Exploring New Frontiers: Scientific Research and Port Challenges

Exploring New Frontiers: Scientific Research and Port Challenges

In a competitive scenario where the increasing integration of new technologies in daily activities challenges everything we know about current practices, scientific research, especially applied research, emerges as a strategic ally in the search for concrete solutions to real-world challenges. From this perspective, it would be reasonable to expect that ports, as a strategic sector for the economy, would receive substantial attention from the academic community.

However, despite this relevance, what stands out is a curious lack of interest in exploring topics related to the port sector. For example, the report "Panorama da Ciência Brasileira 2015 – 2020," prepared by the Center for Management and Strategic Studies (CGEE), which provides an overview of scientific production in Brazil, does not mention the word "ports" in any of its 200 pages.

Furthermore, it is interesting to note that even infrastructure and logistics, which could potentially encompass ports, are not among the 35 main thematic clusters identified by the CGEE document, which represent approximately 75% of the country's entire scientific production.

This finding is especially concerning for two reasons: first, because ports are central links to the economic prosperity of any country, and like any strategic sector of the economy, they face challenges that would greatly benefit from research. Secondly, science has demonstrated immense transformative power for other strategic sectors in Brazil. One example is the significant productivity advancement in the agribusiness sector over the years, driven by research and innovation.

Several factors can explain this supposed lack of interest, such as the scarcity of research funding sources compared to other thematic areas and the lack of connection between researchers and organizations operating in the sector. In other words, researchers tend to go where they find support and opportunities. This gap not only highlights the need for action but also offers an opportunity to strengthen the ties between academia and the port sector.

In this sense, the partnership between the Santos Port Authority and the CENEP Foundation to promote up to 70 scholarships for undergraduate, master's, and doctoral students to develop applied research is excellent news. This collaboration opens a significant window of opportunities for students and universities and provides the Port of Santos with valuable resources to face current and future challenges. Therefore, it is essential for universities to take advantage of this opportunity.

Finally, by promoting applied research, ports have the potential to drive innovation, operational efficiency, and sustainability, while universities expand their influence beyond the campus. Therefore, if we can reverse this trend, we will open up a whole new frontier of opportunities for students and researchers to contribute significantly to the progress of ports and, consequently, to Brazil's development.

Originally published in the Porto e Mar Column of the A Tribuna newspaper on 02/04/24. Available at: https://www.atribuna.com.br/opiniao/roberto-paveck/a-pesquisa-cientifica-e-os-desafios-portuarios-1.414887

André Filipe C. Galdino de Aguiar

Assistant at BTP | Production Engineer | Postgraduate student in Project Management at MBA USP ESALQ | IT Technician

3 个月

Excelente abordagem! A pesquisa aplicada poderá trazer ciência sobre a temática portuária e promover solu??es inovadoras.


