Exploring the Big Questions

Exploring the Big Questions

Why am I here? What does it mean to be human? What must I do? What must I do so that my life may have full value and full meaning?

35 years ago 1985 was the International Year of Youth and Pope St John Paul II wrote a letter to young people entitled: Dilecti Amici. In it he reiterated some of life's deep and big questions that echo within our hearts and souls especially when we are young and are naturally inclined to be seekers for truth and above all hope. In that letter he said;

"Each one of you, dear friends, is a treasure that is manifested precisely in these questions. Man asks himself these questions throughout his life. But in the time of youth they are particularly urgent, indeed insistent. And it is good that this is so. These questions precisely show the dynamism of the development of the human personality, the dynamism which is proper to your age. You ask yourselves these questions sometimes with impatience, and at the same time you yourselves understand that the reply to them cannot be hurried or superficial the reply must have a specific and definitive weight." The reply cannot be hurried or superficial and must have weight. This is why A Fertile Heart makes no apologies for being intellectually challenging and rigorous on both pupils and teachers because we know how important exploring the answers to life's big questions cannot/must not be rushed. We explore them over a long period to help both teachers and pupils, parents and children, to arrive at conclusions which they -together- have discovered in an educational landscape that presses the "pause button" on the hustle and bustle of everyday demands and pressures.


