Exploring Abundance: A Course In Miracles Insights
Cindy Lea DeJager
OPAL RISING - Celestial Insights and Intentional Living Posts | I write about astrology, metaphysics, science, and nature.
When I began studying A Course In Miracles, the most profound take-away of the Law of Abundance and Deprivation was that it has the power to awake us. We are, right now, this moment, standing on a precipice in time and space where we are ready to understand the Universal Law of Abundance / Scarcity.
Are you ready to awaken? Do you ask if there must be a better way?
Defining the Law of Abundance/Deprivation
It is the law that unifies the Kingdom and keeps it in the Mind of God. To the Holy Spirit it is the fundamental law of sharing, by which you give what you value in order to keep it in your mind. To the Holy Spirit it is the law of extension. To the ego it is the law of deprivation. It therefore produces abundance or scarcity, depending on how you apply it.
The Law of Abundance / Deprivation is a universal law of sharing. On one side we have abundance and on the other side we have Deprivation or Scarcity. Our thoughts and our perceptions decide what side of the Law we will live by.
Abundance is ours when we align ourselves with love; love is the highest form of energy that can flow through us. When we express our gratitude and appreciation to God or something higher than ourselves, we open the possibility to life's gifts, recognizing that every moment holds potential for joy and abundance.
As we find joy and peace in nature, taking time to immerse ourselves in the beauty around us, we become more aware of the interconnectedness of all living things. We experience a profound connectedness with All, understanding that we are a part of collective harmony of the universe.
If we focus our thoughts and attention on feelings of inadequacy and insufficiency, we inadvertently create a cycle that magnifies our sense of scarcity. Thus, attracting more of the same negative experiences into our lives.
Both abundance and scarcity produce a state of mind; one is real and the other is unreal.
Extension and Projection
Projection and attack are inevitably related, because projection is always a means of justifying attack. Anger without projection is impossible.
ACIM (A Course In Miracles) tells us that the only purpose of projection is to keep the idea of separation going. The ego uses projection to destroy our perception of being One and being connected. But our ego has the ability to be directed by the mind, which has a Higher Voice - the Voice of the Holy Spirit.
The difference between the ego's projection and the Holy Spirit's extension is very simple. The ego projects to exclude, and therefore deceive. The Holy Spirit extends by recognizing Himself in every mind and thus perceives them as one. ...Wherever He looks He sees Himself, and because He is united He offers the whole Kingdom always. This is the one message God gave to Him and for which He must speak, because that is what He is. The peace of God lies in that message, and so the peace of God lies in you.
These verses bring such calm and peace to me. Here, we are being reassured that the Holy Spirit's sole purpose is to be the Voice and Message of God, our Creator. He assures us that we are still within the Kingdom and if we choose to listen to His Higher Voice instead of the ego we will find peace.
Creating and Making / Abundance and Scarcity
Miracles are thoughts. Thoughts can represent the lower of bodily level of experience, or the higher or spiritual level of experience. One makes the physical, and the other creates the spiritual. [bold is mine].
What we project is not a creation - rather it is made. We can call this manifestation. What is manifested is made out of a sense of lack or need. It is not real. And I guess, just like you often hear people say, "you can't take it with you when you die", that is the definition of a manifestation.
Our ego minds make. Our spirit creates. Why? We choose to participate in this physical realm where we can evolve our souls with enriched experience and contrast. It is only through contrast that we can fully experience good and bad, light and dark. And when we return to eternity we will review all that we created. All that we created! All the love and joy. Only what is extended outward with love and joy is created. Nothing else is remembered, because it is does not exist. All the manifestations that we enjoyed here in the physical were for our enjoyment or pain - but they will not be counted among the treasured wisdom that the soul carries back to eternity.
Only What is Created is Remembered
... you give what you value in order to keep it in your mind.
What we love and what is dear to us - our lessons in love - the wisdom, knowing, all that we have come to learn and grow and evolve by, is remembered deeply within our hearts and souls. Our physical journey in these bodies is beautifully intentional and with such purpose! Each experience, whether joyful or painful, adds layers to our understanding of love and connection. Only love will be remembered in our mind and the Mind of God because only love exists, and only love creates.
We Are Responsible
What you project you disown, and do not believe it is yours.
There is only one mind. WE ARE ONE. This is the greatest lesson to learn. When we can look at another and see ourselves we will be unable to hurt each other, starve each other, kill each other. When we can look at our Earth and all her beauty and all her creatures and see ourselves as a part of the Whole, we will be unable to pillage her and pollute her. It is our RESPONSIBILITY to take control of our Thoughts because every thought is shared and every thought produces action.
Thoughts increase by being given away. The more who believe in them the stronger they become. Everything is an idea.
Are you ready to awaken? Do you ask if there must be a better way? Then you are beginning to search for the light. I am delighted that you are joining me in sharing these healing and waking thoughts. Thoughts and ideas are powerful, and we can heal ourselves and our Earth by awakening to love.
Be well, be happy, be love.
Join me next time when I discuss more from Living in the Infinite.
In Joy
* This article is reprinted from my blogsite OpalRising.ca where I write about the metaphysical, spirituality, nature, and the cosmos.