Exploding Into Raging Fires
In spite of the sun shining brightly, the near gale-force northwest wind was enough to keep everyone indoors. Speaking of weather, I heard today where we're supposed to get rain, sleet and snow this coming week, so be prepared.
Since I didn't have any pressing duties this morning, I took a long drive out into the countryside which I hadn't done in weeks. I had my camera along but there wasn't much of anything worthy of a photo other than several very large hawks flying high above. I did happen to notice several flocks of blackbirds heading north, so they must've taken their cues from the robins. As I was driving back into the city, I felt all the more refreshed from an intense conversation I had yesterday, so at least that circle-drive ended up being worthwhile.
While reading the news, I happened to notice an obituary of a person I was quite familiar with over these many years, and as chance would have it, that person's name was brought up in a conversation I had last week with a past customer, so I hurriedly picked up the phone and called her, just to let her know, and since she doesn't take the paper, I went ahead and read it. We both agreed there were some things added and names missing from it which was a clear confirmation of the years-long bad blood that was going on in that family. I'm sure a very many people living here in our city would never put two and two together after reading it, and I'm sure the 'well known' person who lives here, made sure last names were not published. Yes, death can certainly bring out the craziness in people, and for sure I can attest to that because I had to endure such nonsense coming from all directions. To this day, I will never understand why one of my siblings insisted on not being listed in my mother's obituary. Yes, every extended family has smoldering issues whether they want to realize it or not. Oh, and you can be sure inter-family histories are light years different. If you've not yet experienced it, get yourselves prepared, and as a footnote, those smoking embers end up exploding into raging fires so-after the last parent is six feet under.
I split my day into two sections where I spent half of it working on my little/big project, and the other half back at office methodically cracking black walnuts, and by the time I finished for the day, there was close to another half-pound of nut meats which I brought home to vacuum-pack and send to the freezer. Thus far, I have close to two pounds, so if I can keep up the pace, I just may have the rest of them fully cracked before the 1st of April.
With tomorrow being St. Patrick's Day, I decided to play something Irish as the postlude over at St. Paul Lutheran tomorrow morning, so we'll see if anyone stops and says something to me about it on my way out. I'm sure there's got to be a few of their members with a drop or two of Irish blood. I'll have to remember to don a few pieces of green for the occasion.
Whenever St. Pat's Day rolls around, I'm reminded of a nefarious creature's birthday which is coming up, and as much as I'd like to have that birthday along with some very bad memories fully erased from my memory, they always seem to surface around this time, so I'll be sending it all back down after it's over. After reading that obituary and then thinking about that person's birthday, I've come to believe there are those who in the very beginning, came their chutes as bad seeds, and no matter how much parents try to tame their wicked souls, their nurturings become exercises in futility. I'm sure all of you have criss-crossed paths with such people.
Because I've been on the outer fringes of inter-family relationships with clients for a very many years, there've been times when I wished I'd not heard the selfish comments made my children regarding their aging parents. More than once I've heard adult children insist they'd never stoop to helping their physically impaired parents with their toilet duties, and each time I've heard such remarks, I so badly wanted to say to them, “Oh, your mother freely and willingly changed your dirty diapers on a daily basis, but now you refuse to return the favor. How thoughtless!” Yes, I've heard some very hurtful remarks being made by such self-centered adult children.
My last little duty at office, was to seat myself at piano and run thru tomorrow's hymns, and from what I was hearing, I'd say it was about as good as it could get. While visiting with a colleague of mine today, I once again sent out a thanks into the universe for getting my hands fixed. Yes, there's definitely a distinct difference in with my keyboard skills.
Before heading home, I stopped to buy a few groceries at Hy-Vee, and as chance would have it, I managed to find several in-store specials which I couldn't pass up, so instead of a few things, I ended up with all the more to send to freezer.
Here's wishing all of you a delightful St. Patrick's Day tomorrow, so loosen-up and go make some merry!
Tonight's One-liner is: Truth is powerful and it always prevails.
original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2024/03/16/exploding-into-raging-fires/