Exploring the Bhagavad Gita Part 2

Exploring the Bhagavad Gita Part 2

eBook- 1164

Here's - Exploring the Bhagavad Gita Part 2.

And other posts/ true incidents.

Which you may wonder after knowing.

Know, by these new thoughts of the author shared in this book. If you can understand the deep meaning, you are very fortunate.

These are his sharing from time to time which contain similar words.

Some of them may be repeated based upon their importance.

Love and light to you!

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20 Jan 2025

Many People Don't Believe-

*It is very very good!

If people don't believe!

My true experiences!

My true incidents!

*Why is it very good?

Because this divine path!

It is not available for everyone!

*Divine path is available!

To the most fortunate people!

In the entire universe!

*This divine path!

It is available only!

For the true believers!

*If you have a diamond!

Having a price!

Trillions of dollars!

How will you keep it?

You will keep it very secretly!

*Same is true with Krishna!

Same is true for Almighty!

*If we know Krishna!

If we know Almighty!

Then we know the treasure!

Of more than trillions of dollars!

And we must keep it very secretly!

*I have revealed!

My true experiences!

My true incidents!

For good of this world!

*Krishna has warned Arjuna!

Again and again in Gita-

Don't reveal our secret talks!

To everyone and non-believers!

*Same is true!

With my true experiences!

Same is true!

With my true incidents!

*Jai Shri Radha Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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28 April 2022

Sri Krishna is God of the Gods

*Lord Krishna is God of the Gods!

He has made so many Gods!

And Goddesses till now!

Only by His names and Grace!

*His names are so powerful!

His grace is so powerful!

*Within moments He burns the sin!

Of your thousands of births!

*Bhagavata Maha Purana, Gita!

They are sure way of liberation!

*Reading of Bhagwat Purana!

And listening the same!

Creates love and devotion!

For Lord Sri Krishna!

*Read Bhagavat Maha Purana, Gita!

Listen them to know His sacred deeds!

Thus purifying your mind and action!

For pure thoughts, intellect to guide you!

*If you read, listen Bhagavata Purana!

And Gita with love and devotion!

You will surely know Krishna, Almighty!

Without any doubt!

*Forward this to all concerned!

For the good of one and all!


24 April 2022

Karma Theory

*You are Atma!

You are not body!

*Hence you can't work!

Body works due to your presence!

*Gunas themselves act!

Nature itself works!

*Body is nature!

You are beyond nature!

*But due to your ego!

Due to your attachment in body!

You consider that you work!

But you can't work!

*Body is acting itself!

Due to the Sanskars of all births!

*But that is also in Maya illusion!

Like you work in your dreams!

*You do not think!

Mind itself thinks due to you!

*Hence you have to be actionless!

You have to be thoughtless!

To know your original state!

Which is without action, thought!

*But it is not possible!

Since you always work!

Except in deep sleep!

Except in Samadhi!

*Hence Krishna told best way in Gita!

That is sameness in all situations!

Do your Karma selflessly!

Without want of the results!

*You have right to do Karma!

But never in the results!

*Remain same in all the opposites!

Thus remain beyond duality!

*And the most important!

Work done by body is not work!

Work done by mind is true work!

Be same by body and mind!

*It is possible by Abhyas, practice!

It is possible by Vairagya, detachment!

*This is the beautiful theory!

Revealed by beloved Krishna!

*Jai Sri Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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Slideshows / Blogs on Bhagavad Gita-


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Happy New Year

Pravin Agrawal New Year Posts-


1st time in History -108 Jaap Mala in Devraha Baba Voice-


List 4 Of All Linkedin Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-


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Blogs on Bhagavad Gita-

This verse from the Bhagavad Gita will solve all your troubles! -


Rules for best benefits from Bhagavad Gita -


Hindi translation of Bhagwad Gita: Chapter 18-


nainam chindanti sastrani nainam dahati pavakah-


yatra yogesvarah krsno yatra partho dhanur-dharah-


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This Gita Shloka changed direction of my life! -


Hindi translation of Bhagwad Gita: Chapter 4 -


Bhagavad Gita: 50 of Most Easy Techniques to know Almighty Pt 1-


My Posts on Gita Jayanti-


paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam-


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yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati bharata


sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja


Hindi translation of Bhagwad Gita: All 18 Chapters -


True Incident: When I knew the secret of this verse of Gita!-


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Most Popular Shlokas from the Bhagavad Gita with meanings -


Gandhi and Gita-


10 Bhagavad Gita Shlokas which changed my life! -


Daily sharing 18 Shlokas from 18 chapters of Gita -


The glories of the Shrimad Bhagavad-Gita in Hindi : All 18 Chapters -


The glories of the Shrimad Bhagavad-Gita : All 18 Chapters-


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20 April 2022


*God does not see Patrata!

Krishna does not see your ability!

*Even if you are fool!

Even if you are wise!

He can do Anugrah!

He can shower His grace!

*Main thing is your love!

Main thing is your faith!

*If you love Him truly!

If you have pure faith on Him!

He can do His Anugrah on you!

He can shower His grace on you!

*Even if you are fool!

Even if you are wise!

*What does true love mean?

What does pure faith mean?

*You should love Him!

More than any other thing or person!

In the entire universe!

This is called true love!

*You should have faith!

As if He is in front of you!

*You should not doubt on His existence!

You should not doubt on words of Gita!

*He can't be known by qualifications!

He can't be known by your virtues!

He can't be known by your Karma!

He can't be known by your ability!

*He can be known by His Anugrah!

Or by Anugrah of any God Realized!

*Hence He has guided you in Gita!

To worship Him or serve God Realized!

With your true love and devotion!

So that you may get Anugrah or grace!


17 April 2022

Whose relatives expired in recent past

*Don't worry if your father, mother or any other relative expired in recent past!

Everyone is in queue!

*If you want to make them immortal even after their death!

If you want to be immortal while living alive!

Just do one thing!

*Read Bhagavad Gita daily!

Try to understand its meaning!

*Read as per availability of time daily!

Follow all the rules for best benefits!

*After reading full Bhagavad Gita!

Transfer its benefit to your relative!

Who expired in recent past!

Pray to Lord Krishna for the same!

*Gita can burn all his Karma!

Gita can burn all your Karma!

*See the miracle after some time!

Your relative becomes immortal!

*You can know it!

If you are true devotee!

*You can be from any religion!

You can be from any nation!

*Jai Jai Sri Bhagavad Gita!

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

*Forward this to all concerned!

To wake up all concerned!


15 April 2022

God and God Realized

*You may not be knowing!

About God and God Realized!

*If you remember them!

If they remember you!

They take your sins!

They give their virtues!

*Thus they burn your sins!

Of your thousands of births!

*Thus they purify you!

They make you divine!

*That is the reason!

Krishna told in Gita!

To remember Him!

To serve God Realized!


8 April 2022

Hindu Scriptures for All Religions

*Bhagavad Gita!

Ashtavakra Gita!

Ramayana, Mahabharat!

They are for all religions!

*Most of the Hindu scriptures!

They are for all religions!

*Why it is so?

Can you reply?

*Reason being!

When most of these scriptures!

They were created!

Most of the religions were not born!

*These scriptures were created!

For the good of entire humanity!

Not only for Hindus!

Not only for a particular community!

*That is the reason!

In most of these scriptures!

You will not find!

The name of any religion!

*Even if you are from any religion!

If you follow them!

You can take advantage!

Else you will remain in the dark!

*If you want to know the truth!

If you want to know Almighty!

Only two are sufficient!

Gita and Ashtavakra Gita!


30 JAN 2021

True Incident With Me

About twenty years ago I went for the Darshan of Mahatma Gandhi Samadhi at Raj Ghat, New


I did Parikrama of Samadhi and bowed my head.

To my surprise I found as if Mahatma Gandhi standing near me and after a while disappeared.

Then I knew that he was really a Mahatma and a liberated soul.

This incident confirms the existence of soul as described by Lord Sri Krishna in Bhagavad Gita.

My infinite love, thanks and Pranam to lotus feet of Mahatma Gandhi.

Let the people know the greatness of Mahatma that He is still alive among us!


26 Jan 2022

No God is Like Sri Krishna

*Teaching of Sri Krishna unique!

If you understand His teaching!

You can know Sri Krishna!

You can find Sri Krishna!

*How strange!

He has told!

How wonderful!

He has revealed!

*He revealed the top secrets!

In Bhagavad Gita in His words!

*Has any one else told you?

What is actual doing?

*But Sri Krishna tells in Gita!

Actual doing by mind, not by body!

*If you understand this!

You can know true religion!

*Then you can know yourself!

Then you can know Sri Krishna!

*His teaching for Hindu Muslim!

His teaching for all religions!

His teaching for all genders!

His teaching for all nations!


14 December 2021

Body only symbol

Body is just symbol!

To recognize Atma!

To love each other!

To behave in the world!

Without body!

How could you behave!

In this world!

Hence body is given to you!

Consider your body!

As gift of Krishna!

As gift of Allah or Jesus!

To behave in the world!

Krishna, Allah, Jesus same!

Krishna already told in Gita!

Whomsoever you worship!

It finally reaches to Him!

Words of Gita are words of Krishna!

Believe on true words of Krishna!

Thus know truth of one Almighty!


2 Jan 2022

Amavasya and Purnima


*Amavasya and Purnima are two important days connected with the moon.

*On the day of Amavasya if you do any task for God like chanting or listening of Mantra, reading

or listening of Gita or any scripture, donating food or money to deserving people. Then you get

many times more benefit than doing in normal times.

*Today is Amavasya. During Amavasya we get cooler due to no moon.

During the Purnima, we get hotter due to full moon. Hence incidences of quarrels are more.

* It effects on the working conditions of ocean also creating more tides in the ocean during

Amavasya and Purnima. It impacts on the working conditions of our minds also. Hence there

are more accidents on the road, more people get sick. More incidents of fire are there during

these days.

*Most of the cases of stampede, road accidents, fire incidents etc are during Amavasya or

Purnima or nearby days. Hence Police or Administration needs to be more vigilant specifically

during these days.

Hence, please take care.

* During Amavasya and Purnima if we donate some things to deserving persons or if we feed

cows green grass, bread, etc then the effect of Amavasya and Purnima on our minds is

overcome up to a certain extent.

* It is connected with our mental alertness.

Our Rishis, Munis, saints and sages have told about the same since thousands of years.


20 December 2021

No one is doing anything

*Except Krishna, Almighty!

No one is doing anything!

*No need to worry!

No need to preach!

*Krishna automatically gets it done!

Through one and all, everyone!

*Krishna has told in Gita!

He makes every one dance!

As per the Karma of everyone!

By creating the thoughts!

*Good Karma, good thoughts!

Bad Karma, bad thoughts!

*Everyone is attached with Karma!

With some greed and desire!

Thus universe is running!

And Krishna doesn't do anything!


14 December 2021

Body only symbol

*Body is just symbol!

To recognize Atma!

To love each other!

To behave in the world!

*Without body!

How could you behave!

In this world!

Hence body is given to you!

*Consider your body!

As gift of Krishna!

As gift of Allah or Jesus!

To behave in the world!

*Krishna, Allah, Jesus same!

Krishna already told in Gita!

Whomsoever you worship!

It finally reaches to Him!

*Words of Gita are words of Krishna!

Believe on true words of Krishna!

Thus know truth of one Almighty!

Wishing you Happy Gita Jayanti!


29 October 2021

Everyone can do


*Speech everyone can give!

Motivator everyone can become!

Book everyone can write!

Gita everyone can read!

*Scholars many have become!

Writers many have become!

IAS many have become!

IIM many have done!

IIT many have done!

*Billionaires many have become!

Popular many have become!

Leaders many have become!

Superstars many have become!

*But it is rare!

Even if you are all above!

But you can work like maid!

You can work like servant!

*But it is rare!

If you can do cleaning of your homes!

Floors, doors, walls in Diwali!

And other days!

If you can use broom like sweeper!

Then you don't feel insulted!

If you don't feel hurt!

Then, it is rare and great!

*Servants every one can use!

Maids every one can use!

But it is rare if you work!

Like maid and servant!

If you cook in your home!

If you clean your kitchen utensils!

With your own hands!

*Then Maa Laxmi will be certainly pleased!

Then lord Rama will be certainly pleased!

*Assume everyone in home and work-place!

As representative of Almighty!

*You do floor cleaning in Temples or Mosque!

If similarly you can do in home, work-place!

Then Almighty will be certainly pleased!


Until unless your body is finished!

Until unless your ego is finished!

You can't know Almighty!.

*Forward to all concerned!

To wake up all concerned!

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10 October 2021

I take birth

*I take birth!

As per requirement!

As per the time!

*If it is Satyug!

I take birth as per Satyug!

*If it is Treta Yuga!

I take birth as per Treta!

*If it is Dwapar Yuga!

I take birth as per Dwapar!

*If it is Kali Yuga!

I take birth as per Kali Yuga!

*If it is Ghor Kali Yuga!

I take birth as per Ghor Kali Yuga!

*Do you know?

What is Ghor Kali Yuga?

When people don't worship Me!

Then I act as per the requirement!

*Then I act as per their lifestyle!

I also behave like them!

I act as per their dress!

I act as they want!

To re-establish Dharma!

*If they are highly educated!

I also come as educated!

To teach them!

What is real education!

*I teach them Gita!

As per the present time!

*My birth is not ordinary!

I take birth in human form!

But not as you take birth!

My birth is divine!

*This is my voice!

This is divine voice from sky!


27 September 2021

People are doing all Sins

*People are doing all sins!

For their promotion!

Post designation!

For job, business etc!

*People are doing buttering!

Leg pulling, cheating!

All sorts of mischiefs!

What not they are doing?

*Some are doing sins!

By their own wish!

Some are doing by force!

Of spouse, children, friends etc!

*But they can't escape outcome!

If they do willingly or by force!

*But if you do any thing!

Right or wrong!

Only for Almighty Krishna!

It will always be right!

*Krishna has proclaimed in Gita!

Even if you do any right or wrong!

To establish Dharma in the world!

Then you will always be non-doer!

*And what is Dharma?

Anything good for humans!

And planet earth of Almighty!

That is considered Dharma!

*Then it will always be sacred!

Then it will always be charity!

Then it will always be selfless!

Since it will be Godly task!


6 September 2021

Here We Fail

*We read Gita and love only Hindu!

We read Quran and love only Muslim!

*Gita does not say!

To love only Hindu!

Quran does not say!

To love only Muslim!

*Gita says to love all human!

Quran says to love all human!

*If you can love every human!

Irrespective of the religion!

Then you can know Almighty!

True religion and Scripture!

*You are reading Gita and Quran!

Since ages but don't know Almighty!

*Try this, know yourself!

Then know Almighty!

Thus fulfill the purpose!

Of your birth on earth!

*Forward this to all concerned!

To wake up all concerned!


24 Aug 2021

Krishna Lila is Eternal

*Lila of Krishna is eternal!

Lila of Radha is eternal!

Krishna Lila is eternal!

*Don't think!

Krishna played!

During His time only!

*Krishna plays even now!

Since He is Almighty!

Actions of Almighty eternal!

*He has already promised!

In Bhagavad Gita!

Yada Yada Hi Dharmasya...

Hence He comes even now!

*Krishna does His Lila!

In different faces!

In different times!

*You think that!

He comes only in his faces!

As shown in photos!

No, it is not the case!

*He can come!

Without flute also!

Without peacock feather also!

*Krishna can come as modern man!

Krishna can come as educated man!

Krishna can come in any religion!

*Every form belongs to Krishna!

Believe on every form of Krishna!

Have faith on sacred words of Gita!

Thus progress in your divine journey!


28 July 2021

Prakriti itself acting

*You are Purush!

Irrespective of gender!

*Body is Prakriti!

Tree is Prakriti!

*Prakriti itself acting!

Let it act!

*You are independent!

Of body and the world!

*Tree grows!

Body grows!

You do nothing!

*Tree will take its food!

Body will take its food!

Don't worry much of body!

*Body is working automatically!

Due to your presence!

Same thing told in Gita!


25 July 2021

Why Krishna asks to love?

*Have you ever thought?

Why Krishna asks you to love all?

*Since you are Atma!

Sri Krishna is Paramatma!

Krishna Himself told in Gita!

You are His eternal fragment!

*Special quality of Atma is love!

If you don't use this quality!

You will forget yourself!

You will loose your existence!

*Just like you take food daily!

Food of Atma is to love all!

*If you don't take food!

You will be sad and hungry!

If Atma doesn't love all!

Atma will be sad and hungry!

*And you are Atma, not body!

Hence you have to love all!

Else you will remain hungry!

You will loose your existence!


23 July 2021

Only Guru is Sri Krishna

Krishnam Vande Jagatgurum!

Krishna is the only Guru!

Of entire universe!

See Krishna in every Guru!

Krishna only shines!

From inside of every Guru!

Krishna is eternal Guru!

So far He has made!

Thousands of Guru!

Since He is eternal Guru!

Krishna is so merciful!

He gives this eternal Knowledge!

Through every Guru!

For the good of entire universe!

Krishna always worries!

For east west, north south!

He sends His people!

To different nations for it!

Since Krishna wants the good!

Of every person, every creature!

Irrespective of religion, race!

Gender, nation, creed and caste!

Love Krishna!

In every Guru!

In every person!

Thus do His Puja!

As He has said in Gita!

Whomsoever you worship!

It finally reaches to Krishna!

And He accepts this worship!

My infinite love, thanks Pranam!

At the lotus feet of Sri Krishna!

On this auspicious occasion!

Wishing you Happy Guru Purnima!


20 July 2021

Every one is eligible for liberation

It is pity!

I am sorry to say!

Only human is eligible for liberation!

Every human is eligible for liberation!

But there are special qualities!

Of those people!

Who can enter in divine!

And they are basic requirements!

These requirements discussed!

By Sri Krishna Himself in Gita!

Silence is the main requirement!

See the magic of silence!

Go inside, not outside!

Thus be eligible in real sense!


5 July 2021

It takes years

It takes years!

Or many births!

To know Almighty!

To achieve God!

As people do penance in forests!

Leaving their family, job, business!

You can do same penance in home!

Without leaving any thing in home!

Leave value of everything from mind!

No need to leave any thing physically!

Give value only to Almighty!

Don't value any other thing!

But those who receive Gyan!

Those who receive knowledge!

They book their seat for it!

In this birth itself!

First of all it is very difficult!

To believe on Almighty!

To have faith on God!

To believe on Atma!

If you believe on Almighty!

If you have faith on God!

Your half journey is complete!

Your half work is over!

Remaining half you have to do!

By Abhyas and Vairagya!

Practice and detachment!

As told by Krishna in Gita!

As you do your daily routine!

As you take daily food!

In the same way!

Continue your divine journey!

Do you ever ask?

I have to take food daily!

Same way, never ask!

I have to do penance daily?

Then you can know Krishna!

Then you can know Almighty!

Then you can know yourself!

Surely without any doubt!


22 June 2021

True Incident Of Last Year

It is the incident of Bangalore.

Last year ie year 2020 one day I was returning from my office to my home.

I saw one of my old friends flying in the air and I came to know that he was expired. He was

living in Agra, UP.

He was in Agra but I saw him in Bangalore.

I did not not give much importance to this.

But about after one month I came to know that he was really expired one month back.

I presume that he expired on the same day when I saw him flying in the air.

This incident confirms the existence of Soul or Atma as mentioned in Bhagavad Gita and other



21 June 2021

True Incident When I was in TN

When I was serving in Coimbatore Tamil Nadu, aunt of my wife expired in Mathura. She used to

live in the joint family of my wife's parents It may be around the year 2003.

My wife reached to Mathura on the third day of her death. I couldn't accompany my wife. I was

in Coimbatore only.

When she reached to her home in Mathura. I could know that she reached just now at that time.

Though my wife did not inform me by any phone call.

I could know. The moment my wife entered in her home, her aunt who was expired but waiting

for her, said to my wife - You have come now. I was waiting for you.

After saying this her aunt flew in the air.

I clearly listened her voice and saw her flying in the air leaving the home after her death.

Though it was happening in Mathura UP.

But I was knowing this in my home in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.

This incident confirms the truth mentioned in our Scriptures like Bhagavad Gita, Purans etc

about the existence of the soul ie Atma.


18 Jun 2021

Why to believe Krishna?

Why to have faith on Krishna?

Why to believe on Krishna?

Krishna has told in Gita!

He makes every one dance!

As per his Karma!

As per his thoughts!

If you have faith on Krishna!

He will give you good thoughts!

If you don't have faith on Krishna!

He will not give you good thoughts!

Hence if you don't believe on Almighty!

You will be deprived of His guidance!

Then you will remain weak!

And will be defeated in life!

By difficulties and problems!

You will be deprived of joy!


17 Jun 2021

Sthir Buddhi and Asthir Buddhi

Sri Krishna tells us in Gita!

There are two types of Buddhi!

There are two types of mind!

Stable mind and unstable mind!

Unstable Buddhi has many branches!

Causes many thoughts and changes!

Stable mind is the cause of joy!

Unstable mind is cause of sorrows!

Stable mind leads to!

Immortality or liberation!

Unstable mind leads to!

Bondage birth after the births!

Stable mind is the firm in decision!

Unstable mind always changes it!

Unstable is like mind of a bird!

Flying from one tree to another!

If you join any group or party!

Or Job, WhatsApp Group etc!

And you continue to change it!

Then you are of unstable mind!

If you want success in life!

If you want permanent joy!

Don't have mind of bird!

Have stable mind for ever!

Unstable mind creates illusion!

Stable mind removes illusion!

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12 JUN 2021

Mind Separates

Mind separates you from Almighty!

Mind separates you from others!

Ego separates you from Almighty!

Ego separates you from others!

During deep sleep!

You are one with Self!

But when you wake up!

Mind creates illusion!

Of many things and world!

Mind separates you from other!

When mind is same with other!

You attract love and cooperation!

When mind is controlled!

Ego is defeated!

You attract love and Almighty!

Mind is controlled!

By practice and detachment!

As per Sri Krishna in Gita!


10 JUN 2021

How Atma is trapped in body?

As per Bhagavad Gita!

Atma is trapped in body!

With the wants of happiness!

Thus it is tied up with body!

Atma thinks that!

It will get joy!

In different things!

Thus it is trapped!

But after experiencing!

The joy in one thing!

It searches the joy in other thing!

This process continues!

Every joy is to be missed!

On missing the joy!

Atma becomes sad!

And feels that it was cheated!

This process continues!

Till Atma knows!

Real happiness is not!

In all these things!

Real happiness!

It is in Atma only!


8 JUN 2021

Gita is answer of your every problem

Believe me!

Gita is the answer!

Of your every problem!

Of your all sorrows!

If you have material problem!

If you have Spiritual problem!

Just read Bhagavad Gita daily!

Your sorrows will end surely!

Treat every teaching of Gita!

As sacred words of Krishna!


31 May 2021

How is the divine world?


Everything is endless there!

Every joy is endless there!

You will never be old!

You will always remain young!

You will never die!

You will be immortal for ever!

You will never have any disease!

You will always be healthy!

You will not have any sorrows!

You will always be very happy!

That happiness will be eternal!

That joy will be never ending!

You will be having divine bliss!

You will be having divine joy!

Even one drop of divine bliss!

More than millions times!

Than sexual climax! Or

Biggest pleasure of this world!

Once you will have Rasgulla!

You will never run after sugar!

Once you get even single drop of bliss!

You will not run after the sexual climax!

You will not run after to any pleasure!

And even the biggest pleasure of earth!

That is the reason!

Foreigners are running after India!

Since it has been shared to them!

By our sages Maharshi and Gurus!

If everyone tastes it!

There will be peace on this earth!

No one will have any disease!

No one will feel any sorrows!

But Krishna has told in Gita!

For such divine bliss!

In beginning you have to drink poison!

In the end you will drink immortal nectar!


26 May 2021

True Incident With Me : Glory of Bhagwad Gita

During May 2001 my eldest sister expired. During those days I used to read Bhagavad Gita


I offered the Punya of those readings to my sister.

I prayed to Almighty Sri Krishna - O Lord, please bless my sister with Sadgati. Fruit of my those

daily readings of Bhagwad Gita may please be transferred to my eldest sister.

To my surprise, one day I was going somewhere by road. I saw in the sky, my eldest sister was

flying in a beautiful chariot decorated with beautiful flowers.

I couldn't believe it.

But it was true.

Then, I came to know that whatever is mentioned in describing the glory of Bhagwad Gita along

with the each chapter is not false.

You can't imagine the Glory Of Bhagwad Gita.

If you read Bhagavad Gita daily with Shraddha, true devotion following all the rules. Certainly

you will get its fruits, even if you don't want.

Happy Gita Jayanti!

Jai Sri Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


13 May 2021

My Beloved Guru Krishna


My beloved Guru Krishna!

He is in every Guru!

He is in Allah, Jesus, Nanak etc!

He is in every person!

He is one in all, all in one!

He is Almighty!

He is love incarnate!

He is beloved of Radha!

He is Radha!

I was in transferable job!

Hence I used to live in rented house!

He came in my two houses!

In two different cities!

To give me His auspicious Darshan!

Both were rented accommodations!

I thought there should be temple!

Where Krishna Himself came!

To give auspicious Darshan to me!

But I couldn't do anything!

Since the houses were not mine!

But Krishna is everywhere!

We can't construct the temple everywhere!

Do you know the main temple of Krishna!

That is in the heart of every one!

Same thing!

He has mentioned in Gita Himself!

And it is His Most Beloved temple!

If any one worships Him in this temple!

He is pleased very certainly!

Then He makes you blessed for ever!


12 May 2021

Do not mourn any one - Krishna

*Krishna says in Gita -

This soul dwelling in the bodies of all, can never be slain, therefore, you should not mourn for

anyone. BG - 2/30

*In fact, no one dies. One leaves the tool to work which is body.

*Body is liability if not used for knowing yourself!

*Body is an asset only if used to know yourself!

*In both the cases one need not mourn the loss of body since no one dies!

*Only difference after death is that, one becomes from visible to invisible!

*There is no time when one ceases to exist since one remains always. One can never die!


10 May 2021

It is your advantage

*It is your advantage!

If you bow to any one!

It is my advantage!

If I bow to any one!

*You can't imagine!

The advantage!

If you bow to any one!

If you do Namaste to any one!

*You steal the Punya of any one!

You steal the virtues of any one!

If you bow to any one!

He gives you or not!

*If you can't read Gita!

If you can't donate money!

If you don't know scriptures!

If you don't know the worship!

*Then only do one thing!

Just bow to any one!

Bow from inside!

Behave as per Dharma!

*Then you will do all worships!

Then you will worship all Gods!

*Then you will worship!

Greater than the greatest!

One in all, all in one!

Almighty sitting in the one!

*Don't see the body of any one!

Just see the Almighty sitting in!

*Then you need not to go!

Any temple or mosque!

Then you need not to chant!

Any Mantra or Shloka!

Then you need not to do!

Any pilgrimage or rituals!

*Just remember!

Almighty sitting!

Inside the heart of!

Any one and every one!

*Since Krishna has told in Gita!

He Almighty is sitting!

Inside the heart of every one!

Making them dance like puppet!

*Krishna, Allah, Jesus, Buddha!

All in one, one in all!

Every God is one and same!

Give one name Almighty!

*Forward this to all concerned!

If you want the good of one and all!


5 May 2021

Bhagavad Gita as Oxygen

Bhagavad Gita available!

Free of cost as Oxygen!

Why it is so?

Yes it works as Oxygen!

It takes you in other realm of life!

Which is without miseries!

Provided you read and follow it daily!

By following all the rules seriously!

And specially during the sorrows!

Its impact is manifold!

Then you can understand it clearly!

Then you can follow it seriously!

You must have fear of death!

Then it works as miracle!

You can reach a state!

Which is beyond the death!

Then you will have no fear of death!

Then you will not run for Oxygen!

Forward this if you please!

Earn the blessings of Bhagwad Gita!


11 APR 2021

Remembering is the best way

You can worship Krishna!

By many ways!

You can offer flowers to Him!

You can visit His temple!

You can worship His photo!

You can chant His holy names!

You can do Kirtan!

You can do meditation!

You can see Krishna in everyone!

You can see Krishna in everything!

You can see Krishna in every circumstance!

You can see Krishna everywhere all times!

All these are good ways!

But remembering is the best!

By all other ways, it may take time!

But by remembering Him every time!

You can get Him without any delays!

He Himself proclaimed in Gita!

Remember Him all the times!

By doing every work for Him!

By seeing Him in every thing!

By seeing Him in every person!

Thus you can get Him very soon!

Thus you can see Him very soon!


4 Apr 2021

Why good people suffer?

Second question by someone from US -

Why good people suffer?

Krishna has told in Gita!

Joy of divine is described!

Initially it seems to be poison!

But in the end it is like nectar!

Krishna has told in Gita!

Joy of evil acts is described!

Initially it seems to be nectar!

But in the end it is like poison!

You must be knowing Hindi proverb!

Paap ka Ghada Bharne do!

It means, sinner is lacking some more sins!

Let him accumulate some more sins!

Then he will get punishment, all together!

Since his sins are increased so much!

That he can not be improved!

Since he is unwilling to follow Dharma!

If you find any sinner enjoying the world!

You must know that his end is nearby!

During his life or after the death!

He is going to be ready for punishment!

If you get worldly Joy!

Your Punya are reduced!

If you get worldly sorrows!

Your sins are reduced!

Hence you must be happy to get sorrows!

By remembering this truth for always!


13 MAR 2021

Krishna knows about your births

Krishna has told in Gita!

That He knows about your all births!

Depending upon many births!

He has collected you here!

You have forgotten your births!

But He knows your all the births!

You are Atma, not body!

You take different births!

Atma recognizes!

Its relatives and friends!

Of past births!

And attracted by vibes!

If force of attraction is there!

Person may be friend of past births!

If force of repulsion is there!

Person may be enemy of past births!

You have to repay your Karma!

Of your every past birth!

Only then you are eligible!

For final liberation!


8 March 2021

Evenness of Mind

See everyone same!

One may be sinner!

One may be sacred!

Don't differentiate!

This is one of the best quality!

Which uplifts in Spiritual journey!

Since this is the quality of Krishna!

Same thing has been told in Gita!

Krishna Himself tells us in Gita!

Don't differentiate anyone!

Then you may remove!

Sin of your mind!

? ? ?

8 March 2021

What are Scriptures?

What are scriptures?

What is Bhagavad Gita?

What is Quran?

What is Bible?

Scriptures are the thoughts and actions!

Of different incarnations, Sages, Gurus!

And God realized people who saw truth!

And then they recorded them for people!

Hence we should not doubt truth!

Mentioned in the Scriptures!

Whatever is being recorded today!

After witnessing the truth!

By such people!

For the benefit of the people!

It will work as scriptures!


2 MAR 2021

Ancient times and today

In ancient times!

People used to go to the forests!

For divine knowledge!

For seeking Almighty!

They used to leave their homes!

To gain this knowledge!

For knowing Almighty!

For the divine life!

But now it is the age of WhatsApp!

Divine life is very easy!

You need not to go to the forests!

Leaving behind your family!

But in ancient times!

People used Spirituality!

For Self development!

Except a few cases!

They did not share it!

Hence divine knowledge was lost!

But Krishna revived it!

By Bhagavad Gita!

I need not share it with you!

Since it is the matter!

Only for Self development!

Since it is secret knowledge!

But this knowledge is shared by me!

Only for your benefits!

If I would have gone to the forests!

If all spiritual masters would have gone to the forests!

Only for their development!

How could you know this divine knowledge?

Hence you are wise and fortunate!

If you have faith and belief!

On this sacred knowledge!

To know Almighty!

And you must try your all the best!

To gain this knowledge!

Here in home itself in family life!

Since it is very easily available for you!

By the mercy and grace of Krishna!


2 March 2021

Key of Peace and Happiness

Do not entangle with more people, more things, more groups, more websites, more wants etc.

Since you will become happy if something is good for you. But you will become more unhappy if

something is bad for you.

And you will become unhappy if something is good for the others but not for you.

Remember, whatever is in your Prarabdha that you will surely get. No one can take it.

That is the reason kings used to leave their kingdom in search of the peace and joy.

Sri Krishna has also told in Gita - Tyag se tatkal Shanti milti hai.

It means - If you leave any thing by body and mind, you get peace and joy immediately.


2 MAR 2021

Krishna is Shiva

Krishna is Shiva!

Shiva is Krishna!

Krishna has told in Gita!

To whom so ever you worship!

You worship Krishna only!

If you worship Shiva!

If you worship Allah!

If you worship Jesus!

It comes to Krishna only!


Krishna accepts your worship!

Whatever form you worship!

He is all in one, one in all!

25 February 2021

How my Spiritual Birth took place? Part 2

Continued from Part 1

I couldn't forget his death in spite my best efforts to forget. Day and night, twenty four hours I

remembered his death and thought I would also die. Thus I had very much fear of death. I

couldn't forget my death even for a moment. Some times I thought to jump from the railway

bridge to Yamuna river to end my life. I prayed to Almighty to resolve my plight.

Thus my prayer continued.

Krishna is very kind hearted. I continued to remember Sri Krishna. He melted. Like He came to

save Draupadi. He came to save me to end my agony. Since He has promised in Gita. Thus he

became my greatest Guru.

Then, I knew the reality of this world as a dream. Hence I left my home during the year 1990 like

Buddha did, leaving my two kids and went Mount Abu to take Sanyas. But due to the mercy of

Sri Krishna, one kind hearted Mahatma ji had shown me the correct path. He told me- You are

talking about Gita but Gita is full of Karma Yoga. You are talking about Sanyas leaving your wife

and two small kids. Thus you have done a great sin. Go back to your home!

It took from December 1989 to February 1990.

My Spiritual Birth took place on the auspicious day Maha Shivaratri in the year 1990.


23 FEB 2021

How my Spiritual Birth took place?

I was very weak person. I couldn't talk about the death of anyone. I couldn't listen about the

death of anyone. I couldn't read about the death of anyone.

I couldn't see the death of anyone, even in the movie. Even after my marriage it was very

difficult for me to see any movie having bloodshed. Some times it was very awkward for my wife

to see the movie along with me since I used to start crying after seeing all such scenes in the

movie. Some times I simply used to come out of the Cinema Hall during such scenes leaving my

wife alone. Even I couldn't see the blood of anyone. I couldn't kill even the ant.

During my childhood one of my friend fell down from the roof of his house when he was flying

the kite. He was admitted in the hospital. I went to see him and became unconscious. I fell down

on the floor of the hospital just after seeing him.

During my high school I had opted Biology as a subject. There I had to do dissection of frog

since it was a part of course. I couldn't see the blood of the frog. I couldn't do the dissection of

the frog. Hence I left Biology.

In the year 1989 in the month of December there was catastrophe in my life. I couldn't see the

death of my father to whom I loved too much. I was extremely shocked.

I was in too much grief like Arjuna.

I decided that I couldn't be alive without him. I couldn't forget his death in spite my best efforts to

forget. Day and night, twenty four hours I remembered his death and thought I would also die.

Thus I had very much fear of death. I couldn't forget my death even for a moment. Some times I

thought to jump from the railway bridge to Yamuna river to end my life. I prayed to Almighty to

resolve my plight.

Thus my prayer continued.

My condition was like Raja Parikshit in Bhagavad who had got only seven days of his life after

that he had to die due to the curse of Shringi Rishi. You may see this story by Google search.

Krishna is very kind hearted. I continued to remember Sri Krishna. He melted. Like He came to

save Draupadi. He came to save me to end my agony. Since He has promised in Gita. Thus he

became my greatest Guru, my beloved teacher. I could see the truth of many Shloka of Gita

during this period.

Then, I knew the reality of this world as a dream. Hence I left my home during the year 1990 like

Buddha did, leaving my two kids and went Mount Abu to take Sanyas. But due to the mercy of

Sri Krishna, one kind hearted Mahatma ji had shown me the correct path. He told me- You are

talking about Gita but Gita is full of Karma Yoga. You are talking about Sanyas leaving your wife

and two small kids. You have come here leaving your biggest duty, your Karma. Thus you have

done a great sin. Go back to your home!

It took from December 1989 to February 1990. During this period I had many divine


My Spiritual Birth took place on the auspicious day Maha Shivaratri in the year 1990.

Wishing You Happy Maha Shivaratri!


18 FEB 2021

Worldly Joy Vs Divine Joy

Worldly joy appears to be nectar!

In the beginning!

But it is poison!

In the end!

Divine Joy appears to be poison!

In the beginning!

But it is nectar!

In the end!

It is not for saying!

But it is a fact!

You can check yourself!

This truth!

Same thing has been told!

By Sri Krishna!

In Bhagwad Gita!

Worldly joy gives you!

Death after the death!

In every birth!

Divine Joy gives you!

Immortality for ever!

No further birth!

Birth is cause of sorrows!


11 FEB 2021

Don't mix up with your mind

Mind tries to make illusion!

Since mind itself illusion!

Main purpose of mind!

To create unrestness for you!

Mind always disturbs us!

If we don't control it!

If we are under its control!

Since it does not want!

To loose its existence!

Mind always misguides us!

About Almighty Krishna!

About ourselves! Our Existence!

Since it fears that!

It will loose its existence!

Everything of all the births!

Only in mind!

Mind is cause of the bondage!

If we win the mind, we are free!

Then we are immortal as ever!

If mind wins us, we are in bondage!

Then cycles of births and deaths!

We are not of mind!

Mind is ours!

Mind is not powerful than us!

We are more powerful than mind!

Only ways to win the mind!

Think about Almighty Krishna!

Always do against the mind!

Become witness of the mind!

Be non-doer as you are!

Be selflss as per Gita!


5 FEB 2021

Glory of Bhagwad Gita

If you read Bhagavad Gita daily with Shraddha, devotion and if you want something you may

get it.

Bhagavad Gita can give you anything in this world as well as in divine world.

Even you can share its Punya for any other person before or after his death. And he will

certainly get its benefits.

It is without any doubt.

It depends upon the intensity of your devotion.


2 FEB 2021

Don't fear from Bhagavad Gita

When I was child, people used to be fearful while reading Bhagavad Gita. They used to think, if

their child reads Gita, he may take Sanyas.

It is not true. Bhagavad Gita teaches Karma Yoga. Sri Krishna has Himself told to Arjuna in Gita

that Karma Yoga is better than Karma Sanyas. Arjuna was ready to take Sanyas when he saw

his relatives in opposite side. He considered Sanyas as better than fighting with their revered


But Krishna told Arjuna to do his duty since they gave company to Adharma. Hence Krishna

instructed Arjuna to fight.

People must know this fact that Bhagavad Gita does not teach to take Sanyas. Hence they

should not fear that their children will take Sanyas.

Everyone can read Bhagavad Gita irrespective of his gender, religion, age, nation, color, food

habits, language etc if one reads it with reverence.


2 FEB 2021

Think about Krishna

It is the most easy process!

To know Krishna!

To know Almighty!

Krishna has told in GitaThink about Me!

Remember Me!

Don't forget Me!

Krishna says -

Those who always remember Me!

I am very easily available for them!

Hence, if you love Krishna!

Don't forget Him!

Always remember Him!

Remember Him!

In all people!

All animals!

All birds!

Remember Him!

In all places!

All circumstances!

Remember Him!

In the sky!

On the earth!

Remember Him!

In the front!

On backside!

On the sides!

Remember Him!



Assume Him!

As doer of everything!

If someone comes to meet you!

Assume, Krishna has sent him!

To meet you!

Make it a practice!

Practice makes perfect!


23 Jan 2021

Krishn se bada Krishn ka Naam

Krishn se bada Krishn ka Naam!

It means -

Name of Krishna is more powerful!

Then Krishna Himself!

Since your childhood!

You see the photos of Krishna!

You visit the temples of Krishna!

Have you experienced divine joy?

You may experience!

You may not experience it!

But when you sing the names of Krishna!

When you listen the songs of Krishna!

You feel divine joy, happiness and peace!

It is the surest way to get love of Krishna!

Krishna Himself has told in Gita!

If you sing the glory of Krishna!

And the loving names of Krishna!

You will get His love, peace n joy!


19 Jan 2021

Krishna changes a raw person

*Krishna changes a raw person like me!

In to a perfect person!

He takes care of everyone!

Till one becomes perfect!

If one has faith on Him!

*Since He has already promised in Gita!

Yogakshemam VahAmyaham!

*It means -

Those who believe in Krishna!

He Himself cares for -

The items one needs!

And to preserve the same!

*I was one the most angry people!

With all the evils and bad qualities!

*I used to believe on Krishna!

When I was child!

But when I became educated!

I left faith on Almighty!

*I used to say!

Almighty doesn't exist!

I did hard work and studied!

Hence I became educated!

God is nothing and nowhere!

*But Krishna Himself corrected me!

And now I say!

God is everything and everywhere!

*Thus Krishna removes the ignorance!

Thus Krishna helps everyone!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

? ? ?

16 Jan 2021

It is very easy to read Gita

It is very easy to read Gita!

But it is very difficult!

To work as maid or servant!

Even if you are IAS etc!

Even if you are billionaire!

It is very easy to preach!

But it is very difficult!

To work as an ordinary person!

Without any name and fame!

And you can get Almighty!

And you can get bliss!

While living alive!

Only if you can live!

Like a maid or servant!

Even if you are billionaire!

Even if you are IAS!

Without any name and fame!

Most of the preachers!

Who have name and fame!

They are not in Almighty!

They are not in bliss!

Permanently for ever!

They are just for showing!

But they must always remember!

This universe does not exist!

Why they want name and fame?

Of this false body!

In this false universe!


14 Jan 2021

Subtle Mind is like a projector

*How you see a movie?

You see a movie!

With the help of a projector!

*Projector is too small!

But you see too much big movie!

With a small projector!

*You see the entire universe!

In a movie!

With the help of small projector!

*Same is the case!

With this world movie!

*You see entire universe!

Including your body and of others!

With the help of subtle mind!

*Subtle mind!

It is combination of all senses!

And it is invisible!

Nor it can be seen by any device!

*Body is least powerful!

Senses more powerful than body!

Subtle mind more powerful than senses!

*Intellect more powerful than subtle mind!

Subtle intellect more powerful than intellect!

Atma or Soul more powerful than subtle intellect!

You are the Soul or Atma!

*Hence Krishna told in Gita!

Control mind with the help of intellect!

With Abhyas and Vairagya!

Means practice and detachment!

Thus, know yourself!

*Wishing You Happy Makar Sankranti and other festivals!


13 Jan 2021

How to know Atma?

You are mixture of X and Y!

If you press Y!

X will shine automatically!

Here X is Atma!

Y is body!

If you press body!

Atma will shine automatically!

Press your body!

Crush your body!

Not the body of others!

Don't give any value to your body!

Give every value to body of others!

Don't value photos of your body!

Reject photos of your body!

Do it always for long time!

Thus make it practice!

Krishna has told in Gita!

Abhyas and Vairagya!

Only two ways to know Atma!

Utilize your body!

Give trouble to your body!

Don't give any comfort to your body!

Don't want its popularity!

Don't want its prestige!

Always want its insult!

Let it be hurt as much as possible!

Then only, your body will be devalued!

Then only, Atma will shine forth!

Then only, you can know Atma!


29 December 2020

It is a punishment not reward

If you are minister!

If you are politician!

If you are very high officer!

Don't think!

That it is a reward!

It is like a punishment!

Almighty has given you!

Very high responsibility!

But not for yourself!

It is for others!

Those kings, ministers!

Politicians, high officers!

Who didn't fulfill their duties!

Up to the expectation of Almighty!

They already suffered a lot!

In this birth and next births!

Still they are suffering!

As dogs, pigs, etc!

As Krishna already told in Gita!

Who don't act worthy!

He throws them in these wombs!

Again and again!

Since no one is exception!

All have to repay their Karma!

In this birth or next!

Only rare people!

Like Lord Rama!

They can perform their duties!

As prescribed in scripture!


29 December 2020

Selfish Ministers or Kings

Those kings who were selfish!

Who did atrocities on public!

Who were very furious!

For children, ladies, people!

Do you know about them?

They are dogs and pigs now!

They are doing repayments!

Of their Karma even now!

Krishna has already told in Gita!

He throws them in such births!

Again and again!

Till they repay their Karma!

No one can escape his Karma!

He may be king, minister!

Or an ordinary person!

Every one has to repay his Karma!

If you are minister!

If you are politician!

Never forget this fact!

You have to set example!

To be minister or politician!

It is your exam by Almighty!

It is a punishment for you!

Only rare person can perform!

His duty like Lord Rama!i

If you are like Lord Rama!

Only then, be ready!

To become minister, politician!

High Officer or wealthy!

Then only you are fit!

Else be ready to be repaid!

Of your Karma!

In next births or this birth!

If you are selfish!


It is more than sufficient

No need of reading!

Many Shastra, scriptures!

No need to confuse your mind!

In many studies!

If you want to progress!

In Spiritual journey!

If you want to know Almighty!

It is more than sufficient!

Just read only two sincerely!

Bhagavad Gita n Ashtavakra Gita!

Then you see the miracle!

You will be very near to Almighty!

Only one condition!

You must understand both!

And if you have understood!

Then you have made your life!

Then you have fulfilled all aims!

Then you have achieved everything!

Wishing You Happy Gita Jayanti!


24 December 2020

What is worship of Krishna?

Following the preaching of Krishna!

That is worship of Krishna!

Obeying Krishna!

It is worship of Krishna!

Krishna has told us in Gita!

Every one is Atma!

Atma is immortal!

See only Atma!

Krishna ordered Arjuna!

Don't see your relatives in Kauravas!

See them Atma!

Do thy duty!

Same preaching of Gita!

It is still for all of us!

Don't see the religions!

See only Atma! See only Soul!

Do thy duty as prescribed!


19 Dec 2020

All are like Arjuna

All are like Arjuna!

You are like Arjuna!

Arjuna is not special!

That he received Gita Gyan!

All can receive Gita Gyan!

You can receive Gita Gyan!

And this is the reason!

All have taken human birth!

You have taken human birth!

Since only human is entitled!

To receive Gita Gyan!

To know himself!

To know Almighty!

Bade Bhaag Manush Tan Pawa!

Its meaning -

Those are most fortunate!

Who have taken birth as humans!

Since only humans can know Almighty!

Animals can not know Almighty!

Even demi-Gods are not entitled!

To know Almighty!

For knowing Almighty!

They have to take human birth again!


14 Dec 2020

How Scriptures have been created?

Our ancient Sages, Rishis experienced some things in their lives after the penance of many

years. They got it after so much hard work and efforts. And they wrote it in the books. We call it


Today, their hard earned knowledge after many years of penance, we get it immediately just

after reading without much effort.

These scriptures were created for entire mankind since other religions were not formed at that


Many religions have been formed out of Hinduism from time to time. Whenever a new religion

was formed, it also created its own scripture.

Hence Hindu scriptures are for all these religions. But the scripture for the religion which was

formed out of Hinduism, is considered only for that religion. Though it was also created for the

good of entire human race.

Hence Bhagavad Gita and Ashtavakra Gita are required to be read not only for Hindus but the

entire human race for its betterment and upliftment.


12 Dec 2020

Gita and Ashtavakra Gita

Bhagavad Gita and Ashtavakra Gita, they are for all the religions. They are written for all the

people of planet earth irrespective of any differences like nation, gender, color, religion, caste,

language, etc.

Most of the religions were not created when these books were written.

When all these religions were created. They copied Hindu religion. Like symbol Om, they

created their own symbols.

No religion is barred to read these two precious Scriptures. Both are the gems.

If any person of any religion reads and follow them accordingly, he can know Almighty, he can

achieve Almighty. After that nothing remains to be achieved.

This is without any doubt!


3 December 2020

There is no true love

There is no pure love!

In this world!

Everyone is trading!

If we are spouse!

We expect from our spouse!

If our expectations not fulfilled!

Then we become unhappy!

If we are parents

We expect from children!

They will serve us!

When we shall be old!

Children do not serve us!

Then we become unhappy!

If we are children!

We expect from parents!

They will fulfill our demands!

If they don't, we become unhappy!

If we are siblings!

We expect from our siblings!

If they don't fulfill our demands!

We become unhappy!

If we are friends!

We expect from our friends!

They should be helpful!

At the time of our need!

If they don't, we become unhappy!

This is the tradition of the world!

And this is called love in the world!

We don't know what is true love!

And this is the reason of our sorrows!

True love is without any expectation!

True love is not a trade!

True love opens the door of liberation!

True love is very much selfless!

True love is the gist of entire Gita!

We can be liberated while living in family!

No need to go to forests or Himalaya!

We can know Almighty in home itself!

If we don't expect anything from anyone!

If we treat everyone with true love!


3 December 2020

Expectation is the cause of sorrows

Don't expect anything from anyone!

Even from your children, family, friends!

If you do anything with expectations!

You become selfish, not selfless!

Krishna has told in Gita!

Love one, love all!

Selflessly, not selfishly!

Then Karma will not bind you!

Then only you are fit for liberation!

Then only you can know Almighty!

Then only you can achieve Him!

If you don't want sorrows!

Don't expect anything from anyone!

Since if you expect anything!

If your expectations are not fulfilled!

Then you will be in too much sorrows!

If you can help anyone, help!

Do thy duty but not result!

But don't want for your Karma!

It becomes trade if you want!

It is not love, if you want anything!

You don't do any Karma!

You are non-doer!

Hence you have no right to expect!

By not expecting, make yourself strong!

By expecting, don't make yourself weak!

If you worry about future!

You don't have faith on God!

Don't expect anything even from God!

Give Him your love! Love one, love all!

3 December 2020

How my Spiritual Birth took place?

I was very weak person. I couldn't talk about the death of anyone. I couldn't listen about the

death of anyone. I couldn't read about the death of anyone. I couldn't see the death of anyone,

even in the movie.

Some times I saw the death of anyone in a movie and I started crying in the Cinema Hall itself.

In the year 1989 in the month of December there was catastrophe in my life. I couldn't see the

death of my father to whom I loved too much. I was extremely shocked.

I was in too much grief like Arjuna.

I decided that I couldn't be alive without him. I couldn't forget his death in spite my best efforts to

forget. Day and night, twenty four hours I remembered his death and thought I would also die.

Some times I thought to jump from the railway bridge to Yamuna river to end my life. I prayed to

Almighty to resolve my plight.

Thus my prayer continued.

Krishna is very kind hearted. He melted. Like He came to save Draupadi. He came to save me

to end my agony. Since He has promised in Gita. There are four types of His lovers -

Gyani, Arta, Artharthi and Jigyasu. And He blesses all the four types as per their requirements. -

GITA 7/16

I was Arta. He came for my rescue as per His promise. Thus He ended my plight.

It took from December 1989 to February 1990.

My Spiritual Birth took place on the auspicious day Maha Shivaratri in the year 1990.


We have given it the name

We have given it the name!

Of Diwali or Holi or Eid!

Main aim was celebration!

Festivals of love to humans!

Love one! Love all!

Love selflessly!

Then see the miracle!

You make the earth so loving!

All religions give the message of love!

All festivals give the message of love!

Then we celebrate victory of truth on evil!

Then we celebrate birth of Gita!

Then we celebrate birth of Krishna!

Then we celebrate birth of Quaran!

Then we celebrate birth of Prophet!

Then we celebrate birth of Jesus!

Then we celebrate birth of Nanak!

If we love one, love all!

Irrespective of their religion!

Then only we really greet!

Happy Diwali!

Happy Holi!

Eid Mubarak!

Merry Christmas!

Festivals are nothing but expression of love for mankind!

So that the people of all religions must live together with love!

This is the reason, festivals have been created!

Wish you Happy Diwali!

? ? ?

9 November 2020

Role of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group

Spiritual India WhatsApp Group!

It shares the wisdom!

Of our ancient sages n scholars!

For enhancement of your knowledge!

It is purely your wish and effort!

To follow that wisdom or not!

If you follow sincerely!

You may get benefits in time!

It takes time to ripe the fruits!

Mango tree gives Mangoes!

Only after some years!

After planting the tree!

Don't expect that it will give you fruit!

Within a short period!

Our sages spent their lives!

To get such fruits!

Even one life is less!

To know yourself and Almighty!

As you have ignorance!

Since your thousands of births!

Spiritual India WhatsApp Group!

It does not take any guarantee!

That you will know yourself or God!

It just shares ancient wisdom!

Its role is limited only up to!

It can provide some keys!

Some tips, some hints!

It mainly depends upon you!

To follow those tips or not!

Krishna has told in Gita!

You can reach up to Him!

Only by Abhyas and Vairagya!

Means practice and detachment!

Hence only your efforts required!

Best wishes for your!

Joyous Spiritual journey!

Accept infinite love n thanks!

Being the part of this journey!


Three types of knowledge-

There are three types of knowledge!

First one, physical knowledge!

In Hindi we call it Ratanaa!

It just repeating again and again!

Without knowing!

What you are repeating!

Second type of knowledge!

Repeating and knowing in mind!

This gives more benefit than first one!

But not the actual benefits!

Third type of knowledge!

Knowledge by soul or self!

Repeating and knowing in Atma!

It is called in Hindi Atmsat!

Aapne Atmsat Kar Liya!

It means you are fully aware of it!

People complain that!

They have read full Gita!

They have read full Ashtavakra Gita!

But they didn't get any benefit!

It depends upon yourself!

By which level of knowledge!

You have read it!

You have actually read it or not!


What is worship of KrishnaWhat is worship of Krishna?

What is worship of Almighty?

Worship of Krishna!

Worship of Rama!

It means, we must honor!

Their words!

But unfortunately!

Ham Ram Ko Mante Hain!

Ram Ki Nahi Mante!

It means -

We worship Rama!

We worship Krishna!

But we don't follow!

Their sayings!

We don't obey them!

We are worshipping Him!

Since so many years!

But we couldn't find Him!

Krishna has told!

Love all, help all!



Of religion!

Rama has told!

Parhit Saris Dharm nahi Bhai!

Parpida Sam Nahi Adhmai!

It means -

Help all selflessly!

Don't trouble any one!

By speech, thought or action!

Tell me! Reply me!

We do this?

We love all?

Irrespective of religion?

Do we help all selflessly?

We don't trouble any one?

Then how can we expect?

That we can know Almighty?

We don't follow!

Their sacred words!

But we worship them!

It amounts their buttering!

Almighty is not like politicians!

That he can be pleased!

By Chamachagiri ie buttering!

He sees our action!

He is pleased only by deeds!

Means by selfless love!

Obey Him!

Follow His Teachings!

As per Gita and other scriptures!

To please Almighty!


Make Gita Your GuruMake Gita your Guru!

Make Gita your divine master!

To take her guidance!

When you feel sad, upset!

Krishna is Guru of the Universe!

Krishna is divine master of Universe!

Gita is speech of Krishna!

Gita is Krishna, Krishna is Gita!

Gandhi always kept Gita with him!

He always got guidance of Gita!

Many Scientists, Scholars!

They have praised Gita!

Including renowned ones!

Don't doubt on Gita!

If you follow words of Gita!

You will change your life!

Gita will make you divine!

Gita is like Mother!

She will take your care!

Follow her instructions!

Shine your life!

With Her golden words!

Make Gita your Guru!

Make Gita your divine master!


How to overcome weaknesses?-

How to overcome?

Your weaknesses!

Think every one!

As fraction of Almighty!

Think every one!

As Atma, pure soul!

Consider every one!

As son of God!

Treat him accordingly!

In your mind!

Do behave!

As per social norms!

By doing so and with practice!

You can remove your all weaknesses!

One by one very certainly!

It may take your time and effort!

Since practice makes one perfect!

Since Krishna has also told in Gita!

Abhyas and Vairagya!

Means practice and detachment!

These are the two keys!

To make you divine!

Since you are already divine!

Only you have to know it!

Hence doing practice!

Should not be difficult for you!

Thus you can remove your weaknesses!

Thus you can reach divine one day!

Wishing You Happy Sharad Purnima!


19 October 2020

Asking and Doubting

If you are asking anything!

You may ask for taking the test!

If you have doubt for something!

Then you will try to know!

Then you must approach to the person!

To whom you consider as competent!

You must go to him in person!

By walk or by personal message!

Then with utmost submission!

You must ask your doubts!

Not for taking his test!

Even if he may know or not!

Follow Gita 4.34 Shloka!

Approach a person!

You consider him fit!

Keep this secret with you!

Try to learn the truth!

Inquire from him submissively!

Render service unto him!

From near or distance!

The self-realized soul can impart knowledge!

Unto you because he has seen the truth!


1 October 2020

Who don't believe in next birth

There are some questions!

Who don't believe in next births!

Some times a child remembers!

Gita Quran Ramayana etc

Some times a boy becomes!

Highly educated!

Sometimes a person remembers!

Incidents of past births!

Life acts on principle of balancing!

Your Karmas have to be balanced!

If there is no next births!

How will you balance your Karma?

Universe tends to neutralize!

Almighty is neutral!

If your Karma are not neutralized!

How liberation will be possible?

There is no reply!

Of these questions!

Hence we are bound to believe!

On next births!


I can not repay your love

I can not repay your love!

Your love -

By reading Gita!

By joining this group!

By visiting my blogs!

By reading my posts!

Only one thing I can do!

And nothing else!

I send my best wishes to you!

Always for ever!

For your happy divine journey!


How to deal?

How to deal?

With criticism!

With our fault!

Without our fault!

How to deal?

With heart break!

With work stress!

With emotions!

With deadlines!

With time management!

There is one master key!

Of all your problems!

Assume yourself!

You are not the doer!

Assume others!

They are non-doer!

Be firm!

This universe does not exist!

Assume firmly!

Every thing is a dream!

Every thing is a drama!

Think that!

Almighty is taking your test!

Who is inside of others!

To make you stronger!

Take everything lightly!

Take everything as sport!

Though it is difficult to practice!

It will show your seriousness!

How much serious you are!

How much value you give to Him!

You may pass or fail!

Hence don't worry!

Since Krishna has told in Gita!

Result is not in your hands!


Why do you doubt Krishna?

When Krishna has told in Gita -

I am every one!

I am every thing!

Then why you doubt Him?

That is the reason!

You are not knowing Him!

You are not seeing Him!

Never doubt on Krishna!

I tell you as per my experience!

I tell you after seeing!

Not by merely reading!

Every thing is true!

Krishna is in Allah!

Krishna is in Jesus!

Krishna is in Quaran!

Krishna is in Bible!

Krishna is every one!

Krishna is every thing!

No one is different than Krishna!

Nothing is different than Krishna!

When you know Krishna!

When you see Krishna!

You know this fact!

You see this fact!


1 October 2020

If you hate Hindu or Muslims

If you hate Hindu or Muslims!

It will be deep rooted inside you!

If you are Hindu!

If you hate Muslims!

You may become Muslim!

In your next births!

If you are Muslim!

If you hate Hindu!

You may become Hindu!

In your next births!

Krishna has told in Gita!

Whatever you think!

At the time of death!

You will be same in next births!

Whatever you do in entire life!

You can remember the same!

At the time of your death!

Hence don't hate anyone!

Next births are very certain!

If you don't get liberation!

During this birth!

Since you never die!

Only your body dies!

And you are not the body!

Share it to all concerned!

If you want love and peace!

In the required language!

Thus make use of Education!

17 September 2020

Liberation by serving the cow

I had read about one disciple of our ancient Guru.

He got liberation only by serving the cows.

Target was given to him to increase the number of cows to one hundred.

He achieved the target.

I had read it about twenty years back in Gita Press Gorakhpur book.

Now I don't remember his name.

Such is the greatness of serving the cows.

Cows are very dear to Sri Krishna!



Why work is worship?

Why Almighty has made work or Job?

Have you ever thought about it?

Almighty has shown His mercy by creating work or job. It may be any job, office job or

household work or your personal work.

Hence work is itself a reward!

You may do mistakes while working, but never worry!

Never fear of mistakes!

Krishna has told in Gita - No work is perfect.

Mistakes are indispensable to teach you lessons of life!

If you sit idle without any work in your home or office, you will become mad!

Reason of depression, tension in your life is just wasting your time. If you waste time, time will

waste you!

Empty mind is devil's workshop.

It is very True!

About thirty years back my some of the staff committed some mistakes.

You know what punishment I gave to him.

I asked him to sit idle for one month.

And what happened?

Just after ten days he came to me weeping.

He told me - Sir, I am so sorry. You have given me enough punishment. I will never repeat the

same mistakes.

I again engaged him in his old duty.

? ? ?

11 September 2020

Some One Asked Me

Can we read Gita if we take Non-veg food?


You may be taking any type of food veg or Non-veg.

You may be of any religion Hindu, Muslim, etc.

You may be living any type of life.

You may be of any gender.

You may be from any nation.

You may be of any age.

There is no bar in reading Gita, reciting Gita.

But main thing is respect and love in your heart for Gita.

Touch Gita only after washing your hands.

Read only after taking bath.

But if you are reciting in your mind, then no need of washing hands or taking bath.

Krishna sees only your love and dedication.

Do you know the story of Sadana Kasai?

He was Muslim. His business was Kasai ie he was butcher. He used to kill the animals and sell

the meat for his livelihood.

But due to his love and devotion for Krishna, Almighty Himself appeared for Him.

Read the story of Sadana Kasai. You may Google search it.

Main thing is your love and devotion for Krishna. Then, He does not see your religion, food,

living, gender, nation, language, etc.

When Krishna touches your life, your every thing will be changed automatically. You will love

veg food, happy lifestyle, etc.


You have assumed everything wrong

You have assumed everything wrong!

You assume yourself Hari Singh!

You assume yourself Imran Khan!

You assume yourself Gita Devi!

You assume yourself Razia Sultana!

After that -

You assume yourself man!

You assume yourself woman!

After that -

You assume yourself Hindu!

You assume yourself Muslim!

After that -

You assume yourself son!

You assume yourself daughter!

You assume yourself father!

You assume yourself mother!

You assume yourself brother!

You assume yourself sister!

After that -

You assume yourself body!

After that -

You assume yourself subtle body!

Consisting of




All above assumptions are very wrong!

None of above is true!

Since you are Jeevatma!

Even not Jeevatma!

Since you are soul!

Since you are Atma!

Since you are part of Paramatma!

And Paramatma is Almighty!


Those who are in Pravratti Marg

There are two Margs ie routes to reach up to Almighty as per Gita -

Pravratti Marg

Nivratti Marg

Pravratti Marg - It means you live in home and you try to know Almighty while living in home

along with your wife and children.

You follow all instructions of Gita, Quran, scriptures, etc.

Nivratti Marg - It means you go to forests, hills, jungles etc leaving your home, wife and children

to know Almighty. You do very tough penance for this. You follow all instructions of Gita, Vedas,

Quran, scriptures, etc to know Almighty.

Both the above Margs are good and many Sages , Saints have known Almighty by both these


But best are those who adopt Pravratti in Nivratti and Nivratti in Pravratti.

It means by body you are in Pravratti Marg but by mind you are in Nivratti Marg.


What is Sanyas?

Sanyas is not!

Wearing saffron clothes!

Increasing beard!

Leaving family, children!

Sanyas is not!

Leaving kingdom!

Going to jungle!

Not doing anything!

Sanyas is not!

Living in temple!

Mosque, Church!

Guru Dwara etc!

Sanyas is not!

Not touching money!

Reading always Gita!

Quran, Bible etc!

Chanting holy names!

Always for ever!

Sanyas is something!

Beyond all above!

Sanyas is there!

Even if you are in normal clothes!

Even if you don't increase beard!

Even if you don't leave family, children!

Sanyas is there!

Even if you don't leave kingdom!

Even if you don't go to forest!

Even if you do every thing!

Sanyas is there!

Even if you don't live!

In temple, mosque!

Church, Guru Dwara etc!

Sanyas is there!

Even if you deal with money!

Even if you don't read Gita!

Quran, Bible etc!

Don't chant holy names!

All the times!

Since even if you take Sanyas!

By body, not from your mind!

It is just for showing!

Since main thing is mind!

But even if your body!

It has not taken any Sanyas!

But by mind you are Sanyasi!

Then you are true Sanyasi!


Change starts from home


Home is the best place!

To get trained for divine journey!

If you can reduce your ego!

In front of spouse!

In front of your children!

In front of your parents!

In front of your siblings!

Then you can reduce your ego!

In front of your friends!

In front of your boss!

In front of your seniors!

In front of your juniors!

Then you win half the battle!

Then Almighty is with you!

He has already promised!

If you forward one step to Him!

He will forward ten steps to you!

Treat every one in home!

Treat every one outside of home!

As a part of Almighty!

As Atma! As soul!

Even if you hate them!

Even if you love them!

Even if you fight with them!

Like Arjuna did!

Krishna is always with you!

Thus win the battle of life!

Then depression will never touch you!

Then you will be beloved of Krishna!

Forward this post to as many!

They implement or not!

Since Krishna has told in Gita -

Do thy duty, Do not expect result!

Let the people must know this truth!

If you want this earth a place to live!

If you want this earth a place to love!


Who is Guru?

Guru is divine light!

Guru is truth!

Guru is divine knowledge!

Guru is bliss!

Guru is Gita!

Guru is Guru Granth Sahib!

Guru is Quran!

Guru is Bible!

Guru is message!

Guru is Shabd ie word!

Guru is order to you!

What is to be done!

What not to be done!

Guru is Dharma!

Guru is above religion!

Guru is above body!

Guru is above senses!

Guru is above mind!

Guru is above intellect!

Guru is above ego!

Guru is not Jeevatma!

Guru is Paramatma!

Guru is Almighty in a body!

Never confuse Guru with his body!

Never consider him a body!

It is very big mistake!

Always consider him beyond body!

Do not follow Guru, follow his message!

Do not follow God, follow His message!

Wishing You Happy Guru Purnima!

25 June 2020

Gita Shloka which changed my life:

Chapter 8: Attaining the Supreme


tasmat sarvesu kalesu

mam anusmara yudhya ca

mayy arpita-mano-buddhir

mam evaisyasy asamsayah


tasmat—therefore; sarvesu—always; kalesu—time; mam—unto Me; anusmara—go on

remembering; yudhya—fight; ca—also; mayi—unto Me; arpita—surrender; manah—mind;

buddhih—intellect; mam—unto Me; eva—surely; esyasi—will attain; asamsayah—beyond a



Therefore, Arjuna, you should always think of Me in the form of Krsna and at the same time

carry out your prescribed duty of fighting. With your activities dedicated to Me and your mind

and intelligence fixed on Me, you will attain Me without doubt.

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


No mention of any religion

There is no mention of any religion in Bhagwad Gita or Ashtavakra Gita.

These scriptures are for all the religions.

If you want to get benefits, you are welcome!

You are free to get benefits and thus you can fulfill the aim of taking birth on this earth! And you

can move toward this direction!

If you are interested you may join Spiritual India WhatsApp Group for this purpose. For this you

may inform your WhatsApp number by the following email address -

[email protected]


1 July 2020

Selfish and Selfless

If you want something in return!

That is called selfish act!

If you don't want anything!

That is called selfless act!

Entire Gita is based on this!

Liberation is when you are selfless!

Bondage is when you are selfish!

Even if you do the best acts!

If you do greatest work!

But you want something!

Then you will get golden jail!

In your next or this birth!

But jail is jail full of sorrows!

Bird can't be happy in gold cage!

If you do smallest work!

But you don't want something!

Then you will not get any jail!

In your next or this birth!

You will be free of sorrows!

Bird will be happy and free!

If you want to be popular!

If you want high office!

If you want wealth etc!

In return of your best deeds!

These actions are selfish!

Very inferior to selfless!

If you don't want popularity!

If you don't want high office!

If you don't want wealth etc!

In return of your best deeds!

These actions are selfless!

Very superior to selfish!

Selfish acts cause birth after birth!

Selfless acts end the chain of births!

As birth is the cause of all sorrows!

End of birth is end of the sorrows!

? ? ?


It is more than sufficient

No need of reading!

Many Shastra, scriptures!

No need to confuse your mind!

In many studies!

If you want to progress!

In Spiritual journey!

If you want to know Almighty!

It is more than sufficient!

Just read only two sincerely!

Bhagavad Gita n Ashtavakra Gita!

Then you see the miracle!

You will be very near to Almighty!

Only one condition!

You must understand both!

And if you have understood!

Then you have made your life!

Then you have fulfilled all aims!

Then you have achieved everything!


21 May 2020

Why to keep it top secret?

Why to keep your divine experience!

As top secret?

Sri Krishna has told again n again!

To dear Arjuna in Gita!

Keep it top secret!

Don't tell it!

To undeserved person!

Even if your spouse!

If you tell it to any undeserving one!

He may laugh on you!

He may not believe on you!

And this will be loss to Dharma!

Any thing should not be diluted!

If you don't keep it top secret!

Divine experience may be diluted!

It will not have any sanctity!

Why king keep any thing top secret?

Why PM, CM keep top secret?

Why you keep your wealth secret?

Nothing is more costly than Divine!

There are chances!

You may become proud!

If you don't keep it secret!

Then you will fall certainly!

Real wise is one!

Who reveals his shortcomings!

And not his qualities!

Then only he can increase them!

Your divine experience may disappear!

Like camphor in the air!

If you reveal it to one n all!

If you don't value it!

Then you may remain empty-handed!

Then nothing will be left except to repent!

If you want to be popular!

By sharing your divine experience!

It may be counted your selfish act!

In Spirituality you have to be selfless!

Why you want to be popular?

When this world does not exist!


Who says, sky can't speak?

Who says, sky can't speak?

Sky can speak!

It speaks through clouds!

During thundering!

It speaks!

From your mouth!

Through you!

When you speak!

Krishna has also told in Gita -

I am sound in the sky!

It roars when a lion roars!

It barks when a dog barks!

It speaks when rain drizzles!

It speaks in forest fire!

It speaks during the earthquake!

It speaks during Tsunami!

It speaks during storm!

It speaks as waves of ocean!

It remains silent!

When you are silent!

It remains silent!

When all are silent!


Some posts are reserved

My some posts are reserved!

These sharing should be seen!

Only by few people!

Who really deserve!

And it will be automatic!

Even if any one who does not deserve!

And he sees it!

He will not understand!

But who sees such post!

And understand it!

He must consider himself!

So much fortunate!

Same is the case with Gita!

All can not understand it!

You may read it many times!

You may get different meaning!

Every person may take!

Different meaning!

Of my some sharing!

As per his understanding!



Mind is like a transparent!

Glass full of water!

Whatever color we mix in it!

Water will become of same color!

If we give it divine color!

It will become divine!

If we give worldly color!

It will become worldly!

But world is the cause of sorrows!

Divine is the cause of joy!

Whatever color you mix!

You will see the same!

Whatever you fill in the mind!

It will show the same world!

If you fill divine, it will show you divine!

If you fill world, it will show you world!

World is of no use for you!

Since it will give sorrows!

Divine is of all use!

Since it will give you joy!

That is the reason!

Krishna has told in Gita!

Practice is required!

To control the mind!

That is the reason!

Sages have prescribed!

Seva, Sumiran n Satsanga!

Study of scriptures!

Good company or friends!

Divine songs or praise of Lord!


Hinduism is not a religion


Hinduism is not a religion!

It is a way of life!

When Hinduism was there!

Most of the religions didn't take birth.

Most of the religions took birth from Hinduism!

Means most of the people of the world!

They were originally Hindu!

But they were converted later on!

When their religions took birth!

Out of Hinduism!

Since Hinduism is very liberal!

It is free!

It tells, if you want to make!

Your own religion, you can make!

Like Guru Nanak fromed Sikhism!

Out of Hinduism only!

His father was Hindu!

While most of other religions!

They are not so liberal!

They don't allow to form!

Other religions out of them!

Hinduism means humanity!

Since it took birth from humanity!

Since it did not take birth!

From any other religion!

Since there is no record!

When it took birth?

Who created it?

Hence most of the people!

On this earth are Hindu!

Since they were originally Hindu!

Since their forefathers were Hindu!

That is why it is true!

Hinduism is not a religion!

It is a way of life!

Gita is not a book of Hindus!

It is for all the religions!

Since when Gita took birth!

Most of the religions didn't take birth!

You may be of other religion in this birth!

But you may be Hindu in your earlier births!

Hinduism is a way of life!

Gita is a way of life!

Almighty is one and only one!

For all the religions!

He has not created any religion!

Only man has created the religions!

Do you know what is actual religion?

Do you know what is real Dharma?

Lord Rama has replied -


Its meaning -

No Dharma is greater than help to others!

Dharma is to have wisdom!

What to do or what not!

Dharma of every one is different!

At different ages!

Dharma of son is to obey his parents!

Dharma of student is to study!

Dharma of man is to love mankind!

Any act which helps mankind is Dharma!

Contrary to this is Adharma!


What are scriptures?

What are scriptures?

For what purpose are they?

Scriptures have been created

So that you can remember your fore-fathers!

So that you can pay respect to scriptures!

So that you can pay respect to them who are there!

So that you can know how to live!

So that you can solve your daily problems!

Gita, Quran etc have been created!

Not for reading them!

But for following them!

Whatever you feel correct!

Gita is not for Arjuna!

Gita is for you!

At that time it was for Arjuna!

But now it is for you!

All the characters of Gita!

Though they all have died!

But they are still alive!

In all of us!

If we follow Krishna!

If we follow Arjuna!

We make them alive!

In all of us!

And what is following?

Doing as per them!

Since nothing is new!

Our all actions are repeated!

Since ages!

Only doers are changed!


True Story of reincarnation:

It is a true story, published in Kalyan magazine of Gita Press Gorakhpur.

One couple was blessed with a son after so much time of their marriage.

Just after the birth the son got some illness.

Parents tried their best to treat the son with the help of best doctors. But the son could not

recover. His treatment continued till he became ten years old. His condition was deteriorated.

One day the son was about to die.

He told father that during last birth he and his father were friends. His father took Rupees ten

thousand on loan from him but did not repay it. Today this amount along with the interest is

recovered which his father spent in his illness since his birth.

Son told - I have not forgotten this. I still remember it.

Father replied - Yes, I also remember it and I am sorry for that.

After telling this, the son died.

Your son, daughter, friend and enemy come to your life so that you can repay their debts of

previous births!


Gita and Quran

Gita and Quran!

They are not for reading!

But for following!

Follow the contents!

Which you consider true!

Then you see the miracle!

You will know Almighty one day!

You will see Him one day!

Gita does not say!

Quran does not say!

Love only those who read it!

Gita and Quran say!

Love all human!

But what you do!

You read Gita and love only Hindu!

You read Quran and love only Muslim!

You go to temple and love only Hindu!

You go to mosque and love only Muslim!

And due to this reason!

You are unable to know Almighty!

Gita Quran temple mosque say!

Love all human!

Not only your community!

Love other children not only yours!

Those who are in Ramayana!

Those who are in Quran!

They made their life!

By behaving properly!

If you you behave as per them!

You can also change your life!


14 Feb 2020

Why my posts are repeated?

*We are habitual of forgetting!

Morning we are told something!

Evening we are forgetting!

Some matters are important!

Hence they need to be repeated!

*Sometimes some people are busy!

They may not see important contents!

Hence they miss them!

For them repetition is required!

*Sri Krishna has told in Gita

Abhyas ie practice is required!

Practice makes a man perfect!

Hence repetition is required!

*Sometimes mind may not grasp!

Any particular subject at first!

But it may understand it!

After some time, after some practice!

*Remembering Almighty is necessary!

Hence my posts are repeated!

Again and again!

To remember Him!

Om om om

19 December 2019

Follow these rules for best benefits from Bhagavad Gita

Though you may read Bhagavad Gita at any time, any place with or without devotion but you

will not be getting much benefits.

To get maximum benefits from Bhagwad Gita you must follow these rules:

1/ Always read Bhagwad Gita with devotion.

Lord Sri Krishna has Himself told that -

This confidential knowledge may not be explained to those who are not austere, or devoted, or

engaged in devotional service, nor to one who is envious of Me. - Gita 18/67

2/ Read Gita in morning hours most preferably.

3/ Read Gita after taking bath only. Do not speak to any one while reading.

4/ Read Gita before taking any meals. Do not consume even tea, milk or water before reading

Gita to obtain the best benefits.

5/ The place where you read Gita must be cleaned by you only not any one else.

6/ You must sit over a clean blanket etc for reading Gita. It should remain the same. You should

not change it daily.

7/ You must read Gita at a fixed time for fixed duration. Or, you can make a vow to read one

chapter daily.

8/ Before reading Gita, please read the Gita Mahatmya ie Glories of Gita of that particular

chapter to obtain the best benefits.

9/ Before starting the chapter remember any Mantra of Lord Ganesha and Sri Krishna with


10/ In each chapter first read each Sanskrit Shloka and after that its translation with


11/ Daily whatever you read, try to bring it in your life. Lord Sri Krishna will help you.

12/ Before and after reading each chapter, bow down and touch the lotus feet of Sri Krishna and

Bhagwad Gita with your forehead. It will make you sacred.

13/ After reading Bhagwad Gita, perform Aarati of Bhagwad Gita.

14/ Maintain the same routine daily.

15/ Lord Sri Krishna has told in Bhagwad Gita :

For one who explains the Supreme secret to the devotees, devotional service is guaranteed and

at the end he will come back to Me. - Gita 18/68

16/ He has again told us -

There is no servant in this world more dear to Me than he, nor will there ever be one more dear.

- Gita 18/69

17/ Lord Sri Krishna has explained the glory of reading Bhagwad Gita :

And I declare that he who studies this sacred conversation, worships Me by his intelligence. -

Gita 18/70

18/ Even if someone listens Gita with faith, he will get benefits. Lord has said :

And one who listens with faith and without envy becomes free from sinful reaction and attains to

the planets where the pious dwell. - Gita 18/71

13 October 2019

Words of Wisdom: Message

*Do not follow God.

Follow His message.

Do not follow Gita.

Follow its message.

5 March 2019

Reply of Question No 2


Answer - The part of Atma which is in Maya ie illusion is called Jeevatma.

Example :

Suppose some pitchers filled with water are kept open under the sky. You may treat the sky as

Atma and the reflection of the sky in the pitcher as Jeevatma.

This is in short. In detail you may refer Gita.

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About Pravin Agrawal

Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.

You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.

Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.

It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.

Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends.

His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!

His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.

In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search about them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.

Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.

But this knowledge was lost with time.

Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.

Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!

He has shared more than 10,000 Blogs on the speakingtree website. He regularly shares his posts and blogs in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter etc. You may Google search his all the profiles by the following keywords-

Pravin Agrawal Spiritualist Blogger

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25 March 2023

Don't consider my posts like poem

*My posts are not merely!

Like poems!

They are based on!

Actual truth!

Which is encountered!

At different levels of knowledge!

*Almost all of my posts!

They are based on actual truth!

That is a universal truth!

At different levels of knowledge!

*I have no ability to write!

Whatever I can write!

Whatever I can do!

That is due to my Krishna!

*Almost all of my posts!

They have been created!

As per my thoughts!

Blessed by Sri Krishna!

*Hence they are not mine!

They belong to Sri Krishna!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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Spread the Wisdom!

Hi Friends,

*Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. I am regularly sharing my blogs in Speaking Tree, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook.

*In Speaking Tree website I have shared more than 10,000 blogs.

*Please visit and share! Help to spread Wisdom!

*You may Google search my all profiles by following keywords -

Pravin Agrawal Spiritualist Blogger

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Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal

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Who sinks in that ocean, becomes God-


Pravin Agrawal's True Experiences-


You are under cctv surveillance By Pravin Agrawal-


What is Sanatan Dharma? By Pravin Agrawal-


Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma-


Most Professional Knowledge is Divine Knowledge-


My Nature Set Right Everything By Pravin Agrawal-


Secrets of Nature By Pravin Agrawal-


Whomsoever I see that is myself-


Pravin Agrawal`s Scenes Do Not Exist-


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Visit these videos-

Unveiling the Mystic Pravin Agrawal-


Exploring Sanatan Dharma: The Eternal Way-


Unlocking the Soul: The Journey Beyond Identity-


The Ultimate CCTV: Divine Surveillance!-


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Bhagavad Gita Ki Mahima: Ek Sachchi Ghatna-


Pravin Agrawal's True Experiences-


Other Posts-

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Youths Need Proper Guidance: Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-


My All Beautiful Quotes At One Place Updated -


Science of God For Future World: All Parts-


Scenes do not exist even now-


Most Relevant Linkedin Articles of Pravin Agrawal-


More Than 1000 Likes Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-


List 3 Of All Linkedin Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-


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sunil kumar

Fashion Designer cum marchandiser and creative founder.stylist.Model.Actor.Zym lower

3 个月

Jai Narayan



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