Exploring the PM Sensor
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PM working principle
The particulate matter sensor
Working principle: Particulate matter will generate a current between two electrodes. As the amount of particulate matter increases, the current value of the particles increases. Therefore, as long as the current value is known, the content of the particulate matter can be deduced. When the particulate matter is saturated, The probe is regenerated, the particulate matter is burned off and the measurement is restarted. Then the time between two regenerations (regeneration interval) becomes the corresponding value of the particulate matter content.
Current detection principle
The figure below is the schematic diagram of the electrode part of the particle sensor. The boost circuit provides a voltage of 45.8V to the high end of the electrode. The CPU detects the voltage value of the low end of the electrode to calculate the current value flowing through the electrode.
PM key technologies
The figure below shows the corresponding relationship between the probe current value and time under a specific environment:
The figure below shows the corresponding relationship between regeneration interval and soot content:
Since the soot content is inferred based on the probe current value and regeneration interval, a large amount of experimental data
A large amount of accurate experimental data
Probe manufacturing process
Probe curve graph
Software status switching and jump diagram
Probe structure
According to the Venturi effect
The probe has three layers. The upper layer is a finger-shaped platinum-based electrode, the middle layer is a platinum heater, and the lower layer is a platinum temperature measurement unit. The pink layer is the aluminum oxide insulation layer, and the yellow layer is the zirconium oxide layer.
Circuit board front
reverse side of circuit board
Interface definition
#ExploringthePMSensor #PMworkingprinciple #Currentdetectionprinciple #PMkeytechnologies #Probecurvegraph #Probestructure #Circuitboardfront #reversesideofcircuitboard #Interfacedefinition #particulatemattersensor #Aftertreatmentsystem