Explores the Future of Digital Intelligence
Vidoukin Deepens Cooperation, Explores the Future of Digital Intelligence

Explores the Future of Digital Intelligence

On May 28, 2024, Vidoukin Group participated in the "GCC Insight Tour" company visit organized by the 德国工商大会大中华区 . This event provided companies with the opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of industry-leading developments. During the event, representatives from Vidoukin visited the global largest electronic factory of FORVIA 海拉 Electronics in Shanghai, as well as the Asia-Pacific headquarters of Forvia Hella.

During the visit, Mr. Jiao Yonghui, General Manager of Shanghai Hella Electronics Co., Ltd. and Senior Vice President of Operations Management of the Asia-Pacific Electronics Division of Forvia Hella, elaborated on the factory's operational strategies and latest developments to the attendees. Mr. Jiao emphasized the importance of sustainable development and highlighted various measures Forvia Hella has taken in energy conservation and emission reduction. He explained how the factory leverages advanced digital intelligence technology to enhance production efficiency and achieve smart manufacturing goals.

The Chinese market is a top priority in FORVIA Hella's strategic layout. We closely follow the transformation steps of the "New Four Modernizations" of China's automotive industry and continuously launch innovative products and technologies that meet market demands. As FORVIA Hella's largest electronic factory globally, with the most diverse range of products and the highest level of automation, Shanghai Hella Electronics plays a crucial role in advancing the company's global strategy. At the same time, we actively respond to the call for sustainable development by implementing a green transformation strategy, aiming to achieve carbon-neutral production by 2025. (JIAO Yonghui)

Moreover, Vidoukin explored Forvia Hella’s advancements in digital intelligence-driven fields. By applying data analysis and artificial intelligence technologies, the factory not only optimizes production processes but also anticipates and resolves potential issues, ensuring high quality and reliability of its products.

During this event, Vidoukin engaged in in-depth discssions and cooperation talks with multiple companies. Both parties exchanged views and opinions on collaborating in areas of sustainable development, smart manufacturing, and the application of digital intelligence technologies. Vidoukin representatives stated that through this visit and exchange, they recognized the complementary advantages in technology and concepts between Vidoukin and other companies. This will foster closer cooperation and promote the joint development of Vidoukin and other companies in the global market.

This event not only showcased Forvia Hella's leading position in the electronic manufacturing field but also provided valuable experiences and insights for Vidoukin. Vidoukin will further advance its progress in sustainable development and smart manufacturing and looks forward to more collaborations in the future to jointly tackle industry challenges.


2024年5月28日, Vidoukin Group 参加了由 德国工商大会大中华区 的“GCC Insight Tour”企业探访活动,此次活动为企业提供了深入了解行业前沿发展的机会。期间,Vidoukin公司代表参观了位于上海的 FORVIA 佛瑞亚海拉电子工厂,这是全球规模最大的电子工厂,以及佛瑞亚海拉亚洲区总部。







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