Exploring a Case Method
The Online Journal for Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Literature
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Julian Goh
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This report is about exploring a case study methodology
I changed my approaches to the select articles from a pool. It is a great thought to experience ahead of time by knowing and excited to find out something inspirational after spending a few years of practice in this exercise. Finally, a better picture emerged in my head and this allows me to move on the right path heading to my final goal – that is creating an IC Report / Statement. So far I have not find of any similar report/statement, there are discussions, but not even one that has a breakthrough.
What stuff did I acknowledged from the past reviewed? Well, the most obvious one is combining the use of survey approach with interviews to form the foundation of a case study. This one is a typical methodology adopted by most of our OD practitioners; they survey the problems inside the targeted firm and then they carry out a thorough analysis and discussion on the issues they found inside the survey. Finally, they propose appropriate intervention steps to fix the issue. This is the whole idea that I am toying around now, again, I found the missing statement in the IC Report, a very important statement that can show the hidden part in all innovation activities within those targeted firm.
This week, my commentary has found a deep interest in the use of case method, this one should consider as part two in my OD process. I am interested to find out more about the authors’ view in this article, especially their design approach. Well literature review may involve in debates of different logics, and the method is to verify or disqualify certain facts through empirical tests.
The case was conducted with an energy-based firm. The authors wished to proof the impact of social media on knowledge management. Let me summarized their key concepts and directions suggested by those authors there. Social media is one form of very important information which shared on mobile platform as well as Internet-based. Although you may know there are various forms of social media have been put to use, they come in different formats, weblogs, chat board, or anything that invited interactive communications. Among them, Facebook is one of the largest platform providers and the most popular one, perhaps. In other word, social media is carried out communication to exchange information not by face to face anymore, but now it is held over information technology communication platforms.
Due to large amount of information are being generated by its user, certainly there is value could be found inside them, if this can be produced to value-added outputs – knowledge, something wonderful is promising in future. This is the whole idea that the authors wanted to proof, and then they carry out the research in a selected firm.
In fact, I also noticed that the size of the selected firm in the case study is big, normally it is considered as a multinational corporation, and employs more than 50,000 employees. Like this scale of company, it is huge enough to generate a lot of information. So, I think it is one of the most important criteria during pre-qualifying selection.
As a result, the main objective of this case study falls under the third stage in the KM process, which is knowledge sharing/exchange. For example, the firm has initiated a KM program, which aims to capture individual experience and transform them into established company assets, and also to increase interactions among the different professional groups. Usually, a large organization established its own communities of practice. Again, the most valuable resources could be found in those professionals is their knowledge. Usually, the COPs depend very much on web-based learning tool to facilitate staff learning. Again, this goes back to basic, emphasizing on employees learning and organization learning. Here ends my report.