Exploring EXEC and JOB Statement Parameters

Exploring EXEC and JOB Statement Parameters

JCL Part 2/2: Delving Deeper into EXEC Statement Parameters! ??

As we saw in the first part of this series, "JCL Part 1/2: Understanding the Essentials!", we explored the basics of JOB statements and their crucial role in mainframe computing. Now, in this continuation, we shift our focus to the EXEC statement and its essential parameters, further enhancing our understanding of Job Control Language.

EXEC Statement Parameters:

The EXEC statement within JCL allows users to finely tune job steps with various parameters, enabling optimization of job execution and resource utilization. Here's a closer look at some essential EXEC statement parameters:

  1. REGION Parameter: This parameter dictates the maximum memory allocation for a specific job step, ensuring optimal performance. It can be specified on both the JOB and EXEC statements, with the JOB statement's REGION parameter taking precedence, Coding REGION=0M or REGION=0K on the JOB statement provides every program specified in your job with as much virtual storage - memory - as it requires.
  2. COND Parameter: The COND parameter is used to check the condition codes of completed programs to determine whether the rest of the job continues. The COND parameter can also be used on the EXEC statement, but is used more specifically to identify whether the step should be run.
  3. PARM Parameter: Passing additional information to the invoked program, the PARM parameter supports subparameters separated by commas, enhancing program functionality and customization.
  4. PARMDD Parameter: Enabling parameter information retrieval from referenced datasets in the JCL, PARMDD facilitates the passing of extensive parameter data, enhancing job flexibility.

000100 //SUPCHA  JOB (67103,'DEPT/106',SECT04),'PAOLA MASONI',                
000200 //        MSGCLASS=X,                                                  
000300 //        CLASS=K,                                                     
000400 //        REGION=0M                                                    
000500 //*                                                                    
000600 //REPSUP  OUTPUT NOTIFY=GREG,CLASS=A                                   
000700 //MGTSUP  OUTPUT PRTY=255,COPIES=4,DEST=N1R305,CLASS=K                 
000800 //XREPT   EXEC PGM=ISRSUPC,REGION=0M,                                  
000900 //            PARM=(DELTAL,LINECMP,'')                                 
001000 //NEWDD   DD DSN=PROD.MSTR.CLIENTS,DISP=SHR                            
001100 //OLDDD   DD DSN=XTRCT.MSTR.CLIENTS,DISP=SHR                           
001200 //OUTDD   DD SYSOUT=(,),OUTPUT=(*.REPSUP,*.MGTSUP)                             

Understanding these EXEC statement parameters empower mainframe users to optimize job execution, manage resources efficiently, and handle job dependencies effectively, ensuring reliable batch processing operations.

This was by insights gained during my participation in the Interskill Learning program, particularly in the course "JCL (z/OS) - Introduction to JCL 2.4".
Georges Kopp

Directeur administratif et financier / IBM Champion 2025 / IBM Champion 2024 / IBM Champion 2023 / IBM Champion 2022 / IBM Champion 2021 / IBM Master the Mainframe 2019 Regional winner

10 个月

Part one was very good, now this is excellent, thank you Sanket Nawale!


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