Exploring new markets with the right fabricator
Glazerite UK Group Ltd
Leading trade fabricator of VEKA, Halo, Deceuninck and Residence uPVC windows and doors.
Changing your business model is a big step. For one of our installers, the decision to cease in-house PVC-U fabrication in favour of aluminium was made easier with the support of our team. Our Area Sales Manager, Calum Williams explains how we enabled Howard Yarnold Windows and Doors to seize growing opportunities in aluminium while continuing to meet the needs of PVC-U customers.
As the popularity of aluminium windows, doors and roof lanterns continues to soar, Birmingham-based Howard Yarnold made the decision to outsource its PVC-U fabrication and focus on its in-house aluminium operations instead.
With 50 years in the industry, and a burgeoning commercial and residential customer base straddling the West Midlands, Staffordshire, Worcestershire and Warwickshire, the firm was keen to capitalise on recent rapid growth, which has included some lucrative commercial renovations.
To achieve its ambitions however, the team, led by Anthony Niblett, had a huge decision to make. Anthony explains:
"We have big plans for our future but to deliver on these, we had to make some significant decisions. Our business is based very close to the centre of Birmingham, with our location playing a key role in our success. However, the site of our operations and where we are based means we cannot expand. We had to decide whether to move the business to a less convenient location of refocus operations and remain."
As a PVC-U and aluminium fabricator-installer, the team had to weigh up how best to service its markets and realise its long-term plans for growth. Central to the decision was a longstanding partnership with our team.
Though Howard Yarnold had been fabricating PVC-U in-house for decades, the company had partnered with Glazerite on overspill work for several years, making use of our extensive VEKA UK portfolio to supplement its own production.
The team were confident they could make the decision to step away from PVC-U fabrication and rely on our expertise instead. Anthony explains:
"We've worked with Glazerite for nearly 10 years and in that time, they've supported us with big PVC-U jobs, delivering high-quality products whenever we've needed them. When we decided to stop fabricating PVC-U in house and focus solely on aluminium manufacture instead, we knew Glazerite was the partner for us."
Following the decision to cease in-house PVC-U fabrication, Howard Yarnold has been able to switch the factory floor around to become an aluminium-only unit. It's a relief for the 35-strong team, who are focusing on growing commercial and residential customers for both profiles, without the worry of having to move premises.
A further benefit of working with us is the support we offer around marketing. It's an area the Howard Yarnold team is keen to leverage further, particularly the digital side, which they have plans to develop alongside our specialist marketing team. Next stop for Howard Yarnold is to expand its workforce to meet the needs of its growing customer base. Anthony concludes:
"Working with Glazerite means we have access to high-quality VEKA products on a quick turnaround. We have a really strong reputation locally, and as a well-established business it was crucial that we found a likeminded partner who could deliver what we needed, when we needed it. We have that with Glazerite."
Howard Yarnold are not unique in choosing to cease fabrication; we work with a number of installers who have switched their business model to drop fabrication of PVU-U in favour of aluminium or who have stopped in-house operations entirely, safe in the knowledge they can rely on us to provide high-quality PVC-U products.
As a fabricator, it's our job to make installers's jobs easier. That means offering not only a comprehensive product portfolio but adding value in other ways, including areas some businesses might now have resource in, such as HR, IT and marketing.
Whatever the ambitions of our existing and prospective customers, we're here to help you achieve them and truly cement your reputation in your own market. Contact us to see how we can help.