Exploring Ministry Opportunities in Latin America
?Hola amigos! What a trip it was across Latin America and the Caribbean!?
We are thankful for God’s protection and guidance as our Regional Network Director and Regional Operations Manager, Bill and Jennifer Hatzfeld, completed a 7-week trip to five countries in Latin America. Our goal was to see what Christian health ministry work is in progress in that part of the world, meet and make new partnerships, and identify research and training opportunities. Join us on a short tour of what was accomplished during these visits. ??
Working with Medical Ambassadors International, the Hatzfelds engaged in a church run community clinic in the Dominican Republic to assess the potential for faith-based community health research.
They participated in several Community Health Evangelism (CHE) training programs at churches in Guatemala, coordinated by Global CHE Enterprises, where faith and health information is provided every two weeks.
They met with a Christian University in El Salvador to discuss research opportunities and organizational partnership to advance the study of faith and health in rural communities…in addition to attending several CHE training programs with local communities.
They connected with a physician that established a church-supported health center for women experiencing domestic violence in Buenos Aires, while also working with her on efforts to expand faith and health opportunities with remote tribes in the northern (Misiones) province of Argentina.
And lastly, because Spanish is critical in Latin America, they worked with Pastor Henry Herrera of the Luteranos Confesionales in Colombia to record an Introduction to the Meros Center video in Spanish.?Watch it at this link: https://youtu.be/CeXjMOa4sB8. We are also exploring more opportunities to partner with the WELS-affiliated Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Medellín to support their efforts in helping people in their community overcome addictions.
It has been an amazing opportunity to connect with these brothers and sisters in Christ serving our Lord and their neighbors around the world.
Will you join us in assisting by supporting our efforts to equip them with critical research and training? As always, we thank you for your prayers and financial support, and thank God for helping us complete visits to all three regions (Africa, Asia and Latin America) this past year to establish our partnership networks.
Coming Up
The conversation is ramping up on social media, especially on Instagram!?Please follow us and share with your friends via the links below.
The August 2024 certificate cohort is under way!
19 participants including the newest Meros team member have begun their journey to increase their impacts when reaching out to their local communities.
Look for more training options and updated options to learn in the coming months.
We are grateful for your continual support.
Each opportunity to partner and minister to the marginalized through our research costs between $5,000-$30,000.?We are currently running $53,375 behind on our 2024 goal of $100,000.?We are grateful for and pray God continues to bless all of you, and ask you to pray for and support our mission as the Lord leads your heart.