Exploring the Concept of Introverts in Classroom
Most teachers are aware of multiple intelligences theory and may have an interest in how personality frameworks translate to the classroom. One such personality dimension is the conception of extroversion and introversion. As it turns out, these concepts have a big effect on our students’ capacity for learning and enjoyment in class.
Understanding the difference
It’s essential to understand that extroverts are not all outgoing and introverts are not all shy. Rather, these distinctions associate to how we recharge and reenergize. Extroverts seek out the company of others to reenergize and feel drained alone. Introverts, on the other hand, feel drained by prolonged social situations and need alone time to recharge.
Introverts vs. Extroverts How They are Different
Extroverts are often unfairly stereotyped as overly talkative or attention-seeking. According to Jung, extroverts tend to be curious in the people and things around them.The thing is that they are sociable and often more outwardly confident and less fearful.?However, they may also be too eager to please, avoid time alone, and be less capable of self-reflection.
No matter how common traits associated with extroverts include an outgoing personality, an affinity for group work, action orientation, and distractibility. Remember they tend to be talkative and may experience feelings of isolation when spending time alone.
At the outset the difference between introversion and extroversion is more than just personality types—it turns out the brains of introverted and extroverted people are wired differently. Studies show that introverts tend to have more activity in the frontal lobes of their brains, where internal processing, problem-solving, and planning tend to take place. Extroverts tend to have higher brain activity in the temporal lobes and posterior thalamus, where sensory processing is thought to occur.
It is said that while introverts and extroverts are often positioned as being stark opposites, the reality is that personality types are more nuanced. You may find that being an introvert versus an extrovert is a spectrum—you aren’t necessarily one or the other. I also put here that students, as well as teachers and administrators, can fall somewhere in the middle, or experience some days where they feel extroverted and others where they feel more introverted.
Also now that you have a clearer understanding of what introverts are (and are not) and the common traits they may share, let’s consider methods to help introverted students succeed in the classroom.
Modifying Learning Formats and Content for Introverts in the Classroom
The statistics on how many pupils, and people in general, tend to display introverted characteristics are unclear, possibly due to the difficulty many people have in self-identifying as one or the other. However, Susan Cain, author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts and a recognized expert on introversion, suggests that between one-third and one-half of all people in the United States are introverts.
This means that the growing emphasis on group work and active learning classrooms may not make an optimal learning environment for a significant number of students.
But teaching introverts can represent a difficult challenge to teachers, as a large portion of instruction time in the modern classroom is spent in group activities and collaboration. You may find that this approach can be draining to introverts, who need quiet reflection time to recharge and refresh. Okay so some classroom markers, such as qualifying student engagement by raised hands, simply don’t work for introverts.
Yet, educational studies often show group work is beneficial to many students. Can such educational approaches be tailored to support introverted learning styles? Here are a few strategies teachers can employ:
Sure instead of continual group work, try moving back and forth between quiet, solitary work and group projects. As wonderful as you are this will give introverted students the time they need to quiet their brains and prepare for more interaction.
You might also try an approach called Think-Pair-Share,which provides the benefits of group work, such as collaboration, but still provides introverts with the quiet reflection time they need.
Think: Okay so ask students to provide a written response to a question related to a recent topic, a film clip, or new material.
Pair: Don’t hesitate by pairing students with another class member to share their thoughts and discuss their views.
Share: Each pair shares the main points of their paired discussion with the entire class.
You will find that in addition, teachers may test dimming the lights of the classroom, using white noise during quiet work times, and reducing overly bright colors and busy patterns, which may contribute to sensory overloads in some introverted students.
Classroom Teaching Techniques for Introverts at Different Grade Levels
Needless to say introverted students learn best when group work is balanced with individual study time where they can think and problem solve on their own. Here are a few best practices to assist introverted students in the classroom, broken down by grade level. Keep in mind that some of these techniques apply to all grade levels.
Introverts Who Are Elementary Students
Create a Quiet Space: It happens that introverted students may become overstimulated in a busy class environment. Well a quiet corner or reading niche can provide introverted students with a space to recharge and reset, allowing them to reenter and successfully engage in a more stimulating learning environment.
Middle School Students Who Are Introverts
High School Students Who Are Introverts
Teaching Tips for Reaching Introverts: