Explaining The Placement Of ?? ???? In  ????? ?????

Explaining The Placement Of ?? ???? In ????? ?????

Have you ever asked yourself why do we recite a song to close ????? ????? that Moshe Rabbeinu and the Jewish People sang after ????? ?? ??? when in the Bracha that we said to open ????? ????? we declare that we are about to praise G-d with ???? ???? By doing so. haven’t we rendered the Bracha a ???? ??????

I am not the first person to raise this issue. Here are two Rishonim who objected and suggested that ?? ???? be said after ?????:

The Rambam was aware of the practice to postpone the recital of ???? ??? until after ????? as we see in the following:

Evidence of the practice can be found in Nusach Romania Siddurim:

So why is ?? ???? recited as part of ????? ????? by all current ???????? The Machzor Vitry cites a Teshuva by the community of Rome from where the custom was borrowed:

The Response That The Community Of Rome Provided as To Reciting Shirat Ha’Yam As Part Of Pseukei D’Zimra

Know that reciting Shirat Ha’Yam as part of Pseukei D’Zimra has been the custom of the Jews of Rome and the custom of the communities that surround Rome. It also has been the custom of the communities in Spain since their exile from Yerushalayim to recite the Shira every day except on Tisha B’Av when it is not said because it is a day of mourning. That is why it is also not said in the house of a mourner during his first seven days of mourning. Know further that following the customs of our forefathers is an important element of Judaism based on what the Talmud Yerushalmi provides that custom overrides Halacha. Our forefathers had a custom to recite the Shira because reciting songs is an obligation each day. This rule was taught by Rabbi Yosi who said: may I be among those who complete Hallel each day. This was explained to mean that one should recite Pseukei D’Zimra each day. Our Sages instituted the practice to recite the Shira for the reason that the Shira describes the downfall of our enemies and is an opportunity to give praise to He who performs great miracles. It is placed in a part of the prayers which open and close with a blessing. It opens with Baruch Sh’amar and closes with Yishtabach. Therefore the only day to omit the Shira is Tisha B’Av because it is day that marks the downfall of the Jews. May G-d in His great compassion lift the Jewish People and restore the fallen House of Dovid. There are those who allege that it is appropriate to recite the Shira in the house of a mourner and that it should be said but their opinion was not accepted because it conflicted with our custom.

The Tur provides the following justification:

Rabbi Zeligman Baer in his ????? ????? ????? provides this explanation:

I would like to add to Rabbi Baer's explanation that if you examine closely the first three sections of Tefillat Shacharit, you will note that each close with a reference to ????? ?????. For the first section, Birchot Ha'Shachar and Korbanot, that is what is found in Sephardic Siddurim in the form of the verse: ???? ?' ?-????, ????? ???? ?????, ???? ??? ??????? at the end of Hodu. Why do we close each section with a reference to ????? ?????? Because one element of ????? ????? is the promise by G-d that He will perform the great miracles of ????? ????? a second time when the Geula will arrive. That is what we refer to in Kedushah of Shabbat Mussaf when we say: ??? ???????, ???? ??????? ?????? ???? ????? ?? ?? and Sephardim say a clearer manner: ???? ??????? ??????? ????, ???????? ?????? ???? ????? ?? ??, ????: ?? ????? ???? ????? ??????.

Ike Rahmani

Partner,Tatica asset management

2 个月

Very interesting



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