Explore KROHNE's pipeline management solution at the Bahrain-German Water Partnership 11-12 December 2023
Jonathan Hirasawa Ashton
Senior Corporate Affairs and Marketing Professional | LLM, CIM PGDip, CISL, MA (Hons) | APACD, BCCD, AHK member
Join KROHNE experts from across the #MiddleEast region as they showcase the latest in hi-tech water resource management. Ashok Masand leads the discussion presenting on smart pipeline management, suitable to be rolled out across critical water infrastructure as well as oil & gas and hydrogen. https://krohne.com/en/solutions/monitoring-solutions/pipepatrol-pipeline-management
The German Water Partnership brings together German water industry experts to collaborate with international leaders and local public and private sector entities to tailor solutions for the global water industry. In addition to high-ranking politicians and keynote speeches highlighting the region’s demands and potentials, thematic sessions cover water resources and supply, municipal wastewater treatment, wastewater recycling, sludge and organic water, and green hydrogen.
German Water Partnership #waterindustry #watermanagement #waterandwastewater #flowmeter #wastewatertreatment #wastewatertreatmentplant #watermonitoring #processinstrumentation #leakdetection #krohneleakdetection #pipeline #smartpipeline
Registrations are still possible here for day two tomorrow: https://germanwaterpartnership.de/eventmanager/2-gwp-days-bahrain/
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