Exploring the future of nanofibers and industrial trends: Elmarco Talks

Exploring the future of nanofibers and industrial trends: Elmarco Talks

In?a?rapidly evolving world where science and?industry go?hand in?hand, staying updated with the?latest research and?its?practical applications is?crucial. That's where Elmarco Talks comes into play, a?brand?new series of?online lectures designed to?bridge the?gap?between cutting?edge nanofiber research and?its?real?world industrial applications.

Two?thrilling focus areas

Elmarco Talks encompasses two?interrelated areas of?interest:

  1. Nanofibers Research:

Nanofibers Research sessions will spotlight the?latest advancements, breakthroughs, and?the?boundless potential of?nanofibers across various fields. Whether it's healthcare, materials science, or?environmental applications, our?guests will reveal the?exciting developments on?the?horizon.


  1. Industrial Trends:

While research paves the?way, it's practical applications that drive change. In?the?Industrial Trends sessions, we'll showcase the?tangible applications of?nanofibers already available in?the?market. Our?guest speakers, experts from the?industrial landscape, will share their hands?on experiences in?translating research into real?world products. Learn about the?challenges they encountered, the?innovative solutions they devised, and?their journeys to?successfully enter the?market.


Early registration is?open

Don't miss the?opportunity to?be?at?the?forefront of?nanofiber research and?industrial trends. Registrations for the full program are already open!


Elmarco Talks: Industrial Trends

TOPIC: Electrospinning: Healing the?gap in?wound technology

DATE: 25?September 2023

START: 3?p.m. CET

SPEAKER:?Dr?Chris Mortimer /?Hybrisan



Elmarco Talks: Nanofiber Research

TOPIC: Electrospinning applied in?lithium?ion cell production

DATE: 19?October 2023

START: 3?p.m. CET

SPEAKERS:?Prof. Dr.?rer. nat. Karl?Heinz Pettinger and?Viktoria Peterbauer, Msc?/?The?University of?Applied Sciences Landshut



Elmarco Talks: Nanofiber Research

TOPIC: Electrospinning and?Ultrasonic Coating of?Fibers with Nanoparticles for?Medical Applications

DATE: 21?November 2023

START: 3?p.m. CET

SPEAKER:?Julia Higuchi, PhD?Eng. MBA?/?Polish Academy of?Sciences



Elmarco Talks: Industrial Trends

TOPIC: Nanofiber Filters: From Research, to?mass production, to?adoption.

DATE: 12?December 2023

START: 3?p.m. CET

SPEAKERS:?Jon?Hui and?Teddy Miao /?Focus



Elmarco Talks: Nanofiber Research

TOPIC: Electrospinning Sustainability into Functional Membranes for?Water and?Energy Technologies

DATE: 23?January 2024

START: 3?p.m. CET

SPEAKER:?Wenjing Zhang, PhD?/?Technical University of?Denmark



…and?further programme will be?announced later.

Join us?at?Elmarco Talks is?where science meets industry!



