Exploring Angular Annotations

Exploring Angular Annotations

In Angular, annotations play a crucial role in defining components, services, directives, and other building blocks of an application. They provide metadata that helps Angular understand the structure and behavior of your elements. Let’s dive into some commonly used annotations:

  1. @Component: Annotates a class to define an Angular component. It provides metadata such as the component’s selector, template, and style. For instance:
  2. @NgModule: Annotates a class to specify that it’s an Angular module. It provides metadata about dependencies, components, directives, pipes, and services.
  3. @Directive: Annotates a class to define an Angular directive, allowing you to add behavior to DOM elements.
  4. @Pipe: Annotates a class to define an Angular pipe, transforming input data for display.
  5. @Injectable: Annotates a class as an injectable service that can be used by other components or services.
  6. @Input and @Output: Annotate class properties to allow data exchange between components.
  7. @ViewChild and @ViewChildren: Annotate properties to query and access child components or elements in a component’s template.
  8. @HostListener and @HostBinding: Annotate methods and properties to handle events on host elements or bind to host element properties.


Angular annotations simplify coding by providing essential metadata. Use them wisely to enhance your Angular applications!


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