Explaining IoT

Explaining IoT


In this blogpost i will be explaining what IOT is and how it affects our daily life as well as security aspects.

When internet started, we were not used to live and use tech everyday however, with IoT, our environment started to mix up with technology.

What is IoT and example:

The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, that are communicated between each other.

A clear example of an IOT system is the Google Home Voice Controller which uses tech to interact with devices like lights, thermostats, volume control among others.

This is an example of how IoT works in terms of the system as a hole:

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?Privacy and security concerns in IoT

As iot devices gather,collect and save sensitive data like for example: rutines, location, and other data of the environment.

To prevent attacks of third parties, iot uses a simple but efficient system:

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This are the three ways iot has to manage in order to attend security aspects

Security and privacy are important aspects of IoT networks. Given the widespread use of IoT devices in many fields, keeping the network secure is becoming increasingly important. Iot has given us a lot of beneficts, however, it makes us even more vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

Similarly, preserving data integrity is essential, especially when IoT sensors are used in critical fields such as medicine or in our own house. To conclude, in my opinion this type of tech despite of the bad aspects, will and already is the future, bringing tech to our everyday life.

Sources: https://www.intechopen.com/chapters/75630 https://www.techtarget.com/iotagenda/definition/Internet-of-Things-IoT https://www.techtarget.com/iotagenda/opinion/IoT-ethics-must-factor-into-privacy-and-security-discussions

Thanks for reading!


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