Exploring the Connection Between Michelangelo's 'Creation of Adam,' Tactile Healing, and Chronic Pain Relief
Georgios Matis
Surgical treatment of chronic pain & spasticity using my passion for neuromodulation to help more patients achieve substantial pain relief & better quality of life
??At the age of 18, Michelangelo (1475-1564) began to do anatomical dissections in the Monastery of Santo Spirito in Florence. These dissections would serve as the source material for the hidden symbols he has inserted into the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel.
??The "Creation of Adam,“ one of these frescoes (around 1511), depicts the Biblical story of God giving life to Adam, the first man. The painting is famous for its portrayal of the moment when God's hand reaches out to touch Adam's hand, conveying the impartation of life & divine spark to humanity.
??In terms of a connection to the treatment of #chronicpain, one possible interpretation could be the importance of touch & connection in healing. Touch therapy, including massage, acupuncture & other tactile interventions, is often used in the treatment of chronic pain to alleviate symptoms & promote relaxation. The symbolic touch depicted in the "Creation of Adam" could be seen as representative of the healing touch that is integral to many #painmanagement approaches.
??Touch plays a fundamental role in the proper development & function of the #brainstem, which is a crucial region of the brain responsible for many essential functions including regulating heartbeat, breathing & consciousness. Here's how touch is connected to the brainstem:
??Moreover, the painting's theme of creation & renewal could be metaphorically linked to the process of healing from chronic pain. Chronic pain can be debilitating & may strip away one's sense of vitality & connection to life. Just as God's touch breathes life into Adam, the treatment of chronic pain aims to restore vitality & quality of life to individuals suffering from persistent pain.
??Additionally, the painting's portrayal of the human form & its intricate details may also evoke the complexity of the human body & its various systems, including those involved in pain perception & modulation. Understanding the intricacies of pain mechanisms is crucial in developing effective treatments for chronic pain, including #neuromodulation.
??While the connection between the "Creation of Adam" & the treatment of chronic pain may seem abstract, both concepts touch upon themes of life, vitality, connection & renewal, which are relevant to the experience of managing chronic pain & seeking relief & restoration.
??Interested in #neuroanatomy & art? Then please have a look at these publications:
"Touch has a memory" - J. Keats
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