An explainer on what is Offer for Sale
Offer for Sale window of Indian Railway Construction International Limited (IRCON) and Equippp Social Impact Technologies (EQUIPPP) are open for bidding.
An explainer on what is Offer for sale ??
Offer for sale (OFS) is a method that allows promoters of companies to sell their shares to institutional (non-retail) and retail shareholders. The exchanges provide a separate window that is open for two days where the company's promoter can offer shares in OFS for interested investors to invest.
The company offering shares through OFS sets a minimum price, known as the floor price. This is the price at or above which investors can place their bids.
Companies usually offer shares at a discount to the market price. However, since the market price can keep changing, one should track it closely while applying for an OFS.
Why do companies offer shares in OFS?
Companies can do OFS if promoters of the company want to sell their shares or meet the minimum public shareholding requirement.
How does OFS work?
Day 1 of the OFS is reserved for non-retail investors. Anyone placing a bid worth more than 2 lakhs is considered under this category.?
Based on demand in this category, a cut-off price is determined at which retail investors can place bids in the OFS.
Retail investors can bid in the OFS on day 2 of the window at or above the cut-off price.
Keep track of open and upcoming OFS on the bulletin here.
How to apply for OFS?
How are shares allotted in OFS?
In OFS there are two types of allocation methods.
In this method, investors are allotted shares on a proportionate basis at the cut-off price. Any bids below the cutoff price are rejected.
In this method, shares are allotted at multiple prices. Either at the cutoff price or at the price at which the investor has placed a bid if it's higher than the cutoff price. Here too any bids below the cutoff price are rejected.
Learn more about how the allotment process works here.
Upon allotment, when does the settlement happen?
Once the allotment is done, the shares are credited to the investor's demat account on T+1 day.
Assume the OFS window closes on Wednesday, if you receive an allotment, you will be able to see and sell the OFS shares on Kite from Thursday onwards.