Exploring the Benefits of Cranial Sacral Therapy Massage
How I treated a frozen shoulder with craniosacral therapy
This therapy relieves tension, pain, and stress by applying light pressure to particular body parts and offers other health benefits. This thorough manual will examine the advantages, risks, and process of craniosacral treatment.
A couple of years ago, I experienced a frozen shoulder brought on by severe bursitis. I could only lift my hand from my side about 1 inch before excruciating pain hit. I wasn’t sure I would ever get use of it back again.
I attended a physical therapy massage appointment, and the practitioner suggested a cranial sacral massage.
Benefits and Uses of Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral treatment is believed to offer health benefits by releasing pressure in the brain, neck, and back.
This treatment can reduce head, neck, and nerve constraints, relieve pain, and alleviate physical and mental stress. It can also restore cranial movement. It may be used to treat a variety of situations, such as: Headaches & Migraines: Research suggests that craniosacral treatment can lessen the frequency and intensity of headaches and migraines.
Digestive Disorders: It could help reduce constipation and irritable bowel syndrome symptoms (IBS). Sleep problems: Craniosacral treatment can help with sleep problems such as insomnia and restore irregular sleep cycles. Musculoskeletal Problems: It could help with fibromyalgia, scoliosis, and neck discomfort.
Sinus Infections: This treatment can help in promoting sinus drainage and ease the symptoms of sinus infections. Infant Conditions: Recurrent ear infections, colic in babies, and trauma recovery, including whiplash during labor, have all been treated using craniosacral treatment. Mental Health: Research indicates that mood problems such as depression and anxiety may benefit from craniosacral treatment. Pregnancy: It can help to alleviate pregnancy-related pain and promote a healthy pregnancy.
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How Cranial Sacral Therapy Works
Craniosacral treatment restores the proper flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the central nervous system by carefully adjusting the bones in the skull, spine, and pelvis.
This gentle massage improves the body’s healing capacity by removing obstructions. It is provided by trained professionals such as massage therapists, physical therapists, chiropractors, and osteopathic physicians. The practitioner will gently push on particular points on your body, such as the head, foot, or sacrum, to feel your body’s subtle rhythms. During the therapy, you could feel pulsations, profound relaxation, sleep, numbness, or hot/cold sensations.
Safety and Risks of Craniosacral Therapy
The danger of adverse side effects is considered minimal with craniosacral therapy.
The most often reported side effect is mild soreness after treatment, which usually goes away in a day or two.
However, certain people should not have craniosacral treatment; these people include those who have a history of recent catastrophic head traumas, serious bleeding problems, or aneurysms that have been identified. Craniosacral treatment relieves compression in the head, neck, back, and other body areas, promoting a comprehensive approach to recovery. Before beginning craniosacral treatment, it is essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional for your particular situation. Make sure the person administering this therapy is qualified.
Results of Craniosacral massage therapy on my frozen shoulder
When the therapist began working on me, this very gentle technique felt like a hoax and a waste of money. I mean, nothing was happening that I could tell.
Then, I began to feel deeply relaxed.
At my first appointment, I had recovered from a recent chest cold and had no symptoms that I was aware of related to this.
As she worked on my shoulder, she also worked on my chest area. Halfway through the first appointment, suddenly, I felt congestion in my lungs breaking up, and coughing started.
I was unaware of it being there before, and I actually had to sit up and cough for a few minutes to clear it. I was stunned! Wow, this is doing something!
My shoulder felt more comfortable and relaxed when done and had more range of motion.
Ultimately, it took about four treatments over a couple of weeks, but I’m so thankful that I did get complete healing of the shoulder and relief of pain.
Thanks for allowing me to share the experience. Have any of you experience this type of massage therapy? I’d love to hear about it in the comments.
By Val Garner -all rights reserved.
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