Exploring the real impact of the 2024 Living National Wage Increase
David Whitfield
CEO & Co-Founder @ HR DataHub | 35k connections | Keynote Speaker
The National Living Wage has increased by 9.8% for all workers aged 21 and over. This significant boost helps employees tackle the UK's rising cost-of-living crisis, bringing wages closer to the Real Living Wage. ?? But, this increase doesn't come without it's challenges for employers including pay compression, budgetary implications and a need to conduct widespread salary reviews, to name a few.
Join us for an engaging webinar where we uncover the real-world impact of the 2024 UK?national living wage increases on salary trends across various industries. Using our very own real-time salary data from the HR?DataHub platform, we will look at how these changes are currently reshaping the UK?workforce, employee compensation, and business strategies.
Don't miss out on gaining insights into the true impact of the wage increases on UK?businesses and the strategies HR?and Reward leaders are adopting to overcome some of their biggest challenges.