Explaining Artificial Intelligence and How it is Transforming the World
Baldur Gudgeirsson
Best-selling author of Business & Technology | On “Best New Technological Innovation Books to Read in 2025,” list recommended by CNN, Forbes, and Inc, BookAuthority | International Business Consultant at TPC Consulting |
Innovating the next generation of computers, the best known "blueprint" to follow is the human brain system and structure. Artificial Intelligence (AI) essentially attempts to replicate the function of the human brain.
The nervous system perceives everything a human being observes in its lifetime, making people who they are. The nervous system is the mission control of the human body. The nervous system is built up of highly specialized cells called neurons that send constant signals throughout the whole networking system. Electrochemical signals travel through the neuron network of brain cells. Neurons are specialized to transmit information throughout the entire body. Neurons are the systematic structure of the brain, and they help people think, memorize, learn and make decisions.
We store a new memory in our brain every time we learn something. For example, people who learn how to ride a bicycle have that memory stored in their brains. There are a hundred billion neurons in the human brain. Every second, thousands of chemical reactions take place in every cell of the body. The brain classifies this collection of activities as your sense of reality, touch, taste, sight, sound, and smell, among other senses. The brain makes instantaneous decisions and reactions, and it creates ideas, memories, and emotions. This information flow converts into the consciousness of a human mind.
The brain uses electricity to function and works as a biochemical and bioelectric system. The brain is pure information processing power, like a computer. Neurons, signals in complex coordinated patterns, and their chemical and electrical discharges can be seen as a marvel system that processes information. Electrical signals travel through the neurons, and the brain transforms that signal code and turns it into the current reality of consciousness.
Humans have gained knowledge from other humans throughout history, and learning dies with them. However, computers can copy learning from one computer to another, so they are never finished learning. There is quite an uneven playing field here!
Cognitive computing is a relatively new science introducing technological innovations capable of radically changing the way people live, think, work, entertain, and interact with each other. The technology can imitate, enhance, and amplify human hearing, sight, taste, smell, and touch. Moreover, this new technology can accomplish these things beyond human capabilities in terms of variety, capacity, accuracy, and time length.
Cognitive computing is an umbrella term for mimicking all human interactions, and its possibilities are endless. When all senses are amalgamated and applied to our computing experience, people will engage in a radically different reality and perception. In the future, there will be no limitations to adding new knowledge and capabilities to our economic system, far beyond our current human capabilities.
Artificial Intelligence algorithm – Cognitive computing
Cognitive computing as a theoretical model for AI. Cognitive computing technology has limitless potential. This, for example, relates to interacting AI with robotic technology.
Cognitive computing must amalgamate with all human senses and as well with other circumstantial matters such as understanding time, location, meaning, length, weight, grammar, regulations, objectives, targets, tasks, and goals, for example. Cognitive technology must also be able to draw conclusions and perform rational thinking and reasoning across multiple sources. Furthermore, the system must acknowledge information and sensor readings and recognize both structured and unstructured data. Additionally, the systems should be able to self-learn without human interference and adapt to fast-changing world information and reality. Finally, cognitive technology must be easy to interact with, including through voice, gestures, touches, and thoughts, for example. Hence, the cognitive system must be smart enough to ask the right questions to understand what is the most appropriate possible outcome or scenario.
The science of cognitive technology is gradually improving. When all the human senses have been integrated into one seamless cognitive computing technology, the results will be beyond anyone's imagination.
For example, a computer system can do screenings and mapping thousands of times faster than a human expert. Recent breakthrough innovation is personal home assistant technology, including Siri, Google Assistant, Facebook Messenger, and Alexa. Home assistance technology has continually improved its communication excellence. ChatGPT and Bing, however, are among AI's biggest revolutionaries. Using their technology, they can generate essays, poems, and software code, answer complex queries, execute tasks, and engage in follow-up discussions. Their innovative and radical algorithms will change how we interact with computers. They will also change how we seek information and make executions and appointments on our behalf and for our benefit. AI will become our personal assistant. Instead of getting hundreds of search results from Web browsers (Google, Baidu, Opera, Vivaldi, etc.) AI will, in a few seconds, produce the most relevant and complete results. For example, imagine traveling to Italy and searching in a Web browser to find a flight, hotel, restaurants, and sightseeing, including prices. This will take hours of preparation. However, with AI, one can explain where you are heading, including flight preferences and prices, hotel accommodations, a choice of restaurant classes, and sightseeing places. AI will provide a one-page summary plan by day of everything you want in seconds, and if you approve, it will make all the arrangements on your behalf. Compared to today's processes, this is radically different. No wonder Google CEO Mr. Sundar Pichai says, "AI keeps me up at night." AI can reduce the powers of intermediaries on digital platforms like Google, Facebook, eBrokers, etc. In general, cognitive computing technologies, such as speech recognition, facial recognition, and gesture recognition, operate independently. Thus, when all the cognitive technologies have been amalgamated into one seamless whole, the expectations are outcomes that will be beyond known human capabilities.
Digital technology plays a significant role in virtually all technology products, as it controls the operating system that runs on their computers and robotic devices. Basically, all computers use digital programming to develop their operating system. Thus, Artificial Intelligence uses digital programming to create the algorithm that makes machines teach themselves to learn and improve upon themselves.
Artificial Intelligence is computer software that mimics the function of the human brain. As part of its science-based approach, AI allows an algorithm to gradually learn and improve itself, revealing novel and effective ways of doing things, solving problems, and making decisions.
The main point is that Artificial Intelligence consists of an algorithm and generally acts as the brain of a device or instrument. AI could be the operation system, the processing system, or a communication system as a part of another instrument. Thus, AI is a software program that enables an algorithm to gradually learn and improve by itself, uncovering innovative and effective ways of doing things. AI can be the brain of an electronic tool, automatic systems, robotics, technology devices, control systems, and devices that generate processes or store information. Moreover, the AI algorithm can help resolve complex supply chain issues, control robotic movements, responsive production processes, procurement routines, and production systems. Thus, it contributes to the most significant outcomes by lowering costs and improving efficiency and effectiveness. The ability of machines to continually learn by themselves, and to provide intelligent and practical results, helps companies to drive competitive advantages.
Big Data is the Fuel for AI
Big Data is constantly being generated at all times, all around us, through multiple channels, tools, sensors, devices, and processes. "Big Data" is the term used to describe this large, unified volume of data. Structured and unstructured data can be gathered from a variety of sources. As an example, Big Data can be processed using the following main foundations:
?Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Snapchat, Reddit, Flickr, Skype, podcasts, videos, photos, audio, games, and live streams, to name a few.
?Sensors: Automobile and truck sensors, geo-recording data, road cameras, traffic recording devices, household apparatus, security systems, production lines, machinery, medical devices, smart buildings, and satellites, to name a few.
??General WEB Information: Weather, media, government, statistical office, medical and health care services, and bank services, for example.
?Print: Scanned documents, paper, forms, records, and books and magazines.
?Software and programs: From Adobe PDF, Word, Excel, HTML, CRM, and so on.
?Data storage systems: SQL and all other data storage systems.
Big data is too complex and dynamic to process with traditional data processing tools. Therefore, several technology companies are currently working with Big Data more creatively. It refers to the acquisition of real-time data and the fusion of information from multiple sources, such as IoT and data storage systems. The objective is to obtain an aggregated view or a complete picture of particular circumstances through data processing, which could be challenging to obtain using traditional processes and tools.
AI Will Radically Transform Our World
Due to the system's ability to self-learn, the whole field of Artificial Intelligence has been exploited. Moreover, as a result of self-learning, it is often impossible to determine why a system generates a particular outcome – it is based on thousands of trial and error path testing as part of the self-learning process.
AI will outperform humans in all aspects of daily life. AI can perform legal case research, trade stocks, translate many languages, and become a personal trainer and assistant. In medical science, AI can deliver a spot-on medical diagnosis, diagnose diseases, spot cancer on tissue slides, perform surgeries, and uncover new uses for existing drugs. In the field of agriculture, AI can maximize energy usage and accurately predict crop yields. AI can control insurance claims, recognize objects in images and videos, write transcripts, and compose lyrics, music, build software and art following the leading masters.
Artificial Intelligence's capabilities are staggering and can potentially eliminate many jobs on a massive scale. At later stages, the global economic system may not be ready for the shift when AI technology transforms radically (AI Superintelligence). In particular industries, Artificial Intelligence could, over a short time, result in the abolition of jobs on a large scale. Moreover, we might not be ready to train people for the right positions to sustain the necessary job growth. Thus, an extended period could be defined by a large negative balance between jobs eliminated and jobs created.
Understand the Dynamic of Each Technological Innovation
In that case, it is crucial to analyze and understand the dynamics of each technological innovation. For example, in medical science, AI will help doctors and scientists to make spot-on diagnoses but not replace them. In the same way, in surgical procedures, AI robots will help the surgeon achieve faultless results that result in favorable outcomes for the patient. Likewise, the banking industry, legal offices, and insurance companies will not disappear; they will transform. When servicing their respective consumers, they will utilize AI technology to its best, focusing on efficiency, effectiveness, reliability, quality, and trust.
Technological innovation must be assessed and valued according to its size and scope. The larger the mass scale, the more rapid radical changes will occur. For example, in real-time, translation into many languages helps people to communicate with each other on a massive scale. Translators will not disappear; they must maintain the quality process. Translation requirements will accelerate to new heights. Real-time translation allows people to communicate in their native language, which will be translated simultaneously into the opponent's language. In this way, two people can communicate without knowing each other's languages. Translation services could create multiple new jobs rather than destroy them. Over the next few years, competitiveness will be about utilizing technology innovation to its fullest potential to gain competitive advantages. Consumer insight will be at the center of all changes, and the consumer continues to be king! Humans will control their destiny. Thus, it is clear that AI will create new jobs rather than destroy them.
The AI technology, algorithms, and interfaces can help drive technology innovation in healthcare, biology and medical science, education, software development, and design. We are expecting miracles to happen in intelligent augmentation technology, which will change the world for the better. Several novel innovations are in development. We will continue to find better solutions for the disabled. We will find a cure for cancer, Parkinson and Alzheimer's. It is a matter of time! We are improving medical diagnosis technology by stepping in to enhance care at the earliest stages; simultaneously, the cost of treatment can be significantly reduced. Smart wearables will help with health tracking and monitoring. We will transform how we think about diagnosis, treatment, and population health management. AI technology has tremendous potential for improving the accuracy of medical diagnosis and reducing diagnostic time. When it was discovered that computer programs might be better than humans at reading X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), mammograms, computed tomography (CT) scan, and ultrasound diagnostics, it opened up a constructive revolution in the health care system.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) refers to an AI method of communicating with an intelligent system, using natural language in written text and speech. Results show that machines can understand the text the same way humans do. An Artificial Intelligence algorithm has been developed through machine learning that can determine how words are related in a text. The AI, NLP system could replace the human reading task because AI understands and draws conclusions upon reading unstructured natural language. It could be anything from interpreting medical reports, legal documents, books, or Websites containing an extensive accumulation of human knowledge over an extensive period of time.
The ability to read thousands of books in a matter of minutes or hours and predict the content by formulating a conclusion is pretty impressive. However, this is well beyond the capabilities of human intelligence. Legal companies, for example, employ support staff to read and browse through thousands of documents. As a comparison, the NLP system can, in a matter of minutes, provide rational reasoning for each particular case. While in fact, NLP can predict the behavior of courts, judges, and legislators on specific subjects based on statistics instead of getting into complex reasoning.
Doctors can further augment their diagnosis and procedure skills by integrating with the NLP content awareness tool. Hospitals, for example, maintain 30 years of history for thousands of their patients. This makes it impossible to read through each document to uncover the relevant argument for each patient case. By analyzing thousands of documents, the NLP system can diagnose patent data in a timely and highly accurate manner, to the point of exceeding any human capabilities. A machine using AI would review an immense amount of data and come up with a summary conclusion that would be relevant to the facts in each case.
Recent developments in medical sensors, wearable technologies, and data analysis techniques have generated new possibilities in the digital health ecosystem. Technology makes it possible to monitor various health conditions remotely through a specialized doctor monitoring system. Through sensor technology, the personal health monitoring system provides users with real-time, valuable information. Furthermore, it is possible to activate a personal health monitoring system, improving tracking and controlling, awareness and accuracy. Moreover, it is possible to update and upgrade the health monitoring system according to its latest version through modern cloud computing technology.
The AI algorithm is capable of analyzing in a few minutes the amount of data and text that a research assistant would need a couple of weeks to read. This could, in the future, free up the assistant's role and enable her to perform thoughtful work, speeding up the scientists' search for spot-on results.
The discovery that NLP algorithms can read and understand text like humans will change our current understanding of human intelligence. There is considerable commercial interest in NLP because of its application to perform large-scale content analysis, affect legal analysis, support experts with an accurate diagnosis, news-gathering, and perform text categorization.
By utilizing NLP technology, people will work differently, and at the same time, the reading and analysis professions will become less relevant. Spending days of work reading through thousands of documents to gather information and knowledge is becoming history.
Humanoid robots could become close companions to humans as early as 2040. In the future, humans will have a humanoid robot servant who will carry out all of their daily tasks and errands in their homes and away from their homes. Because of the enormous demand for robot servants, humanoid robots will become an enormous industry.
As humanoid robots operate autonomously and learn like humans, they will be able to perform all human tasks and activities in an unstructured environment, at home or away from home.
Jobs and Industries will transform
Looking back in time, technology has always made our lives more advanced in terms of increasing quality of life. Technology innovation has increased life expectancy, created a superior variety of opportunities for jobs, and expanded the possibilities spent on free time and leisure activities, for example. There is no question that continued technological innovation will likely create more jobs. The focus must be on finding a way to modify our economy, education, well-being, and society in ways that allow us to optimize the value added by new technology while minimizing the negative implications.
The jobs and industries that will be affected by AI are listed below:
?Music industry, book industry, literature, education, advertising, health care, copywriters, financial traders, banking industry, software builders, journalists, call center workers, graphic designers, legal assistants, accountants, etc.?
Technological innovation will destroy some jobs while others will be created. Displaced jobs, in general, respond differently to creating jobs elsewhere. The first question is, who will replace the job that was destroyed? If it is the consumer or the end user, the job likely destroyed will not generate many new jobs elsewhere. An excellent example of the low replacement of lost jobs is the digitization of a service process in which the consumer takes over the job role. On the other hand, new technology providing consumers with products and services that did not exist before could be a significant job creator. Examples include the entertainment industry, the gaming industry, renewable energy, humanoid robot and the metaverse, among others.
Resistance to change has always been with us humans, and it continues to be so. What drives successful innovation is that it captures, creates, and fulfills gaps in consumer needs. People will have to appreciate its values above other alternatives; otherwise, it will not work.
"Name one thing a car can do and a horse cannot? Get a horse".
- Common saying beginning of 1900
Despite this fact, no one could foresee all the many innovations ahead in the automotive industry, including the dynamic road network and speed and convenience. Furthermore, automotive technology was transferred into agriculture, through the use of tractors, for example.
People generally have a limited understanding of where new-fangled technology could lead in the future. However, people already use certain parts of marvel technology in everyday life. One example is voice and speech recognition technology on smart devices.
?"Automation might end most unskilled jobs in ten years".
- Worries expressed in the media in the early 1960s.?
?"The threat of the computer chips, a robot is after your job".
- Worries expressed in the media in the early 1980s.
The industrial revolution, along with advancing technological inventions, has been accompanied by predictions of massive job losses and even the destruction of humanity. Throughout history, many have claimed humanity will suffer severe consequences if current technological innovation plans continue in progress. Change is particularly unpopular with people, especially when new technology makes their jobs redundant. The fear of losing a job should never be ignored, especially large scale. Technology innovation, however, is the primary driver of economic growth.
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The book Technology Innovation by Baldur Gudgeirsson is the source of this article.
For reviews of Baldur’s four books, visit:?https://www.icebergbooks.com/