Can a user create and insert their own custom logo, while creating their own custom applications?

Yes, user can upload their custom logo in documents and then they choose that logo for the organization.

How many ways we can share a record?

With the help of the given below methods we can share records in Salesforce:

  • Role hierarchy: Whenever a user is added to a role, the user above the current user in the hierarchy of roles will have access to reading the records and inheriting the permissions. Follow the steps for role hierarchy: Go to Setup → find manage users' → roles → set up roles → click on ‘add role’ → provide name and click on save.
  • OWD: OWD(Organization-Wide Defaults) allows you to give permissions to the organization-wide and to define baseline settings for the organization. It is also helpful in defining the user’s accessibility level to the user where a user can see other users’ records. OWD settings can be Public Read Only, Private, Public Read, and Write. Follow the steps for OWD: Go to Setup → find the Security Controls → click on ‘sharing settings’ → click on ‘Edit.
  • Manual sharing: Manual sharing is sharing a single record/file to a single user or group of users through manual access. We can see a button for manual sharing on the detail page of the record and it can be seen only when the OWD setting is private.
  • Criteria-based sharing rules: If we want to share records based on conditions such as share records with a group of users with the criteria of the country is India. Follow the steps for criteria-based sharing rules: Go to Setup → security controls → sharing settings → select the object and provide name and conditions then click on save.
  • Apex sharing: Sharing object is available for each and every object in Salesforce. For example, the Account object’s share object is AccountShare. By using Apex, if we want to share the records then we have to create a record to the shared object.

Is it possible to delete the profile?

  • It's not possible to delete the standard profiles.?
  • If no user is associated with the custom profile,? the system would allow to delete it.
  • If users (active or inactive) are associated with the profile, the system will not allow them to delete it. To delete it, we have to change the profile of each user and then have to delete it.

Describe the several standard profiles in Salesforce?

  • System Superintendent – Customization and management of the application.
  • Normal User – Can edit, view, inform or erase one’s own record.
  • Read Only – Able to impartially view the accounts.
  • Solution Manager – Originates with standard user authorization but also can accomplish groups and available solutions.
  • Marketing User – Is able to import leads into the group along with standard user authorizations.

Can two profiles be assigned to one user in Salesforce?

Two different users can have the same profile in Salesforce but two profiles cannot be assigned to one user. One profile can be assigned to many users. For example, suppose the admin creates a sales profile. Now the admin has to give access to one sales profile to multiple members of the sales team as the same role can be given to multiple users but they all may or may not have the same permissions. But the admin cannot give a user access to more than one profile because sales reps should only have access to the sales profile only. So two different profiles cannot be assigned to one user.

Can we change the license when we create a profile?

No, we cannot change the license after creating the profile.

What is the difference between role and profile?

  • Role: The role helps in defining data visibility for a particular user.; Based on the hierarchy, a role defines which user data a user can see.; Defining a role to a user is not mandatory; Roles provide a feature to control access to records by impacting reports. For example,“My Teams” filter. Roles function if a security model (OWDs) of an organization is set to private.
  • Profile: A profile sets the limitation for what a user can do in the organization.; Profile defines permissions; Defining profile is mandatory; Profiles help to decide record privileges i.e. assuming the user can observe the record, it concludes what the user can function, edit, delete, or view on that record. It controls other system privileges like export data, mass email, etc.

What is the difference between page layouts & record types?

Page Layouts & Record Types are some of the first features that a Salesforce professional needs to learn. They control the user interface in various ways and can be used in conjunction with each other to create customized experiences for your users. Page Layouts determine which fields are displayed to your users on a record. They also allow you to add fields, sections, custom buttons and other features. The “Details” tab in the image below, contains a lot of the elements that are controlled by the page layout.

Record Types, on the other hand, let you offer different business processes, picklist values and Page Layouts to your users. For example, one of the most common use cases of Record Types would be to create two different sales processes on the Opportunity object. Each with different sales stages and Page Layouts. This means that with Record Types you can now apply multiple Page Layouts per object, per user profile.?

What things can be customized on page layouts?

?We can customize different things on page layout like Fields, Buttons, Custom Links, and Related Lists. We can also create sections.

How many ways we can make a field required?

  • While creating of field
  • Validation rules
  • Page Layout level

How to create a user?

Once you log in, go to Setup Search for User. Click New, Fill in details such as Email, Username(must be of type email), First Name, Last Name, Alias, Profile, User license and save.?

What is mandatory while creating the user record?

Last Name, Alias, Email, Username, Nickname, User License, Profile, Time Zone, Locale, Language, Currency, Approval Request Emails

NOTE: Profile is mandatory & Role is not mandatory.

How to delete the user record?

We cannot delete a User, we can deactivate them by unchecking "Active" checkbox.?

How profile dropdown values will populate in the user profile?

Based on the user license, the Profile drop-down gets populated?

What are the differences between SOQL and SOSL in Salesforce?

  • SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language): Using SOQL we can search only one object at a time; We can query on all fields of any of the datatype; DML operations can be performed on query results; Indexing happens synchronously; We can use SOQL in the classes and triggers
  • SOSL (Salesforce Object Search Language): Using SOSL we can search multiple objects at a time; We can query on the fields whose data type is phone, text, and email; DML operations cannot be performed on search results; Indexing happens asynchronously; SOSL cannot be used in triggers but can be used in classes

What are the different types of email templates available in Salesforce?

The list of different types of email templates that can be created in Salesforce is given below:

  • Text: All the users in the organization are allowed to create or change these templates.
  • HTML with letterhead: Only administrators and users with the “Edit HTML Templates” permissions are able to create these templates based on a letterhead. The look and feel of your HTML email templates are defined by the letterheads. It can inherit the logo, text, and color settings from a letterhead.
  • Custom HTML: It is an extension of HTML with a letterhead. Administrators and users having “Edit HTML Templates” permissions can create custom HTML templates without using the letterhead. You must have knowledge about HTML or get the HTML code to insert it into your email template.
  • Visualforce: Administrators and developers are allowed to create these templates by using Visualforce. Visualforce templates provide advanced functionalities like merging with a recipient’s data, where the content of a template can have data from multiple records

Can you give an example of a Salesforce API and its usage?

Salesforce provides a variety of APIs that allows developers to interact with the system in many ways. They are:

  • REST: By using REST API you can easily integrate with Salesforce applications using simple HTTP methods in either XML or JSON formats. It is an ideal API for developing mobile applications or external clients.
  • Bulk: The Bulk API provides programmatic access that lets you quickly load and query a huge amount of data into your Salesforce organization.
  • Streaming: The Streaming API can be used to trigger and receive notifications, whenever changes to Salesforce data are made according to the defined SOQL query criteria. It is useful when you want notifications to be pushed from the server to the client based on your defined criteria.

For which criteria in workflow “time-dependent workflow action” cannot be created?

Time-dependent workflow action cannot be created for: “created, and every time it’s edited”.

We have a “Time Based Workflow” and there is an action scheduled to be executed. If we deactivate the workflow, scheduled actions will be removed from the queue or not?

Action will be performed even if we are deactivated the workflow.

How to delete “Time-based workflow” if there is already an action scheduled?

We can’t delete the “Time-based workflow” if any pending actions are in the queue.

What are the advantages of using the wrapper class?

  • The wrapper class structure is as efficient as that of a good data visualization process for a web page, especially in the case where the developers are dealing with the JSON structure.
  • The developers are not required to manage the passing of any map structure in order to browse necessary elements. Moreover, the usage of wrapper class by developers will lead to ease in the process of managing relationships between different objects.
  • Wrapper class usage prevents any penalty faced by the users for passing an object of Salesforce. Also, it makes the respective object extendable to constructors of a class.
  • The use of the wrapper class supports the developers for efficiently organizing the concerned data, provided the data is properly nested.

What are the differences between trigger and workflow in Salesforce?

  • Workflow: Workflow is an automated process that fires an action depending on evaluation criteria and rule criteria; We cannot carry out DML operations on workflow; We are able to obtain a workflow across the object; We cannot query from database in workflow
  • Trigger: A trigger is a piece of program code that will be executed before or after a record has been inserted or updated; We can use 20 DML operations in a single trigger; We are able to access the trigger across the object and associated with that objects; We can use 20 SOQL(Salesforce Object Query Language) from the database in a single trigger

What is the difference between user deactivation and freezing user accounts?

In some cases, you can’t immediately deactivate an account, such as when a user is selected in a custom hierarchy field. To prevent users from logging in to your organization while you perform the steps to deactivate them, you can freeze user accounts.?

What are the different types of reports available in Salesforce?

Reports will give a clear picture to the management. Management will make use of reports to track progress towards its various goals, increase revenue, and control expenditure. Reports will also help to predict trends and thus gives the advantage of the increase in profits. There are four types of reports in Salesforce. They are as follows:

  • Matrix report: A report is formed by grouping the records by rows as well as columns. It is used when you want to see data by two separate dimensions that aren’t related, such as date and product.
  • Summary report: A report that provides a listing of data with groupings and subtotals. It is used when subtotals are needed, based on the value of a particular field, or when you want to create a hierarchically grouped report.
  • Tabular report: A report that provides details of a company in tabular format. It is used when you want a simple list or an item list with a grand total.
  • Joined report: A report that is created by a mixture of any combination of reports. Like matrix report plus summary report can give you a joined report. Also, matrix reports and tabular reports can give a joined report.

What are the major issues you faced on joined reports?

Here are a few major issues using joined reports in Salesforce.?

  • Can not be exported.
  • Can not add cross filters.
  • Can not add bucketed fields.
  • For users to be able to create and edit joined reports, report builders must be enabled for that entire organization.?
  • Joined reports require that the new user interface theme must be enabled.?
  • Internet Explorer 6 is not supported for Salesforce joined reports.
  • Can not Apply conditional highlighting.
  • Can not change the hierarchy for account, activity, lead, and opportunity reports.
  • Can not create reporting snapshots based on joined reports.

Is it possible to schedule a dynamic dashboard in Salesforce?

In Salesforce, it is not possible to schedule a dynamic dashboard.

What is the difference between static and dynamic dashboards in Salesforce?

  • Static dashboards: These are the default dashboards that are visible to any user; It is used to show organizational-wide data to a set of users; They can be scheduled to automatically refresh their data.
  • Dynamic dashboards: Dynamic dashboards show data tailored for a specific user; It is used to show a single user’s specific data, such as the number of sales closed, leads converted, etc; We can’t schedule a dynamic dashboard because when the dashboard is opened by us, it will display the real-time generated data

Explain different components of the dashboard available in Salesforce.

Some of Salesforce dashboard components are explained below:

  • Gauge: It is used for displaying a single value within a custom value range.
  • Metric: This is used for showing a single pair of key–values. We can enter the metric label directly on the components by clicking the empty text field next to the grand total. All metrics placed in the dashboard column would be displayed as a single component.
  • Table: Tables are used for showing report data in the form of lists. For example, top five or bottom five opportunities.
  • Visualforce page: It is used for forming a custom component as a dashboard or displaying information that is not available in other component types.
  • Charts: It is used for showing comparisons. Charts are divided into 6 types. They are line Chart, vertical bar chart, horizontal bar chart, donut, pie, and funnel

Describe the number of reports that can be added to the Salesforce dashboard.

A Salesforce Dashboard is seen as a graphic and pictographic depiction of a report with the capability to add up to 20 reports within a solitary dashboard.

Can we mass delete records in Salesforce?

Yes we can mass delete records in Salesforce. The option to mass delete records can be found under Data Management in Setup.

How do you perform a search in Salesforce & if the custom search is implemented then how do you do it?

  • In the Global Search -> Enter the keyword and get the result.
  • In the Global Search -> Select the Object -> Enter the Record Name / Number; If matching records are available in the system, results will be displayed depending on the users' Tab Permissions and Data visibility access else system returns No Results Found.
  • Load a Particular Object from Tabs -> In the ALL Records List view we can search for the Record

Have you done bulk data import to Salesforce?

  • Data Import Wizard: For simple imports of up to 50000 records, It supports all custom objects and only a few standard objects like Account, Contact, Leads, and Solution, It supports schedule export, Delete operation is not available, We cannot export data, It doesn’t require installation, While importing, duplicates can be ignored.
  • Data Loader: For complex imports of any size more than 50000 records, It supports all standard and custom objects, It doesn’t support scheduled export, Delete operation is available, We can export data of all custom & standard objects and can import all custom & standard objects except the User standard object, It requires installation, While importing, duplicates cannot be ignored.

How to handle commas within a field while uploading using data loader?

In a Data Loader .CSV, if there is a comma in field content, you will have to enclose the contents within double quotation marks: ” “.

What is the difference between “Export” and “Export All” in data loader in Salesforce?

  • Export is exporting all the data from Salesforce.com excluding the recycle bin’s data.
  • Export All to export all the data from Salesforce including the recycle bin’s data.

What types of apps we can access using the app launcher?

From App Launcher, we can access Standard apps, custom apps, & connected apps.

We are not providing some of fields in .csv file which are required at page layout level. What happens if we try to insert records into Salesforce through data loader???

All records are inserted in Salesforce successfully.

We are not providing some of the fields in .csv file which are required at the field level. What happens if we try to insert records into Salesforce through the data loader?

Except for those records remaining records will be inserted into Salesforce.

If you want to test with Sr. CSE User and you don't have login details then how will you log in and test using Administrator user?

By enabling Log in as any user in Login access policies, we can login as any user without credentials?

If you have to test a field on ABC object, you have to test its visibility for 200+ profiles in 2 hours, what do you do?

Go to Object Manager -> Open ABC object -> Open that field -> Click on View Field Accessibility button

Support ABC field value you have to validate in the Contact object that field is not exposed in layout then how do you validate the value?

We can use listviews, reports, workbench, or developer console. And there are also few chrome extensions that show the values of hidden fields.

If there are 10 profiles and each has access to objects, how will you test?

  • If user has System Admin access -> Login as System Admin - > Setup -> Profiles -> Object Settings -> Match them with the Expected Settings from the Workbook/ US
  • If user is not Admin, then login with Users belonging to the Profiles and test the Object access individually

If System Admin is not able to view the login button for a user, what will you do?

Go to Setup -> Login Access Policies -> Enable "Administrators Can Log in as Any User"

What causes data loss in Salesforce?

  • Human error
  • Accidental deletion of Salesforce data
  • Purposeful deletion of Salesforce data
  • Data sync errors
  • Altering data and date-time
  • Varying to percent, figure, and currency from other information types
  • Altering from a multi-select picklist, checkbox, auto figure to other types
  • Shifting to multi-select picklist from any kind excluding picklist
  • Altering to auto-number excluding from text
  • Altering from text-area to email, mobile, URL, and text.

What are the kinds of custom settings in Salesforce? What is the benefit of using custom settings?

There are two kinds of custom settings in Salesforce: List Custom Locations and Hierarchy Custom Surroundings.

  • List Custom Situations are a type of convention location that delivers a refillable set of static information that can be retrieved from your group regardless of user/ profile.
  • Hierarchy Custom Situations are the additional type of custom situations that practice built-in ranked logic for “personalizing” locations for exact profiles or users. The benefit of using custom situations is that it permits developers to create a traditional set of contact rules for numerous users and profiles.

Explain the meaning of an external ID in Salesforce. Explain the field data types that can be cast off as exterior IDs.

An exterior ID is a custom field that can be used as an exclusive identifier in a record. External IDs are mostly used while introducing records/ data. When introducing records, one amongst the many areas in those records is essential to be clear as a peripheral ID (unique identifier). A significant point to note is that only traditional fields can be used as External IDs.

Can you edit an apex trigger/ apex class in the production environment? Can you edit a Visualforce page in the production environment?

No, it is not possible to edit apex classes and triggers directly in the production environment. It needs to be done first in Developer edition or Testing org or in Sandbox org. Then, to deploy it in production, a user with Author Apex permission must deploy the triggers and classes using deployment tools. However, Visualforce pages can be created and edited in both sandboxes and in production. Only if the page has to do something unique (different values), it would have to be developed via Sandbox.

How to update the record using the after-trigger context??

Not possible. You will get errors like “Record is Read-only”.

When should apex be used?

Apex can be used in different scenarios, such as

  • To create Email services
  • To create web services
  • To perform complex validation over multiple objects
  • To create complex business processes that are not supported by the workflow.
  • To create custom transaction logic
  • To attach custom logic to another operation

How many ways we can call the apex class?

  • Visual force page
  • Web Service
  • Triggers
  • Email services

How to run a batch class in Salesforce?

From the Developer Console, click Debug and then Open Execute Anonymous Window. Execute the following code.

Id <variable name>= Database.executeBatch(new <Class name>(), batch size);

Where we can see batch results logs?

Under setup, apex jobs. We can view Apex Job ID and Apex class initiated that?

How does Salesforce deploy sales path?

Here is the step to deploy the Salesforce sales path:

Set source organization -> Set target organization-> Customize your comparison-> Kick off the comparison-> Select changes to deploy-> Validate or deploy

Why do we need to write test classes? How to identify if a class is a test class?

Software developers from around the world will unanimously agree that writing code in test classes makes debugging more efficient. Why? That is because test classes help in creating robust and error-free code be it Apex or any other programming language. Since Unit tests are powerful in their own right, Salesforce requires you to write test classes in Apex code.

Why are test classes so powerful?

Because test classes and test methods verify whether a particular piece of code is working properly or not. If that piece of code fails, then developers/ testers can accurately locate the test class having the faulty bug.

Test classes can be determined easily because every test class will be annotated with @isTest keyword. In fact, if we do not annotate a test class with @isTest, then it cannot be defined as a test class. Similarly, any method within a class which has the keyword testMethod, is a test method.

What is the minimum test coverage required for a trigger to deploy?

In Salesforce, if you want to deploy your code to production, then you must make sure that at least 75% of your Apex code is covered by unit tests. And all these tests must complete successfully.

What are the different ways to store various types of records in Salesforce?

There are many different ways in Salesforce to store various records, such as Images, files, and documents. Some of them are Attachment, Google Drive, Chatter files & Libraries

How to check for user license in Salesforce work environment?

To check the Salesforce license, open the workspace and navigate as follows:

Setup-> Monitor->System Overview??

And go to Data Storage section, here you can see the user license in the highlighted area. If you want to check for all user licenses, then select the "Show All" option.

What is pagination in Salesforce? How can we implement it in visualforce?

Pagination is a technique to display a large number of records and display records on multiple pages. We use pagination instead of controlling the number of records displayed on each page. By default, a list controller shows 20 pages on a page. To customize it, we use a controller extension to set the Page Size.

What Salesforce product can be used to provide your partners with the ability to create Leads and Opportunities?

The Salesforce product you are looking for here is called the Experience Cloud (Previously called Community Cloud). This allows you to create portals that connect to your Salesforce instance, for a specific purpose. Two of the most common types of portals include,?

  • Partner Portal – This is an area where your partners can create leads and manage the sales cycle of opportunities. All partner activity can be viewed within your Salesforce Org, along with the provision of full reporting capabilities.
  • Customer Portal – A common use case for a customer portal, is to provide support as well as help articles. Customers can log cases, as well as search knowledge bases for answers to their queries. You can even go as far as to create a community that allows customers to interact with each other.

What can be implemented in Salesforce to help ensure clean data?

Validation, Duplicate Management & Deduplication Tools (Apps available on AppExchange)

How we can change the grant access using role hierarchy for standard objects?

Not possible

What are the default filters in salesforce?

They are “Date filters.”

How to get rid of date filter?

By selecting “All Time” in the “Range” on the page.

What is Salesforce customer 360?

For a few years now, Salesforce has been trying to create a suite of products that allow users of its platform to see a 360-degree view of their customers. This means that users of Salesforce can see every interaction with a customer, from the first inquiry through the website, to which products they have bought and what issues or queries they have with their products.

What are the main objects in Salesforce sales cloud?

Campaign, Lead,? Account, Contact, Opportunity, Opportunity Line Item, Product, Price Book, Contract, Contract Line Items, Order, Order Line Item, Asset, etc

How many active assignment rules can you have in a lead/ case?

Only one rule can be active at a time.

How does Salesforce track sales?

Salesforce is a tracking program that records a number of helpful basic details, such as:

  • Number of customers served daily
  • Daily sales volume
  • Detailed reports from Sales Manager
  • Sales figures by month or quarter
  • Most importantly, Salesforce tracks and reports repeat customer activity, which is the key to any sales organization.

What is the person accounts feature, and how can it help organizations?

Salesforce was originally built as a B2B system, for companies selling to other companies. However, there is an increasing number of companies in the B2C space that are using Salesforce for customer support, commerce, or marketing. Salesforce extended the functionality of its platform to deal with B2C businesses. Person accounts allow you to access a new type of record (Which is actually a combination of the Accounts & Contacts objects), that can support a B2C business.

Can we merge a person account with a business account?

No, Personal Account merge with person account only

If a contact is not getting associated with multiple accounts, then what will you do?

In Setup, there is a setting named "Account Settings", in that there is one option "Allow users to relate a contact to multiple accounts".

After lead creation what all records are created?

Account, Contact and Opportunity?

What is web to lead?

Web-to-Lead is a lead creation channel where a form is embedded on Company's website. Once the form is filled and submitted, a lead is generated in Salesforce.?

How is email to lead configured?

Through a Custom app. Setup an email service, and have a forwarding rule on the company's mailbox to salesforce email. Create a handler for Incoming Emails, read the title, body, and attachments if any to create a Lead by populating Lead Subject, Lead description, and Contact details from the email header.?

From where we can view converted lead data?

Converted leads will not be accessible from the UI but we can access them using reports.

How to can split the opportunity amount?

We can add team to an Opportunity record using "Add Opportunity Team Members" button and can split the amount using "Edit Opportunity Splits" button present on the Opportunity Splits related list. There are two types of splits: Revenue and Overlay. Revenue can't be more than 100% and it is about the opportunity amount. Overlay can be more than 100%, it tells about how a team member is supported.

What does einstein's forecasting provide?

Einstein Forecasting gives prediction graph which provides team's past opportunities and forecasts about future performance (of current month), difference b/w einstein prediction to current sales quota, difference b/w closed deals and current sales quota.

What is CPQ?

Customize Price Quote automates a sales tool that delivers error-free quotes. It helps sales reps sell the right product combinations, controls discounting, and automates approvals.?

What are the major features of CPQ?

  • Products: Products Setup and Configuration
  • Bundles: Bundles, Options, Automated Selection Rules, Validation and Constraint Rules
  • Search & Guided Selling: Search filter complexity, Guided Selling, and product selection process
  • Pricing & Discounting: Price books, Currencies, Contracted, Account Specific, Partner, Custom Object Pricing, Discounting Requirements, Multi-Dimensional Quoting, Pricing Use Case
  • Quote Template: Output Documents, Conditional Content, and columns, Quote Term Logic
  • Approval: Approval Matrix/ Rules/ Process, Email Templates, Advanced
  • E-signature: e-signature included
  • Order Management: Order Management Process, Splitting Orders
  • Contracts: Prorations, Renewals, Amendments, Asset Amendments
  • Invoices: Invoice Creation & Scheduling, Document Generation Tool set up, Split Order - Invoice management, Invoice rules (ex. Hold Billing), Shipping & Fees
  • Usage Management: Usage tracking, Usage pricing (block pricing, discount/consumption schedules)
  • Legal Entities & Taxation: Legal Entities set up, Taxation set up & tool set up
  • Payments: Payment Methods and Automation, Payment Application, Payment Gateway setup, Credit/Debit Note & Cancel/Refund set up, Payment Integration
  • Finance Books: Finance books set up, Custom Finance periods, Multiple currencies
  • Localization: Language Management
  • Revenue Recognition: Revenue Schedules, Recognition Methods, Recognition Reporting, Distribution Methods
  • General Ledger: General Ledger set up, and Integrate GL accounts with ERP
  • Data & Integration & Development: Integration Guidance, Data Integration, Product Initializer, Product Search Plug-In, Page Security Plug-In, Documentation, Legacy Data Migration

What are the major components of Salesforce service cloud?

Service Console, Salesforce Mobile app, Channels (Call center CTI, email-to-case, web-to-case, social customer service, messaging, chat, embedded service, einstein bots), Omni channel, Knowledge, Communities, Entitlements & Milestones, Service analytics and einstein case classification, Field service lightning, snap-in?

What is web to case?

An OOTB feature to register a Case from a web form. We can generate the code and deploy it in an external site or on an SF site.?

How many cases we can merge in a single go?

We can merge up to 3 cases.

What is the omni channel?

Omni channel is a feature that routes work items to the most qualified & available support agents based on routing criteria. The work items can be cases, leads, web chats, or custom objects. Types of Routing:?

  • Queue-based routing: All agents are assigned to queues, which typically represent a single skill; omni channel assigns work items to a queue and then pushes them to that queue member. Factors to prioritize the work item:

1. Priority of the queue from which the work item came.

2. Amount of time the work item has been waiting in the queue.

3. Members of the queue who are available to receive new work items.

-> Steps to make it possible:

1. Organize work and agents into queues: create a queue(one per skill)-> Set the queue priority-> Assign agents.

2. Define routing configurations: it sets the size and priority of different objects and to select the routing model that omni channel uses. It determines how omni channel routes work to agents.

3. Manage agent capacity: Agent capacity looks at the number and types of work items that are assigned to an agent, and at the agent’s overall bandwidth. You give each type of work—a case, a chat, and so on—a unit of capacity that represents how much agent bandwidth it takes up. And you give the agent a total capacity that indicates when the agent is working at 100% of capacity.

4. Know when agents are available for work: Omni-Channel assigns work only to agents whose presence status is Available for a given service channel.

  • Skills-based routing: You assign skills to agents and required skills to work item types; omni channel matches work items to agents who possess all the required skills.

1. Skills-based routing looks at the skills required to complete a work item (requested skills) and matches these to the skills that are assigned to the agent (agent’s skills). Omni-Channel routes the work to the first agent who has the required skills and who is available (that is, has the capacity to take the work item). Work items can have multiple skills, and agents can have multiple skills.

2. Skills-based routing uses Apex action classes to assign skills, priority, and the routing model to work items. An Apex action class might sound a bit unfamiliar, but we walk you through it later on in this unit.

3. When Omni-Channel receives a new work item, it looks at the required skills, the work’s priority, and the routing model (Least Active or Most Available) to determine how to route the work.

  • External routing: A third-party routing implementation of your choice routes work items through Omni-Channel to agents via the Salesforce Service Console. A developer uses APIs to integrate the partner routing application with Salesforce.

What is prefixed with help text in live chat?

A help text usually contains a greeting message such as - Hi, My name is <so_and_so>. How can I help you??

What is CTI?

CTI means Computer telephony integration,? it is the JavaScript API that helps to connect the salesforce (softphone) with other call centers.? In the Salesforce Console app, we have a call option on the Utility bar.

What are the features of service console?

  • Quick text: predefined messages.
  • Macros: It is a set of instructions that tells the system how to complete a task from the utility bar.
  • History: users can see their recently visited records without opening the record.
  • Mass quick actions: can create and edit up to 100 records from listviews except for recently viewed lists.
  • Split view: to open listviews while still viewing record details.
  • Keyboard shortcuts: you can open and close utilities, edit, and save records using them.
  • Email templates.
  • Send email notifications: Various settings on the Support Settings page in Setup let you customize email notifications for users. contacts can receive email notifications when the case is created, updated, or comments are added.
  • Predefined field values for Quick actions.

What are the limitations of the service console?

  • You can only add components to page layouts if you have the Sales Console User permission or a Service Cloud User feature license. Don’t forget to give yourself the right permission or license!
  • When you update records, components don’t refresh automatically. Remember to use the ol’ Refresh button on your browser.
  • You can add a component to the headers and footers of a console after you turn off the highlights panel or interaction log on a page layout. In other words, remove old stuff first to add new stuff.

What are chatbots?

A chatbot is an application that simulates human conversation, either aloud or via text message. Instead of having a conversation with a person, like a sales rep or support agent, a customer can have a conversation with a computer. There are? 4 types of bot experience, i.e.

  • Dialog: Greeting, ending message, etc.
  • Dialog Intent: Reaction of the customer, what's their problem, etc.
  • Entity: Type of Data that bots collect from customers.
  • Variable: it stores specific pieces of data collected from a customer.

What are the features of web chat?

  • Sneak peek(chat configuration): agents see what the visitor is typing before they hit send.
  • Chat transfer(chat configuration): agents transfer a chat to another agent or group of agents.
  • Quick text(quick text in setup): create standardized messages that agents can access during a chat.
  • Push timeout(Omni channel routing configuration): routes the chat request to another agent when the first agent doesn't accept or decline in a set number of seconds.
  • Customer timeout(chat button): ends the chat when the customer doesn't respond in a set number of seconds; if wanted we can add a warning message before ending the chat.
  • Decline reasons(Omni channel presence configuration): agents select from a list of reasons when they decline a work request.
  • Visitor blocking(chat configuration): agents block a customer who's spamming or otherwise violating your terms of service.
  • File transfer(Chat configuration): agents can request a file from the customer during a chat.
  • Proactive chat invitations(chat button, embedded, chat settings): provides an animated chat invitation that appears based on certain criteria.
  • Fill in pre-chat fields(embedded chat settings): auto-fill the information which the system already knows like name.
  • Queue position(chat button, embedded, chat settings): displays customers' place in line while they wait for an agent.
  • Lightning components for various chat states(developer console): customize your chat window's appearance with lightning components

What are entitlements & milestones?

Entitlements are units of customer support in Salesforce, such as “phone support” or “web support.” They’re typically used to represent terms in service agreements.

Milestones represent required, time-dependent steps in your support process, like a first response or case resolution times. Milestones are added to entitlement processes to ensure that agents resolve support records correctly and on time.

How do social customer services help?

  • Helps agents, sales reps, and marketers to collaborate and listen & respond to customers across social platforms.
  • Turns social network posts into cases or leads and lets agents join customer conversations where they are happening.
  • Allows inbound and outbound social posts to appear in case histories.
  • Tracks customer sentiments and keywords, and it helps agents offer to take public conversations private.
  • Sends service requests directly to the Service Console, where agents can switch the conversations to the best channels for customers at any time.
  • Brings sales, service, and marketing teams together on social platforms, for best collaboration.

What is the social studio?

It is the engine that allows us to manage, schedule, create, and monitor social posts.

Why do we use knowledge articles?

  • It makes self-service better and reduces customer effort.
  • It says solve once and use it often.
  • It reduces customer effort scores.

Why do we use a federated search?

It allows searching from a company's knowledge base and from google search results.

What we can do with an article?

Edit, Delete, Publish, Change Record Type, Edit as Draft, Submit for Approval, Assign, Archive, Restore, and Post.

Explain knowledge management.

Knowledge Article provides an Employee/Customer/Partner with information typically in a Question-Answer format. Knowledge articles should be reviewed periodically and updated."

Where and all do you use or see knowledge articles?

Internal users, visible to customers, visible to partners, and visible in the public knowledge base.

What is desk.com?

Desk.com is the all-in-one customer support application that helps fast-growing businesses respond to customer inquiries across multiple channels (email, Twitter, Facebook, phone calls, live chat, and discussion boards) and offers online self-service support. Out of the box, Desk.com offers great core functionality to help you manage your support cases. All the tools you’d expect, plus built-in process automation and support for mobile. Desk.com is perfect for businesses that are case-centric. Requests for customer service usually involve single problems rather than interconnected customer issues. Service Cloud is great for businesses that are account-centric. For these businesses, customer service agents need a full view of the customer, with information pulled from many different parts of the company, such as marketing, product management, contracts, order management, or billing data.

How do Einstein bots help?

It helps customers to get the right answer and to help agents in understanding the customer in a better way by the information customers are feeding into the tool.

What Einstein's case classification can do?

Case classification uses predictive intelligence on new cases to recommend or populate picklist and checkbox field values based on past data. It uses machine learning, AI technology that determines the values on case fields, to free up time for support agents.

What Einstein escalation predictor can do?

It notifies which cases we have to give attention to more based on the urgency of past cases, whether or not cases have been escalated to management, and whether the account has been in a red status before. We have to build the data model that flags the most important issues for our organization and using that Einstein escalation predictor gives a probability score for each customer and that will tell us which cases are going to need more action.

What appointment scheduler can do and how we can use it?

It provides customers the power to self-schedule their one-on-one engagements with us. It improves customer experience overall, reduces cost & customer efforts, saves time & improves efficiencies for service delivery.

  • Submitted a case-> click "Schedule an appointment"-> set up a time based on the agent's availability over the next few business days-> a GoToMeeting link as an invitation sent to the customer.
  • Managers can access the overview of the appointment scheduler and in case of any reason, anyone can shift the meeting.

What is community?

Community is a web portal for end users, partners, and employees to interact with the Salesforce ecosystem.?

What are the different types of communities we have in Salesforce?

  • Partner Community: where partners, the organization's admin can view customer account details & financial account information. It provides a platform to business partners and a role-based power can be added as well. Through these communities, the partners can share the relevant information and at the same time can keep some information private as well.
  • Customer Community: where customers can view their account & financial information. For eg, peer-to-peer support, customer service agents, and knowledge base. It provides rich collaboration, consistent branding, and mobile access through which even the customers can share their experiences with each other and contact their representatives as well.
  • Employee Community

How will you log in to the partner community?

  • Open the Community URL, enter user name and password and click on Login button
  • Enable Contact as Community Customer and then click login as Customer to Community from Quick Action link of Contact

What Salesforce vlocity provides?

Omni scripts, Flex cards, Integration Procedure and Data Raptors

Preparing for a Salesforce job interview requires a strong understanding of Salesforce's ecosystem and its core functionalities. Familiarizing yourself with Salesforce subsidiaries showcases the company's continuous effort to innovate and expand its services. Additionally, grasping the different types of relationships in Salesforce will help you design robust data models to meet business requirements effectively.

Remember, interview success not only depends on memorizing answers but also on practical experience and problem-solving skills. Emphasize your real-world experiences with Salesforce, and don't shy away from discussing any challenges you've overcome. Good luck with your Salesforce job interview!


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