Exploring internalised oppression
Hustle Crew
Since we launched in 2016 we’ve helped ambitious people in tech and beyond take their careers to the next level.
In This Week’s Email
“Many people struggle with internalised oppression, or the process of maintaining negative beliefs about oneself or one’s identity groups. Because people of historically marginalized groups (people of color, women, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities, etc.) are socialized with so many deprecating messages about their groups, they may easily learn and hold onto negative thoughts and feelings about themselves.”
Oppression comes in all shapes and sizes. It can be fuelled by bias, judgment, ignorance – or just plain hatred.
Oppression within cultures has taken place throughout human history – groups or individuals getting treated unfairly due to misrepresentation.
Luckily, in most situations, when a group or individual is faced with blatant oppression, they can turn to their community and peers for support.
But what happens when the oppression faced from the outside is turned inwards?
Once these myths are internalised, many begin to feel that they can’t break out of that misinformed assumption – making them feel unworthy or not good enough.?
This type of oppression is primarily driven by society and stereotyping. It is also fuelled by the content we consume e.g. pop culture and mainstream media.
Individuals begin to doubt their own ability due to how their culture is depicted on screen or in literature.
Below we have listed some examples of internalised oppression – taken from The Community Toolbox:
This type of oppression can be linked to gaslighting as individuals are forced to slowly over time start to believe these myths to be true, which fuels the fire for lack of confidence or feelings of unworthiness.
When faced with internalized oppression, it is important to try and challenge it. By confirming these types of misled ideologies an individual will pigeon hole themselves and lose their momentum and individuality. It is important to keep the flame alive and challenge, challenge, challenge!
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