Exploring Conviction
Barry Lewis Green
I am an Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, and Creator ... advancing high functioning Purpose and Unity through elevated conversations, capacities and Character. Let's move forward together, stronger.
Conviction can be defined as a strong persuasion or belief. It is born of Commitment. Being discerning about our decisions, leads to being ever more convinced. We have deliberately and diligently discerned and decided. With that, we can throw ourselves into action, steadfast and determined. With conviction.
Of late, I have shared on...
All three speak to focus and conviction; personally and professionally. I humbly (and with conviction) recommend the read and reflect on each. That said, recently and again, I found myself out at Cape Spear (God, I love that sacred space) and taking another pic of what I affectionately call the Lighthouse and Rock Ape. In this pic, I see the conviction and Commitment of a Lighthouse, resolute in its Service. I also see the face of a Rock Ape, equally resolute and convicted in its gaze out over the Ocean.
That said, just yesterday amidst this Summer of my own recharge and reset, I crafted my very own detached, discerned, decided and devoted simple and lean one-page and laminated-to-go Business and LIFE/work Plan. Now, there is a mouthful, lol. My point? Conviction requires Detachment, Discernment, Decisiveness and Devotion.
Detachment empowers us to start with a clean board and not arbitrarily tied to anything... enabling us to be open to what truly matters to us. Discernment advances our capacity to consider on that which truly and most matters. Decisiveness engages our capacity to "fish or cut bait" and get moving. Devotion makes it stick, and can and must needs be the litmus test, if you will, for our deciding and doing. Being truly open to fully discerning and deciding; requires and advances our best sense and practice of Devotion. So...
D4 and Conviction
Figuring our own sense of WHY and JUST CAUSE and MEANING... is mobilized and strengthened by our practice of these 4 Strengths of Character.
Their combined practice can help us find greater conviction of Purpose. My thought, this day, is two-fold. First, without conviction, we somehow lack strength of ballast, rudder, anchor and sail. We are more susceptible to the bobbing about in response to change and challenge. With conviction, we are not simply stubborn and inflexible. We are like water in that we know where we are going (back to the Ocean, for water) and we are resolute in getting to our own sense of Ocean. We are determined to find our best way forward. Second, exploring our conviction requires us to practice Detachment, Discernment, Decisiveness and Devotion.
Consider these 4. Read and reflect upon them. How might they look manifested in your life now, and forward?
For me, that Rock Ape is speaking of "when the swords flash, go forward" and that requires the Commitment of conviction to what and who matters most to me, and how I can best serve at home, school, work, play, business, community and life. I have invested my own time and energy into that D4 thing. Do your own deliberate detaching, discerning, deciding and devoting... and see where that takes you, with conviction. Me thinks it will be soulfully fulfilling. Begin again... shall we?
I?am an Activant too; an Educator and Entrepreneur by experience, education and?Enthusiasm... with 40 years in leadership training and development, 27 years in business college education and 20 years certified and associated with?The Virtues Project. Additionally certified for 16 years in Temperament Assessment and with a longstanding body of work around Character Leadership, I help advance?conversation, consultation and capacity around?Character,?Purpose?and?Unity...?and?the?global goals. My work in business and education is to help those building a better world at school, work, business and community; locally and globally.?Humans together, strong.... that is?my?meaning... and?the space I can stay forever. To that?just cause, I commit.