Explore with patience and honesty

Explore with patience and honesty

Explore with patience and honesty – TM Srishti Hada

If you wish to connect with someone, communicate with honesty, communicate with patience, and communicate with the right intention. Not everyone in this world will recognize your actual feelings. If you are someone who hides your emotions and thinks people will judge you if you show the true you, you need to read this.

First off, take that thought of yours being judged outside of your mind, make a rough ball and toss it in the dustbin. By doing this, you are making space inside your head to improvise your emotions. No matter what you do, people will be judgmental, but what you need to understand is that you should never ever let your true self step aside and show the artificial you, as this will never be YOU. When you communicate, never be afraid to share what you feel inside. If you let everything out, giving those details, only then, they will have a clearer picture of what you really feel about certain things.

Likewise, when you try to communicate, some people might reveal their grandfather’s birthplace to their future plans, but some may not be very confident in themselves; they might be reserved and might be of an introverted personality. Here comes the challenge: you have to know certain things about them, and they are not prepared to share them. How do you approach it? You start with some simple, basic questions relating to their personal lives, and when they are comfortable with you asking those questions, give them some time to build that trust to a higher level. The trick is that you don’t bombard them with too many detailed questions about their personal lives.

So, start with basic conversation, have patience, and make an effort to accumulate their true emotions at a pace that would not make both of you uncomfortable. Know their communication style and learn to have the patience to build that trust.

Thanks for sharing



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