Exploring the learning framework at the heart of Being Leaders...
Being Leaders
New ways of learning for news way of leading, where leaders co-create their futures collectively, building community.
Welcome back as we continue exploring the emergence of the Being Leaders program.
Parallel to the shift in leaders’ needs during CoVid with ‘Leading in Isolation', and the evolution of deeper dialogues in ‘Curated Conversations’, we sensed a need for adaptive learning spaces, held in a ‘coach-like’ manner with frameworks that could respond to both individual and collective learning was necessary scaffolding to explore the challenges leaders were facing, so that new ways of leading could emerge.??
Our curiosity led us to Dr David Drakes’ learning approach, Integrative Development. ‘ID’ or ‘The ID Way’ integrates Narrative Coaching frameworks (which David pioneered) with learning developmental theory and applied experiential learning.?
After a collective 3.5 years of study with Dr David Drake, PhD (which is continuing), we responded by weaving ID throughout the Being Leaders program, so that learning emerges based on the needs of the group, with learning collectively generated from shared experiences, open discovery and deep dialogue around personal journeys of change and lived experiences. As a result, there is no pre-scripted content, no ‘off-the-shelf’ curriculum or any version of ‘1-size-fits-all’. Each program is as unique as those who collectively co-create it.?
We see our role as designers and facilitators to hold space, nurture collective ways of being together, host shared dialogue around topics of agreed shared value and provide scaffolding for leaders to safely enter thresholds that lead to sustainable change.? Mel and I have been deep in the learning journey with David along with an international cohort of learning experience designers, coaches and facilitators, and having felt the ID way for ourselves, we appreciate the contrast with more conventional learning processes.
The Being Leaders program recognises learning is not linear, and so we hold space for emergence, in an unstructured, and structured way.
We are welcoming expressions of interest in forming cohorts to commence the Being Leaders journeys in 2023 - we invite you to explore further by clicking here.
This article was co-authored by Melina Lipkiewicz and Tim Collings ?