Exploring Druid A/cing & the 3 conundrums. If E=MC2; Pythagorus:? a^2+ b^2= c^2; & Sock Loss Index: colour socks 3x more likely to get lost ...THEN...
Ambition without direction is like an octopus on roller skates.There might be lots of movement, but its hard to know if it's forward, backward

Exploring Druid A/cing & the 3 conundrums. If E=MC2; Pythagorus: a^2+ b^2= c^2; & Sock Loss Index: colour socks 3x more likely to get lost ...THEN...

An interpretation & synopsis of & from an article by ... https://innovationaccountingbook.com/blog/the-3-conundrums-of-financial-accounting/

It was believed Druids were prevented by their religious doctrine from recording their mantra in any written form, thus leaving no written accounts, let alone using MYOB record keeping!

Similarly, perhaps not all financial reports also "tell all", & with a seemingly perceived drop in the relevance of financial reports in recent times, perhaps attributed (in part) to the 3 conundrums faced by financial accounting (as perhaps foreseen in the analytical review of cow droppings by the Druids?).

Then 3AC=(R-E+nca=>Esli)/zer0+(where=A,R-E what about#$?)+(ME+U=??; ME-U=:-( + $MaybeInvest*ASX?*(Yes/No + No/Yes) ... QED (Quick Ere Discontinuous!)

1. There can be situations when a company's most valuable assets aren't always (or well) recognised in its financial a/c'ing reports. Some co's may also decide to maintain their assets in a less tangible way - favoring accessibility over ownership? – perhaps even renting rather than owning assets. 

2. ...Now... Financial A/c'ing reports usually only show "final outcomes" after deploying A, R or E, & are usually pretty silent on the phases (a la the Druids & of the moon?) that these financial streams pass through, as they get converted back into money.

3. A/c'ing systems just can’t measure something that hasn’t happened (yet or perhaps never will?) or because it is not a "linear process" - so while bloody straight lines might just get you there quicker, without "curves" to give you a little centrifugal force, there's going to be less gravity (& meaning) for we simple folks.

..." Financial accounting can only measure the things that have happened – good or bad. And this issue is not only visible in the innovation department. Manufacturing companies committed to the lean methodology perform major cost avoidance too. But this cost avoidance doesn’t appear on any financial accounting report. 

As digital companies become more economically prominent and physical companies becoming more digital there is a clear need for improving the science of accounting and the standards that go with it. There is a need for an update of the financial accounting system to meet the needs of the digital, innovation driven, economy. However, it’s unlikely that accounting standards will change to reflect this in the near future. 

But there are things companies can do today to convey their real worth to stakeholders and to have a better picture of their value creation process. For instance, by constantly disclosing value-relevant developments such as major customers acquired, distribution alliances, introductions of new products, time-to-market optimizations, improvements in portfolio distribution etc. this can change the way stakeholders view a company..."




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