Exploring Network Commands in Linux! ??
Jofin Johnson
Today, I explored a variety of network-related commands in Linux. These tools are essential for managing and troubleshooting network issues in DevOps and cloud environments. Here’s a brief explanation and example for each:
Basic Network Commands
1. ping
Check the reachability of a host on a network.
2. netstat
Displays network connections, routing tables, and interface statistics.
netstat -tuln
3. ifconfig
Configures or displays network interfaces.
4. traceroute vs tracepath
traceroute shows the path packets take to a destination
tracepath is similar but doesn’t require superuser privileges.
5. mtr
Combines ping and traceroute functionality.
mtr google.com
6. nslookup
Queries DNS to obtain domain name or IP address mapping.
7. telnet
Connects to a remote host using the Telnet protocol.
8. hostname
Shows or sets the system's hostname.
9. ip addr show
Manages network interfaces and routing tables.
10. iwconfig
Configures wireless network interfaces.
11. ss
Displays socket statistics.
12. arp
Displays or modifies the system’s ARP cache.
13. dig
Queries DNS servers.
14. nc (netcat)
Reads and writes data across network connections.
15. whois
Retrieves domain registration information.
16. ifplugstatus
Checks the link status of network interfaces.
Additional Network Tools
1. route
Displays or modifies the routing table.
2. nmap
Scans networks for open ports and services.
3. wget
Download files from the internet.
4. watch
Executes a program periodically, showing output fullscreen.
5. iptables
Configures the Linux kernel firewall.
6. curl vs wget
Both download files from the internet, but curl can also send data.
Mastering these network commands is crucial for efficiently managing and troubleshooting network issues in DevOps and cloud environments. These tools help ensure robust and secure network operations. Stay tuned for Part:- 6
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