Exploring The Art of Persuasion: How To Connect With People Faster!

Exploring The Art of Persuasion: How To Connect With People Faster!

Understanding The Art of Persuasion

The art of persuasion has long been a mystery to us. Many of us have an idea of how to influence people, but the question is, how can we make it happen in real life?

What is it that makes the human connection so powerful? What makes people react or react better when linked with something exciting and new? This podcast will take you on a journey exploring all possible ways one can engage with other people in a way that will bring them closer emotionally and, as a result, help them achieve more in their personal and professional life.

Rediscover your true power and gain new skills for the modern-day world. Find out things that you may not have thought about before. Get more from your relationships by understanding what makes them tick.

You've tried everything, and nothing works. People just aren't connecting with you. It's time to go back to the basics.

You don't need to be a mind-reader to understand what makes people tick. With this simple guide, you will learn how to connect with people in almost any situation and use your dynamism to make them want what you have.

Learn how to communicate better with this podcast conversation between Chrisitan D. Evans and Benjamin Bressington.?

The One Quintessential Aspect of Persuasion?

Benjamin Bressington: Confidence is essential, but you've got to be aware of that. Confidence can get interpreted as arrogance. You can become too pushy if you take it too far, particularly for the four personality styles. And there are four core personality styles you need to be aware of. But if you want to persuade ultimately.

The research shows that you need them to say what their problem is. You need them to sell themself, right? So when you approach B2C or B2B, you want to come more on the skeptical side. Finding out what the real problem is. And most people when they're going into a sales problem, but they've, they're using the, Hey, what are the three things that keep you up at night?

Right. And they're getting this logical response, and they're just looking for the buzzword or that hot button to jump into their pitch. And what we're seeing is that process used to work but no longer works as well as now; the other method, which is you can have the pitch less than 10% of what you're presenting and spending 90% of your time identifying the problems at an emotional level.

Because what I'm trying to do is intrinsical. Engage you and have you persuade yourself on why you want to work with us, why you want to engage with it and get that problem. So rule that you know the consequence of failing to act.

Learn What Motivates People To Do What They Do!

Benjamin Bressington: Remember, you're still dealing with people. People buy from people and make emotional-based decisions; just because it's B2B doesn't mean you can skip the emotion. That's what a lot of people do. Like, yeah, I'm dealing with B2B. Yeah. It's a six-month cycle, but you fail to be Jewish—the decision-maker's emotion.

And the thing is, is what's the, just like one of the big questions you can ask is how will this process or this automation system we're providing you, impact your company. I'm not asking for the decision-makers; I'm asking, how will it affect the company? And then how will it impact you personally? And who else would it move?

Because now, I want to understand if all of these other partners will be impacted, like if legal will be affected if sales, marketing, finance, or HR will be affected. I found out there are other decision-makers, and now we've got to go. So. Would it be relevant for us to create some strategies for implementation for those other departments to help you in this process?

Why Feedback Is Fundamental In Persuasion?

Benjamin Bressington: So one of the big things we did is. As we said, this feedback loop is a huge problem. So, for example, we created software that allows you to turn a LinkedIn profile or email into a personality assessment. So then you can use that to engage better or better approach people. And then we'll like, clients were like, great, well, we're having these conversations.

How can you help us analyze the conversation? So then we did the conversational analysis, which is what we call sales insights. It can be as. It can be as simple as connecting your inbox to our system, and we can scan every email you've ever sent and received. And then like we map it out to show you the relationships of, Hey, you're talking to.

The staff on the inside and, there's the conflict here, or maybe they're not happy, or they're dissatisfied so that we can show you churn points. We can show you the cultural impact. We analyze it. You can upload your zoom recordings automatically. Like we just did in integration with close.io, the sales CRM.

So literally take everything you're doing in closed. And give you all these insights to better enable your sales team on, on that level. They can understand how that call went. Did I influence my presentation, and they can start to see particularly for a complex sale. I was talking to a security company the other day; they have had 30 conversations over six months.

The True Power of A Robust Conversation?

Benjamin Bressington: I want to; one of the points I want to touch on there is you said something significant. I don't want to, and I want to make sure that people like you can improve your marketing system all day long. You can double triple your leads, but if you suck at having a conversation. It doesn't matter what you do.

If you don't have this informal feedback on how to improve, we can tune five X, your current sales, and conversion rates, right? Because we can, we break down every element of your sales conversation and help you frame things better. Remove resistance; remove this emotional drama. Things are less pressure, more enjoyable.

Right? So the thing is, yeah, you can, and many people will focus on, I want more leads. I need more leads because they're making the wrong sales conversation. So how many people do you know focus on—the spoken script and how we're talking to their sales conversations. And if you're a small company, this is critical because you don't need more leads.

If you've got a good, consistent flow of leads, you need to be more effective in converting those sales. And if you're not happy with your current sales conversions, I can guarantee it's not the leads. It's not the leads. The information is the excuse you give when you're unwilling to accept.


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